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  • It's AumSum Time.

  • What if Lions Ruled the World?

  • No Ways.

  • AumSum will always rule the world.

  • Oh AumSum.

  • Firstly, if Lions ruled the world, Lions have massive beards.

  • People may now start growing long beards in order to impress the Lions.

  • Secondly, if Lions ruled the world, everyone will now have to learn how to roar like a Lion.

  • Thirdly, if Lions ruled the world, salons may be busy grooming Lions, we may have to start cutting our own hair.

  • Fourthly, if Lions ruled the world, Lions are extremely fit and muscular.

  • Everyone may try to build their muscles in order to impress the Lions.

  • Fifthly, if Lions ruled the world, keeping Lions entertained will not be an easy task.

  • Entertainers may rule for a different planet.

  • Lastly, if Lions ruled the world, dentists may start fainting after having a look at Lion's sharp teeth.

  • To buy AumSum merchandise visit

  • Topic Gravitational Force.

  • Why do you weigh less on the moon?

  • Hey.

  • What are you doing?

  • It is not possible.

  • You cannot fly on earth.

  • Please listen.

  • Look.

  • I had warned you.

  • Now, why don't you try the same activity on the moon?

  • There you will weigh much less and thus, you can fly short distances.

  • What is this?

  • See.

  • I was correct.

  • Do you know why you weighed less on the moon?

  • To understand this, we need to first learn about weight.

  • No.

  • Not those weights.

  • Weight is the force with which an object is pulled towards the center of the earth or any other celestial body.

  • This force is called the gravitational force.

  • Greater the gravitational force exerted by the celestial body.

  • More will be the weight of an object present on it.

  • So, does this mean that the moon exerts less gravitational force than the earth?

  • Bingo.

  • You are right.

  • But do you know why?

  • This is because gravitational force is directly proportional to the mass of an object.

  • Greater the mass.

  • Greater will be the gravitational force exerted by it and thus, more will be our weight.

  • As the moon has lesser mass than the earth.

  • It has a weaker gravitational pull and hence, we weigh less on the moon.

  • Topic.

  • Sublimation.

  • Why do mothballs disappear over time?

  • Wow.

  • You have a nice collection of clothes.

  • But have you kept mothballs to protect them?

  • Yes.

  • I had kept them a few months back below these clothes.

  • Hey.

  • Where did the mothballs go?

  • I had placed them right here.

  • Did you steal them?

  • No.

  • I haven't stolen anything.

  • Mothballs disappear over time.

  • Do you know why?

  • It is because they are very expensive.

  • Because of a process called sublimation.

  • During sublimation, a solid on heating converts directly into vapor.

  • Without passing through the intermediate liquid state.

  • Don't lie.

  • How is that even possible?

  • See.

  • I also hid a burger here many days ago.

  • It did not disappear.

  • Gross.

  • Just throw that burger in the dustbin.

  • Not all substances sublimate.

  • Mothballs are made up of naphthalene.

  • Naphthalene has very weak intermolecular forces.

  • Because of these weak forces.

  • The mothball which is made up of naphthalene sublimates.

  • That is, it changes its state from solid to vapor.

  • Now, this vapor is either absorbed by the fabric.

  • Or it escapes into the atmosphere causing the mothballs to disappear over time.

It's AumSum Time.

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