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  • My name's Fred.

  • I live in London and I'm 17 years old.

  • I wake up at seven and I usually get out of bed about 7.30.

  • Then I come downstairs and have breakfast.

  • Usually, I have cereal for breakfast with orange juice, but sometimes I have toast with usually jam or honey.

  • Then I pack my bag for school.

  • I walk because my school's only...

  • It's only in the centre of the town where I live, so it's only a 15-minute walk in the morning, which is good because it means I can sleep later.

  • The school is quite old.

  • It's been a school for about 400 years and it's got about 1,000 students there in seven age groups.

  • And it's only boys there.

  • School starts at 8.30 and then we have two lessons, which go until quarter past ten. 10.45, we have break for 15 minutes.

  • Then 11 till 12.40, we have two more lessons.

  • And then lunchtime.

  • I can go into town to get my lunch, but most people have to stay in the school and eat the school food.

  • And British school food isn't very nice.

  • There, we have two more lessons after lunch and we finish school at 3.30.

  • Usually, I come home and I just sort of relax for a bit.

  • And that's usually for maybe an hour.

  • I read or I watch television.

  • My mum gets home about usually between half past five and six.

  • And so we'll usually eat dinner about 6.30.

My name's Fred.

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