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  • Welcome back to the show.

  • I´m so happy for you.

  • The album is out. We can say it.

  • It´s officially out right now.

  • You can download it.

  • -♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

  • Wow.

  • Short and sweet. I mean, come on.

  • Look at that, with the colored vinyl, too.

  • Yeah, wow. The whole presentation.

  • It´s fantastic.

  • There´s an insert. There´s a poster.

  • There´s a poster in there.

  • There´s all sorts of things in here.

  • Ah, congrats on this.

  • Man, this is your summer.

  • Thank you.

  • This is the summer of Sabrina Carpenter.

  • I´m so happy to be here. Thank you.

  • We love you.

  • I have a few things I want to read to you here.

  • Espresso has been certified platinum and was one of the fastest songs to reach a billion streams in the history of Spotify.

  • In the history.

  • Thank you.

  • Number two, Please, Please, Please went to number one on the global Spotify chart, dethroning you, who already had the number one spot, with Espresso.

  • And also, get ready for this.

  • I don´t know if you know this.

  • I don´t know this.

  • You became the first artist since the Beatles to have two songs debut within the top three on the Billboard Hot 100.

  • Sabrina Carpenter.

  • That´s what I´m talking about.

  • Come on. That´s what I´m talking about.

  • That one sounds fake to me.

  • No, they´re all real.

  • The Beatles one sounds fake.

  • Yeah. No, the Beatles one is real.

  • But there´s one of me in four of them, so I don´t understand.

  • The math doesn´t matter.

  • How cool is that to be in the same sentence as the Beatles?

  • Very cool.

  • That´s an understatement.

  • I don´t really have the words for it.

  • I´m just so grateful that you guys are listening.

  • And I genuinely was, like, thinking about all the places that would be so incredible to be on the night of the album release, ´cause it means so much to me.

  • And when they told me that I was gonna be here,

  • I was like, absolutely perfect.

  • There´s nowhere else I´d rather be.

  • So I just love you so much.

  • I´m so happy! Congratulations!

  • Congratulations. I´m so happy.

  • Thanks.

  • Your songs have been everywhere the past few months.

  • People can´t stop singing them.

  • But there was a video of Adele talking about how Espresso was the last thing she thought about before she went to bed.

  • We have a clip. Watch this.

  • I got into bed last night ´cause Espresso is a very late night for me.

  • I normally go to bed by 9 p.m.

  • I found myself singing, ´I´m working late ´cause I´m missing her.

  • That´s Sabrina Carpenter´s song.

  • That song is my jam.

  • That song is my jam!

  • That song is my jam!

  • I love that.

  • That´s Sabrina Carpenter´s song.

  • Like, I just love how I´m like, ´Does she have social media? ´

  • Like, how does she know about the song or anything?

  • And that was the most mind-blowing thing to me.

  • It´s Adele. It´s Adele.

  • It´s Adele. One name.

  • Exactly. One name. That´s it.

  • Yeah. So cool.

  • The Internet noticed that you seem to be able to manifest things, by the way, on social media.

  • I don´t know if you know about this, but here´s an example of something.

  • Something that you tweeted.

  • It said, ´People are always scared to give me caffeine.

  • I don´t know why. Those little Espresso things taste cute, and I like them

  • What´s the date?

  • I mean...

  • March 16th, 2016.

  • I mean, Espresso.

  • So I was 15 drinking Espresso.

  • Which says a lot.

  • Yeah, that does say a lot right there, yeah.

  • About my parents or me? I don´t know.

  • I think you can predict the future, so be careful now when you tweet things out.

  • It could become real.

  • What do I tweet tonight?

  • Let me tweet from your phone. Where´s your phone?

  • What do we tweet? What do we tweet?

  • That you´re gonna have the number one album.

  • That´s what I´m talking about.

  • That´s what I´m talking about.

  • Short and sweet.

  • That´s what I´m talking about.

  • Short and sweet will be the number one album.

  • You watch, you watch.

  • Please, please, please, go back to number one.

  • All this stuff´s gonna happen.

  • It officially came out at midnight.

  • Do you have any favorite songs on here?

  • No. You don´t.

  • I like taste. I like taste.

  • That´s the next one. Yeah, wait. You heard it.

  • Of course. You gave me the digital.

  • I had to sign all these passwords and passcodes.

  • I´m sorry. I had to go into a special room and put headphones on. With padding.

  • Yeah, I did. It´s amazing.

  • That´s so cool that you´ve heard it.

  • I can say it now. Taste is track one.

  • And that´s also the secret video.

  • Yeah, well, it´s not a secret anymore, but it´s coming out tomorrow.

  • Yes, but... I´m so excited about it.

  • Still half a secret. Yeah.

  • Still kind of a secret. It´s kind of a secret.

  • I mean, honestly, like, it does really feel like a self-titled album to me in a weird way.

  • Well, also ´cause short and sweet is sort of like

  • Sabrina in another language to me.

  • And it really just feels like all of these stories and very much, like, blunt, very forward, very fun, and just some of the best memoriesve had over the last two years of writing it.

  • So I´m so excited for everyone to hear it.

  • Congratulations. It´s really great.

  • Thank you. Yeah.

  • -♪♪♪♪ -♪♪♪♪

  • They´re great. They´re the best.

  • They´re the best. One of the things that we talked about is that you like to hide Easter eggs and do little things. For the video for Taste that´s dropping tomorrow, this is what you posted.

  • And everyone´s like, who is it? Who is it?

  • Correct.

  • And then we kind of maybe know who it is?

  • Yeah, and she was just here. I was like, I just missed you.

  • And Jenna Ortega.

  • Jenna Ortega, yeah.

  • Yeah, so that´s – I know.

  • Yeah.

  • It´s fantastic, but I love that you did that.

  • Yeah, because, I mean, one oflike, it was inspired by one of my favorite films, and she was a huge fan of the film, and also just, like, I´m so excited for you guys to see this video. You have no idea.

  • I think it´s my favorite oneve ever done.

  • Really?

  • So, yeah.

  • I like that.

  • You´re also about to kick off your big headlining tour next month.

  • You´re everywhere from Madison Square Garden to the O2.

  • The O2 in London.

  • How are you approaching putting that show together?

  • You know, I don´t know.

  • It´s my first ever arena tour, andve only ever, like, seen shows there.

  • And I´m so small, and those stages are so big, so I don´t really know what I will do other than I want it to be the best show for everybody that´s attending.

  • And...

  • And I´m so excited.

  • And the Roots are gonna be there.

  • Yeah, the Roots will be there. Come on, yeah.

  • Definitely, yeah.

  • We´re all invited. Let´s go to London.

  • Let´s go to London.

  • You´re going to perform, please, please, please, tonight, we cannot wait for that.

  • Sabrina Carpenter, short and sweet, is officially out now.

  • We´re celebrating.

  • And she´s performing for us later in the show.

  • More of tonight´s show after the break.

  • Stick around, everybody.

  • Sabrina Carpenter!

  • Hey, hey, hey!

  • Hey, hey, hey!

  • Hey, hey, hey!

Welcome back to the show.

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