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  • So then guys it doesn't look like it's the best news for the iPad mini It looks like it has now been delayed and we won't be seeing the it's glow time event From Apple with all of the iPhones We're gonna have to wait a little bit longer with this latest leak that I'm going to share with you today But I want to share with you all the details about this Including the specs the release date and price for this new iPad mini 7th generation So just reflecting on the last month or so Apple have updated their most powerful iPads out there We have the new iPad Air what now has the M2 inside of it And we have those brand new OLED iPad Pros 2 with the brand new M4 chip inside of that But what about the iPad 11th generation and what about the iPad mini?

  • Well the 11th generation iPad I'll talk about in another video another day So if you want to find out more information about that Make sure you subscribe to this channel and also hit that notification bell, too So I'll be making a video soon about it But today we're gonna focus on the iPad mini 7 what is going to be coming out in 2024 so first of all, let's talk about this leak Then we can see right here saying that Apple are looking to bring out an OLED display inside the iPad mini The only one sort of downer here if you look right here It doesn't look like we're going to be getting the OLED display inside the iPad mini until 2026 so this probably is going to be the next generation of the iPad mini So the current iPad mini exists right now very similar to the one what's right next to me here Well, that was probably going to be retained this time round and that the OLED display will only be coming to the iPad mini on The next generation so sadly nothing new there We're still going to be probably getting the same display type that we have right now another question that a lot of you guys have been asking is why can't Apple put say the likes of say the M2 or even the m3 inside of the iPad mini?

  • Why don't Apple just do that?

  • And the main reason is to do with its size being that it's only an 8.3 inch display and the body's not actually that big Then obviously putting say an m2 or m4 inside of it would really drain down the battery Really quickly inside of it Obviously some of you guys say why don't we just clock down the speeds of the m2 or say the m4?

  • well funny enough if you did that you'd start be going in to say the A17 Pro kind of territory like what we have in the iPhone 15 Pro models that we have right now But this is an interesting thing to say here that possibly with the next generation of the iPad mini We may actually get a pro chipset inside of it This could be the a 17 Pro inside of this iPad mini would be really exciting to see but the other Possibility is it could actually be the brand new a 18 Pro coming inside of it in fact we've actually had a leak right here that Apple are looking on making a 18 Pro and an a 18 at the same time inside of the new iPhone 16s So this would be the a 18 the iPhone 16s and then the a 18 Pro inside of the iPhone 16 Pro Models that we're going to get so Apple could bring out the a 18 Pro inside the likes of the iPad mini And this would essentially make it into an iPad mini Pro But the other thing what Apple could just do is just put the normal a 18 what comes out this year inside of this iPad instead now for everybody else who's saying well Why don't Apple then say put the a 16 inside of it?

  • Well, this is probably unlikely going to happen too because normally when Apple bring out an iPad mini It normally has the most current and up-to-date a chip inside of it So just like the last time it came out the same time the a 15 came out in the iPhones and we got a 15 In this iPad mini, so this is what I'm saying.

  • It's unlikely that it would be an a 16 It's more likely to be the a 17 Pro They're going to use last year's chip as it were or it will be the normal a 18 or the a 18 Pro Going inside of it and this will probably be the major big upgrade We will see inside of the iPad mini, but for any other big changes on this iPad mini We might get a promotion display if it becomes the iPad mini Pro But only expect it to be normal LED kind of screen with promotion Don't expect OLED and don't even expect mini LED potentially inside of this iPad But only if we get a pro chip inside of it It would probably get promotion inside of it going up to 120 Hertz with that If not, we'll be stuck with the standard sort of 60 Hertz display And also one other change we've been told about is that obviously they actually going to manufacture the screen a little bit differently this time To stop from that jelly scrolling effect And also probably the iPad minis actual camera the selfie camera or the center stage camera This will be moved to the horizontal sort of side now because this is the last iPad to actually get this change So this will probably be happening as well later on this year So next of all, let's talk about the release date then for this iPad mini when we'll be able to get our hands on it so as we know then We've got the new Apple event happening for the iPhones happening on Monday the 9th of September and we are anticipated This is when we could see the new iPad mini But it doesn't look like this is going to be the case now We've had this latest leak in as you can see here from Mark Gurman telling us This is no longer going to be the case We are not going to be getting the new iPad mini in September time and it looks like we have to wait a little bit further out Into the year to actually get our hands on this brand new iPad Maybe around October time or maybe it might be a press release later on into the year So next of all, let's talk about them the actual price for the iPad mini and what we're going to get there so most likely with the iPad mini it will probably start at the same price as 499 US dollars, but this time round we may actually get a starting configuration of 128 gigabyte option and also the ability of getting a 512 gigabyte option too because right now it's 64 gigabytes and also it's 256 gigabyte so it might be one tier higher What is really good news to hear if Apple do this?

  • But there again if Apple decide to make this a mini pro model Then expect the price to probably go up probably by about another hundred dollars again This is if we do get promotion inside of it and also let's say the a18 pro inside of this Mac mini 2 It's probably gonna cost about around that be less than the iPad air But obviously yeah It would probably be more than what the current iPad mini is available right now at but that is everything We know for the brand new iPad mini.

  • What are your thoughts on it?

  • Will you be getting yourself the iPad mini 7 what's coming out in?

  • 2024 or will we be skipping and getting something different?

  • let me know your thoughts in the comments below and also guys you want to hear the latest Apple news reviews and Comparisons to make sure you subscribe to this channel and also hit that notification bells as well until next time guys I'll see you really soon.

  • Take care now.

  • Bye.

  • Bye You

So then guys it doesn't look like it's the best news for the iPad mini It looks like it has now been delayed and we won't be seeing the it's glow time event From Apple with all of the iPhones We're gonna have to wait a little bit longer with this latest leak that I'm going to share with you today But I want to share with you all the details about this Including the specs the release date and price for this new iPad mini 7th generation So just reflecting on the last month or so Apple have updated their most powerful iPads out there We have the new iPad Air what now has the M2 inside of it And we have those brand new OLED iPad Pros 2 with the brand new M4 chip inside of that But what about the iPad 11th generation and what about the iPad mini?

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