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  • Yo today we are doing a build battle.

  • Okay.

  • Can you prove that though?

  • Can you prove that with facts and logic?

  • Yeah, if I just turn around there's a huge bedrock wall and you know what that means So you're on this side I am on this side and it's time to make our place You're on this side and I'm on this side and it's time to change your mind I would like to be on this side you're on this side and I am on this side and we are going to make Airplanes with the create mode.

  • Okay.

  • Whoa, you have 30 minutes to do it.

  • The time starts in three two one Right, I've done this once before but it was a while ago and the last time I did it we used rails and card assemblers To do it.

  • This is the old way of making trains and stuff with the crate mod You'd use rails like this.

  • You'd place card assemblers on it You have a minecart inside of this and then whatever you build on top of this will connect up to the minecart So if you build an entire airplane up here and then start moving the minecarts, the airplane is gonna move with it So it's not really an airplane.

  • It's an illusion of an airplane, but it works.

  • But now we have trains So obviously I'm gonna have to try to make this with trains I don't know how Theo's gonna do it either because Theo knows nothing about create last time I invited him look at this got dirt in the air.

  • What the fuck?

  • All right.

  • So this is the nose of the plane This is the body.

  • These are the wings.

  • Okay, I can't I can't do this.

  • I don't make a plane How does it fly?

  • Do I make it on train tracks?

  • I don't know We'll do a runway here and we'll build an airplane and then we'll make the airplane like go up go around and then land on The runway again, it's gonna have to be really small and we also don't have that much time and I want this to be as good As possible.

  • I'm gonna start by hollowing out the ground and if you saw my car build battle You know why I'm doing this because I'm gonna hide the train tracks underground So you're not gonna know that it's a train But for this thing we need it to be really deep because this airplane has to go up into the air without the train tracks Showing so I'll show you an example of this.

  • Here is our train tracks.

  • This is where the runway will be So we'll have some gray concrete above it.

  • Boom.

  • This is the runway and underneath it.

  • So this is underground, right?

  • We'll place a train station and we'll make a train We get glass panes and build it up from here glass panes going up and then let's say this is our airplane It's gonna look bad.

  • Okay, but this is oh, yeah, then we super glue this all together We'll assemble the train which turns it into a train We can actually move and drive and look at that so you can't see the train What you can see is something floating up here.

  • And if we start driving it, ah, it's going down the runway This is a very narrow train.

  • This is a very short not short.

  • Why does it look like a You can't put in the video.

  • I'm sorry.

  • I'm sorry.

  • Wait, so is he doing a train?

  • Does that mean train?

  • Do I have to make this on a train?

  • Look, the airplane is going up into the air If we have this distance between the airplane and the train tracks, they're gonna appear We can't have that the train and the train tracks have to be invisible and that's why we're building it all the way down there We're connecting it to the airplane that is on ground level.

  • I wasted half of my time explaining what we're doing So it's time to build this is gonna be the length of the runway I think what i'm doing now is just the same thing.

  • I just did but on a bigger scale.

  • There we go Two pillars of glass.

  • How is this gonna look airplane on the runway?

  • Oh, yeah, that's great And I'd imagine it just starts lifting over here.

  • Yep.

  • Yep So now what what do I do now, bro?

  • What is he doing?

  • Well, i'm just gonna take a sneak peek I don't even know.

  • What did I just see?

  • What did I just see best train best plane?

  • I mean ever this is a plane.

  • This is not a train This is a plane I want it to go but I want it to like Then I want it to disassemble and just literally just fall and plop into the ocean what about if there's a submarine too No, I can't do that.

  • That doesn't I could build the this is a challenge that I need to win This is my thing.

  • The crate mod is my mod.

  • Okay, I own it I don't care if some hermit craft people are making videos on it.

  • Okay, you can stop telling me in the comments Oh, they didn't invite me.

  • No, that's fine Okay slope time and I feel like this would be a good height for the airplane and then it'll just staircase baby.

  • Boom Okay, let's see.

  • Please look good.

  • Please look good.

  • Please look good And then Oh Okay, that's an issue since it's such a long distance between the trade and me the boogies down there go into a slight angle And I just fly back because i'm so far up.

  • But other than that, look at it.

  • We're flying It looks like we're flying and it's fast as well So, you know what?

  • I might just make another airport over there and then make the plane fly there and then take us back with automation as well Oh, that's so cool.

  • Why does it look so wonky?

  • Like look at this.

  • They do not look straight That looks wonky to me.

  • I don't know what okay theoretically what would happen if I made a resource pack?

  • There's no way I can do this in however many minutes I got left But what if I made a resource pack that just deletes the texture for the rails, you know?

  • Just completely gets rid of it.

  • And then it looks like the plane's just flying, you know, this is my grand plan This is my master plan.

  • Look at that We have a floating airplane on the runway ready to go.

  • Theo went into spectator mode.

  • Is he oh assemble your first train Okay, so he's doing something and I am on the runway, please please Yes, oh it dips its back into the ground, but that's okay and I guess I could make the airplane a bit longer I can see that there are people binge watching my videos, but they're not subscribing if you're one of those people subscribe Why not?

  • I mean it would be cool.

  • I would appreciate what are we building a small plane?

  • Well prop plane like a Cessna.

  • That'd probably be the easiest thing to do, right?

  • Minecraft Cessna There is no way I am designing an airplane on my own.

  • I am stealing this.

  • Oh, this looks bad How is it i'm looking at an image and i'm failing the build?

  • I'm right now looking at a youtube video how to make a minecraft small plane.

  • It's made by n tater.

  • I did it This is it.

  • Is it morally wrong following a tutorial in a build battle like this?

  • Is this not okay?

  • I don't know.

  • Honestly, I don't really care either.

  • I mean theo is probably cheated in this one, too Let's be honest.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Yeah plane.

  • Yeah, this is a plane right here.

  • I'm playing it Oh my god, that was a very sharp plane.

  • Oh my god.

  • There's a lot of turbulence All right, hold on everyone everybody hold you hold you the the rails.

  • There's no rails on a train Turbulence incoming.

  • This is the best plane ever.

  • Come on little guy.

  • You can make it.

  • Come on little guy Come on, little guy.

  • Come on little guy.

  • Okay epic plug champ.

  • So now how do I like how do I make it?

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • So by that logic in dot minecraft, uh in my open create dot jar Can I open this with something?

  • Okay assets resource packs.

  • Okay, wait, wait taste So now I just need to find the models create.

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • There's track in here track.

  • Is that okay?

  • I'm, just guessing how to do this right now.

  • I have no idea.

  • Uh, Okay, how do I i'm gonna I want to copy all these and then delete everything inside it That's what I want to do entire airplane connected You'll take this down assemble it and take it for its maiden flight and there we go airplane finished Let's hop inside and fly.

  • Oh look at this and then It's complete this is black for some reason but that's fine it works I just think I need to relog to get rid of the the this visual I think it's just a visual glitch and if I relog it disappears and we make this like oh, it's so good We are almost out of time, but i'm gonna finish.

  • Oh Oh, and then the other one where does it turn right here?

  • If we dig we should find the tunnel we just made.

  • Okay, as soon as we connect these tracks, we are done.

  • Boom That's it's gonna work.

  • This plane is gonna go up.

  • It's gonna go around.

  • It's gonna land again I don't know if it's gonna crash into the mountain It just might actually do that because I don't have any time to check or test it We have to go like right now We're out of time 10 seconds and oh no, I just need to get rid of this and I delete shit from inside here Just text just notepad.

  • Theo.

  • Oh, hey, man.

  • Hey, man.

  • Hey, man.

  • Hey, man times up, man I need like two seconds bro.

  • The time's up man, bro.

  • I need like bro.

  • I need like two seconds All right, you know what I can as long as you didn't cheat this time i'm giving you two seconds But if you did cheat i've never I actually didn't cheat.

  • Okay.

  • I mean I don't trust you so you just you i'm trying something and if this doesn't work I'm gonna be so sad because i've been spending so much time just doing this Yeah, I feel yeah, but it's been two seconds already.

  • So I just wait just wait just wait So the way this works is i'm gonna send you this zip and what you're gonna do is you're gonna open the zip File i'll send you a zip file.

  • You're gonna open the zip You're gonna take out the folder that's inside and put that into your resource banks doesn't well i've turned it on now I put I put it on it I'm excited for this.

  • It's loading the resource pack.

  • Oh my i'm coming over.

  • Hey What the did you try to change the texture of the tracks?

  • Yeah, I did I tried to delete the texture of the tracks.

  • Why didn't you just change it into the pg?

  • What have you done?

  • Why did you have a uber diving gear on?

  • I forgot about that Look, it even has landing gear.

  • Oh, oh that is Oh, yeah, you just added that I saw you literally build it right now That was always that.

  • Oh, here we go.

  • What is happening?

  • Did you change the texture of something?

  • Oh, you've removed the train boogie as well.

  • Have I wait?

  • Yeah, I can see I have purple and black blocks pink and black books turning around on the ground Okay, let's just lift off to me.

  • It looks normal, but it's fine.

  • Here we go.

  • Let's go It's airplane time, baby I'm gone.

  • Wait, wait, i'm coming back.

  • I'm gonna try and land back inside.

  • This is great.

  • Theo.

  • I'm so proud of you Oh, we're gonna oh we have some turbulence here.

  • Yep That happens mission impossible on the outside of the plane, okay, you know what funness wise I had great fun and I enjoyed flying a dirt Plane, so that's a 10 out of 10 in in funniness.

  • Yeah, there's a zero out of 10 in every single aspect other than that Oh shit, you ready?

  • Why have you sketched why did you do like a reveal why that is of it isn't it?

  • This is like apple.

  • This is actually like I should have done a small one like this Yeah, and you know what you can jump in okay No train tracks, baby, I don't know if you're gonna crash here though.

  • I don't know if you're gonna See it perfectly Yeah, well, you know I didn't build my airplane but I made a better system than you so I win either way Thank you so much to you for coming to my channel I always win and everyone else sucks.

  • Subscribe like and don't forget you in every time We're gonna stop this.

  • We're gonna

Yo today we are doing a build battle.

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