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  • Hi.

  • Come on in.

  • Thanks for coming back.

  • Um, okay, there have been a lot of people interested in the room, but I have narrowed it down, and you are one of the finalists.

  • That's great.

  • Okay, now, before I make my decision, I, uh, I just want to make sure that our personalities match.

  • Okay?

  • So I made up a little test.

  • Now, I'm gonna say a word, and then you say the first thing that comes to mind.

  • I can do that.

  • Okay, here we go.

  • Pillow.

  • Fight.

  • Very good.

  • Okay.

  • G.

  • String.

  • Excellent.

  • Okay.

  • Um.

  • Doggy.

  • Kitten?

  • Oh, sorry.

  • No, no, no, no, no, no.

  • No, no, no.

  • So close, though.

  • But, okay.

  • Bye-bye.

  • Oh, here it is.

  • Oh, Joey, why did you sign it, son of a bitch?

  • I didn't do that.

  • Who would have done that?

  • Son of a bitch.

  • Okay, maybe ask this guy.

  • You.

  • Get out of my shop.

  • What did he do?

  • He went out with my wife.

  • Joey?

  • Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

  • Hey, I did not go out with your wife.

  • Okay?

  • I went out with her.

  • That's my wife.

  • Get out.

  • Well, we should go.

  • Yeah.

  • Hey.

  • Hey.

  • Hey.

  • Hey.

  • Hey.

  • Hey.

  • Hey.

  • Hey.

  • Hey.

  • Hey.

  • Hey.

  • Hey.

  • Hey.

  • Hey.

  • How's it going?

  • Did you make any new friends?

  • Yeah, yeah.

  • I met this woman.

  • Hey, whoa, whoa.

  • What's she like?

  • Uh, well, she's really good in bed.

  • Joey, I thought you were going to try to be friends first.

  • Well, look, hey, it's all your fault.

  • What?

  • Why?

  • Because you didn't give me advice.

  • No, you gave me a pickup line.

  • As soon as I told her I wanted to, you know, build a foundation and be friends first,

  • I suddenly, through no fault of my own, became irresistible to her.

  • And a roommate.

  • What about the closeness?

  • Closeness, schmoseness.

  • There was three of us for crying out loud.

  • Nice car.

  • Yeah, it's, uh, it's not mine.

  • I love your car.

  • Yeah, it's mine.

  • I bet it's fast.

  • Me too, yeah.

  • And comfortable.

  • Do you, uh, do you like leather seats?

  • Yeah.

  • It's got them.

  • Yeah, she tops out at 130.

  • Wow.

  • And that's just in the city.

  • I get her up to 160 when I take her upstate.

  • Really?

  • You got a place upstate?

  • Sure.

  • Sure.

  • Well, I'll, uh, I'll see you later.

  • Okay, take it easy.

  • Hey.

  • That's my car.

  • Really?

  • Oh, uh, but just give me five more minutes with it.

  • What are you doing?

  • Oh, well, I, uh, I found the keys and now I'm just polishing her up.

  • But it's my car.

  • Yeah, but it's my wax.

  • Listen, I don't come to this city much and I don't know if you're crazy or if this is some kind of street theater, but could I have my keys?

  • Sure.

  • Here.

  • I'll, uh, I'll save you a parking spot.

  • I'm not coming back.

  • Why not?

  • I live upstate.

  • Yeah, so did I.

  • So the Porsche guy took his car back.

  • But you found the keys to his clothes?

  • No, I just, uh, I just love the way it feels when everybody thinks I own a Porsche.

  • And people would think you own a Porsche because you're wearing the clothes?

  • Of course.

  • Only an idiot would wear this stuff if you didn't have the car, right?

  • That is true.

  • Yeah, but only a genius would swallow a signed Porsche.

  • Yeah, but only a genius would swallow a sonic blaster gun.

  • Oh, I've been there.

  • Well, I am gonna go drive my Porsche.

  • Joey, you know you don't actually have one.

  • Come on, what are you doing?

  • I'm in character.

  • Will you talk to her?

  • Hey, hey, hey, careful around my Porsche.

  • Hi, Joey.

  • Hey, how you doing?

  • He has the most amazing Porsche under there.

  • I'd love to show you, but I just tucked her in.

  • She's sleeping.

  • Hey, uh, would you two girls like to go for a drink?

  • Please help me.

  • I have a date tonight.

  • It has to go well, okay?

  • I'm scared for my health.

  • Okay, okay.

  • Um, oh, oh, oh, I got something.

  • Okay, it's this story that I came up with.

  • Very romantic.

  • I swear, any woman that hears it, they're like putty.

  • Really? Well, then tell it to me.

  • Okay.

  • Now, you're gonna want to have sex with me when you hear it, but you have to remember, it is just the story.

  • I'll try to control myself.

  • Okay.

  • Years ago, when I was backpacking across Western Europe...

  • You were backpacking across Western Europe?

  • Have a nice six more months, Ross.

  • Okay, okay, okay.

  • I'm sorry, please, please.

  • ...across Western Europe, and...

  • I was just outside of Barcelona, hiking in the foothills of Mount Tibidabo.

  • I was at the end of this path, and I came to a clearing, and there was a lake, very secluded, and there were tall trees all around.

  • It was dead silent.

  • Gorgeous.

  • And across the lake, a beautiful woman, bathing herself.

  • But she was crying.

  • Why?

  • Hi again.

  • Hey.

  • Hey.

  • Thank you so much.

  • Oh, don't thank me.

  • Thank the jerk that never showed up.

  • Okay, I got to get to work.

  • You want some help with that?

  • No, no, thanks. I got it.

  • Oh, no, I don't.

  • Whoa!

  • You okay?

  • Yeah.

  • Stood up too fast. Got a little head rush.

  • The heat.

  • And the humidity.

  • That's a...

  • That's a tough combination.

  • Hmm.

  • Do you want to come in for some lemonade?

  • Like you wouldn't believe.

  • Hmm.

  • Oh.

  • Wow.

  • This is a great place.

  • Ah.

  • Thank you.

  • Just make yourself comfortable.

  • Hmm.

  • Gotcha.

  • Hmm.

  • This place is really my grandmother's.

  • I got it from her when she moved to Florida.

  • Otherwise, I could never afford a place like this.

  • So if the landlord ever asks,

  • I'm an 87-year-old woman who's afraid of her VCR.

  • You thirsty?

  • Oh, you bet I am.

  • Okay, here's your penis.

  • Oh, my God!

  • What the hell are you doing?

  • You said you want to come in for some lemonade.

  • So?

  • Yeah.

  • Uh, were you just gonna give me lemonade?

  • Yeah-huh!

  • Cover yourself up.

  • Oh, right.

  • Sorry.

  • I don't believe this.

  • I mean, someone asks you in for lemonade, and you're like,

  • I'm not gonna give you any.

  • You're like,

  • I'm not gonna give you any.

  • You're like,

  • I'm not gonna give you any.

  • You're like,

  • I'm not gonna give you any.

  • You're like,

  • I'm not gonna give you any.

  • You ask someone to come in for lemonade, and to you, that means they want to have sex?

  • Um, usually, yeah.

  • Come on, not just lemonade.

  • Iced tea, sometimes juice.

  • Look, I'm sorry.

  • I just...

  • I thought you liked me.

  • Such a jerk.

  • It's okay.

  • I suppose it could happen to anyone.

  • Not anyone I know, but...

  • By the way, I can still see it.

  • Hey, remember when she brought up that thing about, you know, the three of us?

  • Yes.

  • Vividly.

  • She was kidding about that, right?

  • Yeah, I think so.

  • Yeah, I think so.

  • Gotta be weird if that situation presented itself tonight, huh?

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah, I mean, what will we do?

  • Dude, I don't know.

  • She was kidding.

  • Yeah.

  • She was...

  • But you know what, just in case, maybe we should come up with a set of ground rules.

  • Yeah, for sure.

  • Okay.

  • Probably want the first one to be, never open your eyes.

  • You know?

  • Because you don't want to be doing something, and then look up.

  • And see something that you don't want to be seeing.

  • Yeah, good call.

  • Nice.

  • Hold it!

  • Hold it!

  • What if my eyes are closed, and...

  • And my hand is out there?

  • Ah!

  • Okay, eyes open at all times.

  • Oh, hey.

  • How do we decide where we open our eyes?

  • How do we decide where we...

  • You know, each would...

  • You know...

  • Be?

  • Right.

  • Right.

  • Well, you know, we could flip for it.

  • Yeah, I guess.

  • But, like, what's heads and what's tails?

  • Well, if you don't know that, then I don't want to do this with you.

  • Oh!

  • Sorry.

  • We're on a major flawn high.

  • Oh, no.

  • No, you're not supposed to be here.

  • This is the staging area.

  • You should...

  • It's all wrong.

  • You should leave.

  • You know?

  • Just get out.

  • Oh!

  • Or perhaps you'd like a creme de menthe.

  • Have to be heading toward my chateau.

  • Thank you.

  • Oh, all right.

  • Well, then, I guess we're going back into the hallway again.

  • Thanks for coming, Mrs. Green.

  • Ah, okay.

  • You take care.

  • Oh, you kids.

  • Well...

  • This is the best party

  • I've been to in years.

  • Thank you.

  • Molly, what people don't understand is that acting is a discipline.

  • Takes a lot of hard work.

  • So, where'd you study?

  • Oh, I didn't go to college.

  • No, where'd you study acting?

  • Molly, people don't study acting.

  • They don't study acting.

  • Molly...

  • People don't study acting.

  • Molly, uh...

  • Uh, do you mind, uh, giving us just a minute?

  • Sure.

  • I'll go check on Emma.

  • Thanks.

  • Won't the stable boy never get the princess?

  • So, what...

  • What do you think you were gonna do, huh?

  • Have sex with her right here on my couch?

  • No.

  • The leather sticks to my ass.

  • You know, this isn't fair.

  • What makes you think that I'm just gonna sleep with her and then blow her off?

  • Huh?

  • Can't you guys open your minds to the possibility that I actually like her and might want something real?

  • Look, the truth is

  • I haven't felt this way about anyone since Rachel.

  • Okay?

  • I didn't think

  • I could ever love again.

  • Come on!

  • Joe!

  • You don't have to stop having fun just because I'm here.

  • Kathy didn't cheat on all of you.

  • Well, except you.

  • Hey, Joey.

  • I don't think that you should leave Chandler alone.

  • I mean, it's only been two days since he broke up with Kathy.

  • Maybe you can go fishing next week.

  • Look, there's nothing

  • I can do for him right now.

  • He's still in his sweatpants.

  • That's only phase one.

  • You know,

  • I'll be back for phase two.

  • You never miss phase two.

  • What's phase two?

  • Getting drunk and going to a strip club.

  • How does going to a strip club make him better?

  • There are naked ladies there.

  • Oh, and it helps him get to phase three, picturing yourself with other women.

  • There are naked ladies there, too.

  • Yeah.

  • Would you give me one minute, please?

  • Sorry, honey.

  • I'm just having a rough day.

  • Oh.

  • What's wrong?

  • Oh, you really just don't want to talk about it.

  • Why did I ask?

  • Okay.

  • It's just,

  • I mean, this is really embarrassing.

  • But lately, with this whole pregnancy thing,

  • I'm just finding myself...

  • How do I put this?

  • Um...

  • Erotically charged.

  • Is that college talk for horny?

  • Yeah.

  • So, you know,

  • I have all of these feelings, and I don't know what to do about them because I can't date like a normal person, and I don't need a relationship.

  • I mean, all I really want is one great night.

  • Just sex, you know?

  • No strings attached.

  • No relationship.

  • Just someone that I feel comfortable with and who knows what he's doing.

  • But just one great night.

  • I mean, is that really so hard to find?

  • So, how was your day?

  • Good.

  • I saw a pretty big pigeon.

  • Well,

  • I gotta get up early and it's almost 7 o'clock, so...

  • Yeah, I gotta go to my room, too.

  • Okay, good night.

  • Good night.

  • I can't do it!

  • I didn't ask you to do it!

  • You're Rachel!

  • You're Joey!

  • You're my friend!

  • Right back at ya!

  • Yeah.

  • Plus, it would be wrong and weird and bad.

  • And so bad!

  • I don't even know what you're talking about because I didn't ask you to do anything.

  • I know!

  • You wanna do it?

  • No!

  • Me neither!

  • I'm just testing you!

  • Hey, well, that's the end of this conversation!

  • This conversation never happened!

  • Never happened!

  • Good night!

  • Good night!

  • Get back in there!

  • Very funny, Ross.

  • Very lifelike and funny.

  • Okay.

  • Oh, no, no, no, no.

  • I wasn't waving at you, lady.

  • Whoa, maybe I was.

  • Hey, Monica, there's totally hot chocolate

  • This totally hot girl in Ross' building is flirting with me.

  • Get in there, man.

  • Flirt back.

  • Mix it up.

  • Yeah, I'm down with that.

  • Okay, here goes.

  • How you are doing?

  • It worked!

  • She's waving me over.

  • Okay, I'll be right over.

  • Let's see.

  • She's on the third floor.

  • Wow.

  • She is pretty, huh?

  • Tell me about it, huh?

  • Oh, no, no.

  • No, no, no.

  • I'm not with her.

  • No, that's just

  • Monica.

  • Yeah!

  • Give me 85.

  • What do you mean?

  • Yesterday you said

  • I was too pretty to pay for stuff.

  • It's just I can't because my manager said that I...

  • Happy birthday to you.

  • Happy birthday to you.

  • Happy birthday dear Annie.

  • Amy.

  • Amy.

  • Happy birthday to you.

  • Hey.

  • Hey, that's weird.

  • Today's my birthday, too.

  • Yeah, not in here, it isn't.

  • Happy birthday to you.

  • You're paying for that.

  • No, no, it's her birthday.

  • You've sung happy birthday to 20 different women today.

  • But it really...

  • You are no longer authorized to distribute birthday muffins.

  • Damn it!

  • What are you doing here?

  • Burp, burp, burp.

  • Are you friends with him?

  • I can explain.

  • Joey?

  • Uh, okay, uh...

  • Oh.

  • Yeah.

  • You have got some nerve coming back here.

  • I can't believe you never called me.

  • Excuse me?

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Probably don't even remember my name.

  • It's Joey, by the way.

  • And don't bother telling me yours because I totally remember it, lady.

  • Yeah.

  • I waited weeks for you to call me.

  • I gave you my number.

  • You never called me.

  • No, no, don't try to turn this around on me, okay?

  • I am not some kind of social work, okay, that you could just do.

  • Well,

  • I'm pretty sure

  • I gave you my number.

  • Really?

  • Think about it.

  • Come on.

  • You're a beautiful woman, smart, funny, had a really good time, huh?

  • If I had your number, why wouldn't

  • I call you?

  • I don't know.

  • Well, maybe

  • I'm wrong.

  • I'm sorry.

  • No, no.

  • Too late for apologies, okay?

  • You broke my heart.

  • I can't wait to get over you.

  • Joey, wait.

  • No!

  • I waited a long time.

  • I can't wait anymore.

  • I'm sorry that you had to see that.

  • I'm so embarrassed.

  • Oh, that's really okay.

  • Yeah, then we totally understand.

  • Dating is hard.

  • Boy, you people are nice.

  • And I've got to say,

  • I think you're going to make excellent parents.

  • Laura!


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