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  • You know, our next guest is the hot French chef on Emily in Paris.

  • Now, he's the hot French pilot flying

  • George Clooney and Julia Roberts to Bali in the new movie

  • Ticket to Paradise.

  • It opens in theaters October 21st.

  • Please welcome Lucas Bravo.

  • Hi.

  • Hi.

  • Hi.

  • Hi.

  • Hi.

  • Hi.

  • Hi.

  • Hi.

  • Hi.

  • Hi.

  • Hi.

  • Hi.

  • Hi.

  • Hi.

  • Hi.

  • Hi.

  • Hi.

  • How are you?

  • May I say, Lucas Bravo is a great name, especially for a helicopter pilot, but really in general.

  • It is, isn't it?

  • It's a very strong name.

  • Like, you can't go wrong when your name is Lucas Bravo.

  • It is quite successful in the States, but it was terrible growing up as a kid.

  • Was it really?

  • You know, they call your name upside down.

  • When you're a kid, they're like, Bravo Lucas, when you're in school.

  • So basically, people would just stand up and clap, which doesn't feel very good.

  • What part of France are you from?

  • I'm from the south of France, Nice.

  • Nice, yes.

  • You can say nice if you want.

  • Very beautiful.

  • But I live in Paris.

  • You live in Paris.

  • Have you lived here in LA ever?

  • I lived in LA, yes, for a few years.

  • I moved in when I was 18, and best years of my life.

  • Is that true?

  • Yeah.

  • I was in law school, and I wasn't really happy.

  • And a friend just told me, do you want to come to LA for, like, two weeks on vacation?

  • And I just never left.

  • Is that true?

  • So you didn't come here to be an actor.

  • You came here to take a break from school.

  • I was, yeah, kind of a break, yeah.

  • I was curious.

  • I just wanted to learn the language.

  • I mean, I was top of my class in English.

  • And when I arrived in LA, I just realized

  • I didn't speak a word of English.

  • And I had nothing, you know?

  • I would ask a friend $1 every day to go to Taco Bell and have a cheesy double beef burrito for $0.99.

  • Is that true?

  • I was broke and the happiest I've ever been.

  • You were a panhandler, is what you were.

  • Was this one friend, or would you collect a dollar from a few friends?

  • No, I was smart enough not to put all the pressure on one person.

  • I see.

  • I would, you know, juggle with different friends.

  • Wow.

  • And what is it like to come from France, home of some of the finest cuisine in all the world, and end up eating a cheesy gordita at Taco Bell?

  • I just, you know, it was just a moment to pass.

  • I wouldn't think about it.

  • It was just purely functional.

  • It was just purely to keep you alive at the time.

  • You could have killed me, but you did the opposite.

  • And now you're in this movie, how many years later we fast forward to, with Mr. Georges Clunet and Julia Roberts.

  • Yeah, Robert.

  • Yes, and that is, that's very exciting, right?

  • I mean, that's got to be a big deal.

  • It's OK, it's, you know.

  • Yeah.

  • I know you have a kissing scene with Julia in this film.

  • Yes.

  • That is, are you nervous about that?

  • Well, the thing is, we arrived in Australia.

  • It's set in Bali, but we shot it in Australia in the middle of the pandemic.

  • So you're lying to the people.

  • Yes, this is what we do for a living.

  • And so basically arriving there, we had, you know, we were escorted by, we had a military escort.

  • They closed down the street to get us to the hotel.

  • We had someone really guarding the hallway.

  • And we had two weeks of quarantine with a 12 hours jet lag.

  • They took it very seriously in Australia, right?

  • Yeah.

  • And it kind of worked, you know?

  • Two weeks of quarantine, you were really in your room for two weeks.

  • Yes.

  • Was George Clooney in his room for two weeks?

  • No. Yes, he was.

  • He was.

  • He was too, yeah, all of us.

  • And, you know, at some point where they just came to me after two weeks, I didn't have any idea of time or any notion of what my name is.

  • And it felt like when they knocked at the door, it felt like I was Gollum.

  • And I was, you know, in a corner with, like, crumbles on my face.

  • Very precious, yeah.

  • And they handed me the call sheet, which said your first scene is a kissing scene with Julia.

  • So I just went, let me just freshen up for a second.

  • You freshened up.

  • Yeah.

  • Now, is French kissing called French kissing over in France?

  • Or is it just called slipping the tongue?

  • Or how does that go?

  • French fries, French kissing, French duck, everything French isn't.

  • None of that is actually French.

  • No.

  • OK, all right.

  • We have the scene that you, well, the kissing scene.

  • Let's take a look from the movie Ticket to Paradise.

  • David, what are you doing here?

  • I'm flying to Bali.

  • What are you doing here?

  • I'm flying you to Bali.

  • I couldn't let her go alone, so I treated Fleiss with a friend.

  • Got a captain, three long hauls to Uruguay next month, but there are things you do for love, right?

  • That's so sweet.

  • I know.

  • So sweet.

  • How weird, right?

  • How many times did you shoot that scene?

  • As long as it took to, you know, get the character right.

  • Uh-huh, yeah.

  • Julia was asking for more, and she's a professional.

  • You know, she wants to get that.

  • George Clooney is a notorious prankster.

  • I'm sure you know that about him.

  • Did he, I mean, you guys were, you spent a lot of time together there.

  • Did he get you?

  • You know, the first thing was, if I shoot with George,

  • I need to prank the pranksters, the pranksters.

  • Really?

  • I wanted to be the first one.

  • Such a bad idea.

  • Such a bad idea.

  • Yeah, I know, I know.

  • It could have backfired.

  • Who am I to, you know?

  • Not even that.

  • Like, not even that.

  • That's not why it's a bad idea.

  • But go ahead.

  • Yes.

  • So Kaelin Deaver was fresh out of shooting

  • Dope Sick with Michael Keaton, who was the first Batman with Tim Burton.

  • Right.

  • And George was also a Batman at some point, so he would come to set every.

  • At some point.

  • I loved the little.

  • And so he would come to set and ask, Kaelin, who's your favorite Batman?

  • And I thought that was brilliant.

  • So at some point, I was determined to, I thought, what if he comes to set one day and instead of his wardrobe, he finds a cheap, old school, 70s Adam West costume instead of his, like, daily costume?

  • And then the director, Earl Parker, told me maybe you should wear the costume while shooting a scene with George.

  • And then you did put on the costume, and I see George is laughing pretty hard.

  • But what I'm wondering is, so this is your prank on George?

  • Because it seems like this might be George's prank on you.

  • Because you're the one dressed like Batman in this.

  • I know.

  • There was a moment where I was standing behind this door, and I was like, what am I doing?

  • Yeah, that's the idea.

  • I mean, like, I don't know, maybe in Australia, like, the same way the toilet goes the other way, the pranks go the other way, too.

  • And you just had it all backwards or something.

  • Well, it's great to meet you.

  • And congratulations on all your success.

  • Thank you.

  • Will you stop by Taco Bell on the way out?

  • Absolutely.

  • Just for old time's sake?

  • Yeah, just feel that feel.

  • Do you need a dollar?

  • I can give it to you if you want.

  • Would you?

  • Lucas Bravo, everybody.

  • It's Nick of the Paradise opens in the movie theaters on October 4th.

  • Opens in the movie theaters on October 21st.

  • We'll be back with Midland and John Hardy.

You know, our next guest is the hot French chef on Emily in Paris.

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