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  • So, Reds, you're defending.

  • We'll go from the keeper.

  • Yellows, you've got to play out.

  • However, we're going to put a little constraint on the practice.

  • You've got to play out into Jarrod.

  • Jarrod, you can only stay in this box.

  • You see it?

  • So, you can lose him, you can check him, you can feint.

  • So, you cannot play direct at the keeper.

  • You've got to stay in this zone.

  • So, you have to play through that middleman.

  • So, we're trying to create you two to do your job as a two.

  • A middleman, let's talk about that, and then our backman covering.

  • So, there's your four.

  • Ready to play.

  • We'll always go with yellows.

  • And relax. So, what's the first thing we need to think about?

  • We've got to close the middle off, okay?

  • So, you've got to set the trap and close the middle, okay?

  • And we've got to be comfortable as a team.

  • Our first line is really strong, so we have to close the middle to stop that one, okay?

  • Ready?

  • Play.

  • Can't go in there.

  • You've got to get him centrally.

  • Play.

  • And relax.

  • Okay, well done. So, yellow's well out there, go back.

  • So, go over distances.

  • So, spread your distances, okay?

  • Good.

  • So, well done, good pressure, go on the ball.

  • Excellent.

  • Now, we've had to cover in here, and you've done it really well.

  • We've had to cover the central one, and we've offset our line a little bit.

  • So, that's our first line.

  • Go and get good pressure on the ball, James, again.

  • Good, excellent.

  • Now, this distance is quite big.

  • So, as the ball travels with a good side, this distance is big.

  • What did you do?

  • You went, "I'm going to go." What did he do?

  • He went, "I'm seeing him come in because I've got all day." So, he can see you coming, yeah?

  • So, what would be a really good way of defending this situation?

  • You could go and screen first and say, "Okay, you're not playing forward." Yeah, do you understand?

  • I know it's good.

  • So, you could do that.

  • So, do you want fast pressure in this situation or slower pressure?

  • You probably want a little bit slower pressure, and it's really key.

  • So, you're really keen to get on it, but actually it's about eyes, and as we get there, hips, feet.

  • Do you understand?

  • So, first you've got to stay at his eyes, okay?

  • So, as it goes across, in we go, eyes, feet, and then ready to press.

  • Do you understand?

  • Ready?

  • Eyes.

  • Good.

  • Yes.

  • Well done.

  • Good.

  • Recover.

  • Cover in.

  • Good pass.

  • Great pass.

  • Great slide.

  • And relax.

  • We'll go from the top again.

  • Well done.

  • Ready?

  • Play.

  • Good.

  • Protect the middle.

  • Good.

  • Yes.

  • Good.

  • Unlucky.

  • That's okay.

  • We can cover off that.

  • Good.

  • Well done, Ollie.

  • Good.

  • You can move anywhere now along in this channel.

  • So, you're not in the box, you're in the channel.

  • So, we've got a different problem.

  • So, you might want to work out here to get on it.

  • You make sure you make that decision, okay?

  • Play.

  • Oh, great pass.

  • Great pass.

  • Good.

  • Well done.

  • Good.

  • And relax.

  • Good.

  • Great doubling, okay?

  • What was good about you there?

  • I don't even know if you did it.

  • What did you do really well?

  • I tried not to follow him.

  • Good.

  • So, you sensed the danger, the ball came, you didn't get really tight, but you got tight enough so that if he turns you can go and bite.

  • Great cover, because we went from having our first line, but our second line now is this, isn't it?

  • Sorry, our first line now come this.

  • So, go back up where you were, because you doubled.

  • It's brilliant, yeah?

  • And you had to recover into the second line.

  • Come here, come here.

  • Jared, come here.

  • I want to show the picture for the coaches.

  • So, come here, come here, because I think you did that well.

  • Do you understand?

  • So, that's our line now.

  • It might be offset and then you covered and balanced the danger over there, okay?

  • But you still need to see him, okay?

  • Good.

  • So, you can move to get on it, Mikey.

  • Good.

  • Well done, Nathan.

  • Good.

  • We're going to give you a principle, okay, around when you follow and when you exchange.

  • So, if the ball's passed, go and press that ball.

  • Good.

  • If the ball is goal side, we need to be strong, understand?

  • So, we need to be strong.

  • If he goes beyond you, you follow, you look at the head, you change if you can, because he might have to come around to cover.

  • You understand?

  • If, come here, if he goes across you, strong side, ball side, you can go with, because he's probably going for a parallel and you need to race him there.

  • Do you understand what I'm getting at?

  • So, in this line, if he goes across you, strong side of the ball, go with him.

  • If he goes beyond you, weak side, try and exchange.

  • Try and exchange, okay?

  • Good.

  • Play again.

  • We'll go from both ends in a minute.

  • Good.

  • Play free, good.

  • Good.

  • Well done, well done.

  • Good.

  • Good.

So, Reds, you're defending.

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