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  • Morning.

  • Welcome to Road Trip.

  • Hi.

  • What's up?

  • We've got to go gym in like 15 minutes.

  • The Bluetooth device.

  • Oh.

  • Cue the alarm.

  • Mikey, I can't see you.

  • Wait, wait.

  • That's how you do it.

  • Guys.

  • I just recorded something for...

  • You wouldn't have seen it by now.

  • For an episode that's coming out in a couple of days.

  • I had to put some stuff together.

  • So, that's all done now.

  • We've not long got back from the gym.

  • Hi.

  • I'm vlogging the after this.

  • If that makes sense.

  • Makes sense, right?

  • Clever.

  • I ride using my laptop now to edit.

  • Whatever that was.

  • What?

  • It's not reading the passport.

  • Oh, no.

  • I know.

  • It does that.

  • You've got to keep trying.

  • Really?

  • Let's have a tea.

  • Let's have that tea.

  • My tea.

  • It is my tea.

  • It's a mighty tea.

  • It's a mighty tea.

  • It is a mighty tea.

  • It's the part of me that wants to be on camera right now.

  • I'm starving.

  • It's a harsh reality of RTTV and daily vlogs.

  • You'll be on it all the time when you least expect it.

  • One day this will be paparazzi.

  • Paparazzi of food.

  • You've eaten.

  • You had three pita breads.

  • I know.

  • I didn't like them.

  • You still ate.

  • I did.

  • Windsor.

  • Windsor.

  • Windsor.

  • We've come into Windsor today because we were bored and we've got nothing to do.

  • So, we were like, yeah, let's do it.

  • Should we meet you in Nando's?

  • Yeah.

  • Cool.

  • We're in Windsor.

  • We're probably going to go sweet shop now.

  • Get some cheeky sweets, you know, down our little gobs.

  • Shut up, Rookie.

  • Don't litter.

  • Littering's bad.

  • No, I'm going to kick it up in the air and catch it in the net.

  • Oh.

  • Goal!

  • Odds of putting it back in your mouth.

  • Three, two, one, four.

  • Six.

  • Oh, he's only going to do it.

  • Three, two, one.

  • Six.

  • Oh.

  • We're in, I'm in the way.

  • We're in Hardee's right now, the sweet shop in Windsor.

  • And I've just found these.

  • Well, Jack found them.

  • They're called Jolly Ranchers.

  • Jolly Ranchers.

  • They're Jack's favourite.

  • Ah, Mikey.

  • Do you know what?

  • I feel well good.

  • Yeah, that was good.

  • I thought I was having a good hair day until I looked in here.

  • And I'm like, wow.

  • I look like God.

  • Uh, me old friend, the sergeant.

  • He's got a massive.

  • It looks like Mikey, but in a red suit.

  • Mikey and Jack have left me.

  • I don't know where they've gone.

  • I think they've run off somewhere.

  • I'm sort of stuck in Windsor at the moment.

  • We're going out.

  • Going to get some Nando's.

  • Probably look at the castle for a little bit.

  • One main question I want to ask.

  • You know when it gets cold, how, what changes the weather?

  • I'm going to go find Mikey and Jack.

  • What's going on?

  • We're in the fudge shop again.

  • Always, always.

  • Look where you went, boys.

  • This is the fudge man who makes all the fudge in Windsor.

  • I got a pan on his head.

  • Shout out to Matt.

  • You know this because you've got fans.

  • Yeah.

  • I don't really have fans so much as I have spectators.

  • We're your fans.

  • We're your fans.

  • You're obviously quite polite.

  • People are always trying to lick stuff.

  • You'll get this.

  • Your fans will try and lick you.

  • If you can, try and lick these guys.

  • They'll appreciate that.

  • Otherwise, they'll have to wear these t-shirts.

  • They will.

  • Lick or stroke the road trip.

  • Yeah, there you go.

  • Stroke the road trip.

  • He tries to lick us on a regular basis.

  • He does.

  • You try and lick us all the time.

  • Matt, calm down.

  • Sweetest fudge.

  • You cheeky man.

  • Yep.

  • The hair's still shit.

  • We came back from Windsor and we noticed that there's some bags here.

  • Harvey's home.

  • Harvey went away for a few days for his birthday.

  • He's gone somewhere with Blair.

  • And when he comes back, we've got a little surprise for him.

  • Problem is, because we organised a surprise for his birthday and it's three days on, his surprise is going to be stale.

  • So what we're thinking is when we give him the cake, do we punch it?

  • Yes.

  • I think so too.

  • Brooke's not sure because Brooke thinks it'll go on the floor, but I personally think that's even funnier.

  • If one more person votes towards the cake being punched, Brooke will be on our team.

  • What do you think, Mikey, on the matter?

  • He's ignoring me because he's pretending not to listen.

  • Sorry, Mikey, I genuinely didn't hear.

  • You look really good.

  • Genuinely, from this angle, it's probably the best you've ever looked on Arty TV.

  • Shut up.

  • You look really good.

  • I'm not buying it.

  • Whatever you're doing, keep doing that thing you do.

  • We're thinking when Harve gets here and we give him his cake, because it's pretty much stale already, do we punch it as we give it him?

  • No.

  • Why?

  • Because we paid a lot of money for that cake.

  • I know we did, but that was just...

  • I'm not willing to beat it up.

  • No, no, no, just one quick dab.

  • One quick punch, just dab.

  • Depends who's punching it.

  • If you're punching it, then you're sure.

  • Because you feel like I'll get in trouble for it.

  • No, because I feel like it would do no damage.

  • Why are you being nasty?

  • Mikey's turned solid. 2017 is the year of the coin ban.

  • I am hard.

  • No, we're not going to punch it.

  • I have good news, though, for the roadies watching.

  • The Christmas video of our time at home is done.

  • Yay!

  • It's only taken...

  • A month.

  • A month.

  • Basically, me and Mikey get procrastinating about it, like, we'll do it tomorrow, we'll do it tomorrow.

  • I'm really looking forward to this, because you guys will have put some hefty hours in on this one.

  • Can't wait for Harvey to come home.

  • Jack's buzzin', aren't you, Jack?

  • Mikey's mad.

  • I'm not mad.

  • Hashtag Mike Mikey.

  • What?

  • I'm just taking control.

  • Ooh, how many roadies want to hear you say that, hey?

  • The battery's on 69% on the camera.

  • Oh, my Lord.

  • I had ham today, as well.

  • It's really going to hurt.

  • You had ham today?

  • I had ham earlier.

  • Wow, I wanted to get ham.

  • Listen to the can of pop.

  • Please insert an explosion, yes!

  • Peace and love.

  • Flipside, all that shebang.

  • I'm literally trying to do an outro, and you're just talking over it.

  • You're so blonde.

  • Blair and Harvey are back from wherever they've gone.

  • Harvey has no idea that we bought him a birthday cake.

  • The best custom cake we could find around the area.

  • I have talc on my face, hence why I look like a vampire.

  • I want to be Damien.

  • You do, from The Vampire.

  • Diaries, there you go.

  • Yeah, it's an Oreo customised cake, and it is...

  • Hang on.

  • Wicked!

  • So, it's really late now.

  • Everyone's asleep.

  • We found out earlier from Blair that we've nearly sold out some of the shows, especially the London show, already in one night for the next tour, which is insane news.

  • It makes us all so happy.

  • It's so cool that you guys are coming to see us live.

  • Thank you if you've got a ticket already.

  • If you haven't, go get some, or you're going to miss out on a good time.

  • Hang on.

  • Wicked!


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