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  • Massive Muffin!

  • Hi!

  • Welcome to a road trip.

  • So, we just got up, it's Sunday.

  • We're just sort of gonna start getting on with the day.

  • Blair's having little meetings with us, talking about some shows and stuff that we've got planned going forward, things like that, music, content, toothbrushes.

  • Picking photos through our recent photo shoot.

  • First photo shoot is a five.

  • Big moment for the band, because there's still not a photo out there of us as a five, so this will be the first.

  • Do you wanna see it?

  • First ever photo.

  • There it is.

  • Should we give it a nickname?

  • Cornelius.

  • Cornelius.

  • Cornelius.

  • This is Cornelius, the photo.

  • We've had quite a busy day, quite a lot of meetings with Blair, planning for the future.

  • We also didn't have a lot of footage for the vlog.

  • He literally, out of nowhere, goes, dropped a lick of toilet water.

  • He said you'd do it.

  • Mum.

  • Let's go.

  • Mum.

  • Come on.

  • I don't wanna do it.

  • You ready?

  • Do it.

  • You've done worse.

  • Oh my god.

  • You're gonna die.

  • We've got given these by fans.

  • So here's like, they're all like really French food.

  • So, they're really French.

  • And we're gonna stick that on a plate.

  • Watch, watch, watch.

  • And then we're gonna stick the caramel on it.

  • We're gonna microwave it all in.

  • And then we're gonna stick some fudge and some of these special biscuits on top.

  • And we're gonna call it Paris.

  • I just wanna film what happened.

  • I tried moving the plate and it went like this.

  • In it goes.

  • Yellow.

  • So we've decorated it.

  • And in it goes.

  • Ten minutes I reckon.

  • Open wide.

  • Oh yeah, good boy.

  • Cut the yolk right into pieces.

  • You know what?

  • The cake's actually quite good.

  • You've caramel dripping out of your mouth.

  • You look disgusting.

  • So that was tasty.

  • Thank you French roadies.

  • You absolute heroes.

  • We've demolished all of it pretty much.

  • How weird would it be if that's what we were supposed to do with them?

  • I think, I thought it was.

  • I thought it was a cooking kit.

  • Look at my hand.

  • He did that.

  • Punched me in the arm and I was like, ow.

  • I went to punch him back and he threw the laptop off my hand.

  • Look what happened.

  • I wouldn't do that.

  • It's a lot of money.

  • Oh yeah.

  • Look at that.

  • That is a gash.

  • It was like, it was like a meteorite hit my arm.

  • So Ryan's cleared up the blood.

  • Everything's all sorted.

  • Wait, what?

  • Farmer boy.

  • You are mate.

  • Oi me trotter.

  • Oi me mate.

  • This is how farmers talk.

  • You are mate.

  • Oi me trotter.

  • Mikey, do you feel hurt that Jack's come in and started nutting things?

  • No, I like it.

  • I'm a trendsetter.

  • Why don't you nut each other?

  • Hmm.

  • Just because we don't have enough footage for the vlog.

  • Don't move.

  • One, two, three.

  • Oh.

  • It was like bowling balls.

  • So they're playing who can header the bag of coins the hardest.

  • Oh.

  • That was good enough.

  • Head of the bed to make up for it.

  • Oh.

  • Mate, not going to lie.

  • That didn't sound good.

  • Oh.

  • Nice.

  • Mikey, I'll give you something to header.

  • It won't hurt that much.

  • Oh wait, is that glass?

  • This is basically bogeys but with pain on this.

  • Go.

  • See if you can break his bed.

  • Idiot.

  • Oh my god.

  • Oh my god.

  • Yeah?

  • Oh sorry.

  • Go on then.

  • You got it.

  • You'll be fine mate.

  • Straight into it.

  • I reckon you got it.

  • And he's running off.

  • And in five, four, three, two, one.

  • Oh.

  • I just slipped.

  • I've been asleep for the last hour.

  • You woke me up three times.

  • Oh dear, we are in trouble.

  • One day.

  • Is that what it took?

  • Hello.

  • Okay, so Mia sent me a Snapchat video.

  • So I'm going to watch it with you today.

  • No.

  • She's pretty.

  • She's a deer like me.

  • Thanks Mia.

  • Legend.

  • Go on Mia or Snapchat.

  • Of course.

  • It's a sick song.

  • Of course.

  • I'm on my way to an Ed Sheeran fan club.

  • Bye.

Massive Muffin!

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