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  • Throughout the past 10 years of my life, I have spent a majority of my money on traveling.

    在過去 10 年的生活中,我把大部分錢都花在了旅行上。

  • This is why.


  • So I do live here in New York City, but for the past 10 years I have spent about six to seven months of every year traveling.

    是以,我確實住在紐約,但在過去的 10 年裡,我每年都有大約六到七個月的時間在旅行。

  • And now as I've entered into my 30s and get to reflect back on these past 10 years, I've realized that the thing that has made me feel the most fulfilled in life has been able to create these memories and have these experiences.

    如今,我已步入 30 歲,回想過去的 10 年,我意識到,讓我感到人生最充實的事情,就是能夠創造這些回憶,擁有這些經歷。

  • And I have definitely regretted spending money on material things, but when it comes to spending my money on experiences or travel, I have not regretted it even once.


  • I do love me some souvenirs though.


  • Like I have this photo from Korea with some of my best friends.


  • Have this vintage car I picked up in Puglia, Italy.


  • This is a stamp I got in Taiwan that is my name in Mandarin.


  • A Pez Pikachu I won in Tokyo.

    我在東京贏得的 Pez 皮卡丘。

  • My name in sand from the Wadi Rum desert in Jordan.


  • And then this one I would say is my favorite.


  • This is a telescope that I got from India.


  • Makes for a great way to spy on the neighbors.


  • Love that thing.


  • And you know with getting to reflect over these past 10 years and all of my travels, it's reminding me of the reason why I was inspired to travel in the first place, which is from the person right here.

    回顧過去的 10 年和我所有的旅行,這讓我想起了我最初受到旅行啟發的原因,那就是這裡的這個人。

  • Well, this is Kishi-san, but this is my grandfather.


  • He was an international businessman and got to travel around the world with my grandma and his stories are what inspired me to one day travel.


  • So when Insta360 asked me to make a video about why I love using their cameras, I immediately thought of how one day when I'm hopefully a grandfather, I'm not just going to be showing them old photos and Polaroids from my adventures, but showing them 8K 360 footage from my Insta360.

    是以,當 Insta360 邀請我製作一段視頻,講述我為什麼喜歡使用他們的相機時,我立刻想到,當有一天我有希望成為祖父時,我將不會只給他們看我冒險時的老照片和寶麗來照片,而是給他們看我的 Insta360 拍攝的 8K 360 視頻。

  • And all those clips as incredible as they were, were all shot on like their X3 and X2 and older models, but now they just came out with their latest and greatest, the Insta360 X4.

    所有這些令人難以置信的短片都是用他們的 X3、X2 和舊型號拍攝的,但現在他們剛剛推出了最新、最棒的 Insta360 X4。

  • So one of the most common questions I get when I do film stuff with the Insta360 is that people think I have some type of drone following me to get these shots, but in reality, it's just an Insta360 and a giant selfie stick.

    當我用 Insta360 拍攝時,最常遇到的一個問題是,人們以為我有無人機跟著我拍這些照片,但實際上,這只是一個 Insta360 和一個巨大的自拍杆而已。

  • This is the enhanced Insta360 selfie stick and this is one big stick.

    這是增強型 Insta360 自拍杆,是一根大杆。

  • I think fully erected, this thing is like 13 feet or something.

    我覺得完全豎起來的話,這東西大概有 13 英尺左右。

  • A little ridiculous to maneuver, but it's so worth it for the shot.


  • Let's give it a try.


  • And the audio on this camera is good and the 8K resolution is incredible, but I would say what my favorite thing about filming with the Insta360 is that it captures everything where you can get an endless number of unique angles.

    這款相機的音頻效果很好,8K 分辨率也令人難以置信,但我想說的是,我最喜歡 Insta360 的一點是,它能捕捉一切,讓你獲得無窮無盡的獨特角度。

  • So right now while I'm talking, I want it to be faced at me, but I can easily post-production key frame it to now face the Freedom Tower.


  • So it just makes it so awesome to get so many different perspectives all from one clip.


  • Wow.

  • Guys, I know I'm giving a little bit of a biased review since Insta360 is paying me, but in complete honesty, I am having so much fun right now going through their new app update and looking at this footage since it's definitely enhanced video quality with the 8K from the X3.

    夥計們,我知道我的評論有點偏頗,因為 Insta360 付了我錢,但老實說,我現在看他們的新應用更新和這段視頻非常有趣,因為 X3 的 8K 視頻品質絕對得到了提升。

  • But now with this new app update, they make it super easy using AI to create some pretty incredible videos.


  • So I have the Insta360 connected to the app via Bluetooth, super easy to set up.

    我將 Insta360 通過藍牙連接到應用程序,設置起來非常簡單。

  • And then if I go down here to album, I have everything that I shot.


  • I'll click on this one and then I can just go through this and use my fingers to set it up exactly how I want to key frame it.


  • Boom.


  • And you have this epic shot that you can even zoom in on because of the 8K, zoom out as much as you want.

    有了 8K 技術,你甚至可以放大或縮小這個史詩般的鏡頭。

  • Just look at this insane perspective you get.


  • Okay, so now here is my first magic trick.


  • So right now we have it vertical, which is great for Instagram and TikTok.

    是以,現在我們採用的是垂直方式,這對 Instagram 和 TikTok 來說非常好。

  • But then let's say we want this same shot for YouTube.

    但是,假設我們想在 YouTube 上使用同樣的鏡頭。

  • All you have to do is go up here, switch it to 16 by 9 and voila, you have it for YouTube.

    你要做的就是上到這裡,切換到 16 乘 9,然後就可以在 YouTube 上播放了。

  • Now for my last act, this new app update also has a feature up here where if you go to AI, it uses their AI to automatically create super dope videos for you.


  • So literally within two clicks of a button, have an awesome video ready to post.


  • Insta360, great work.


  • Nothing I love more than when a tech company just makes your life so much easier.


  • So I just got back from the skate park, tested out the X4 with my skateboard and I learned about this gyro based editing.

    我剛從滑板公園回來,用滑板測試了 X4,並瞭解了這種基於陀螺儀的編輯功能。

  • Check this out.


  • So I am key framing exactly where I am holding my phone and it just gives it this super cool cinematic look and it's also just so fun to do.


  • I love technology.


  • Also, I was getting a lot of questions on Instagram asking how you remove your selfie stick from your Insta360 shots.

    此外,我在 Instagram 上收到很多問題,詢問如何從 Insta360 照片中移除自拍杆。

  • And it's very simple.


  • It does it automatically.


  • So when you are filming in 360, you will not see your selfie stick at all.

    是以,在 360 度拍攝時,你根本看不到自拍杆。

  • I know it sounds like magic.


  • I don't know how they do it, but they do it.


  • The X4 also has the best stabilization out of any action camera on the market.

    X4 的防抖效果也是市場上所有動作相機中最好的。

  • It's kind of like there's a gimbal built into this thing.


  • It also has a bunch of other cool creative features like bullet time and motion time lapses.


  • Now, again, this is an ad for Insta360, but I do honestly truly love this camera for documenting moments in such a unique perspective.

    雖然這是在為 Insta360 做廣告,但說實話,我真的很喜歡這款相機,它能以如此獨特的視角記錄精彩瞬間。

  • It is also two cameras in one where you can use it as the 360 camera and have both lenses or set it to single lens mode and use it as a normal camera.

    它還集兩個攝像頭於一身,你可以把它當作 360 攝像頭使用,同時擁有兩個鏡頭,也可以把它設置為單鏡頭模式,當作普通攝像頭使用。

  • Then also the battery is great and even waterproof up to 33 feet.

    此外,電池的性能也很好,防水深度達 33 英尺。

  • So if you guys are interested in buying the Insta360 X4, I will leave a link down below where you guys can buy it.

    如果你們有興趣購買 Insta360 X4,我會在下面留下購買鏈接。

  • And I do get a small kickback if you use that link.


  • So it really is appreciated a lot.


  • Also, Insta360 was kind enough to give the first 25 people who do buy an X4 their enhanced invisible selfie stick for free.

    此外,Insta360 還慷慨地為前 25 位購買 X4 的用戶免費提供了增強型隱形自拍杆。

  • This typically goes for $99 on their website.

    在其網站上的售價通常為 99 美元。

  • So definitely a good deal if you're wanting to buy this camera.


  • So the purpose of this video, despite making Insta360 happy, was to have this be a reminder of the significance of experience.

    是以,儘管 Insta360 很高興,但拍攝這段視頻的目的是讓它提醒人們經驗的重要性。

  • Brett 10 years ago was a 21 year old who just graduated from university with a one-way ticket by himself to Asia, where I had no clue what I was doing and also barely a clue of who I was.

    10 年前,布萊特還是一個 21 歲的年輕人,剛從大學畢業,拿著一張單程機票,一個人來到亞洲,我不知道自己在做什麼,也幾乎不知道自己是誰。

  • And I believe the man that I've become today is very much due to the fact of finding who I was by traveling.


  • And now I'm about to embark on one of my biggest adventures yet, which is spending the next nine days hiking Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa.


  • And I know I don't have grandkids yet, nor kids, nor even a wife, but I can't wait to one day show them the footage from this trip.


  • And all on the Insta360.

    這一切都在 Insta360 上實現。

  • And all the...


  • Just drop the camera.


  • Okay.


Throughout the past 10 years of my life, I have spent a majority of my money on traveling.

在過去 10 年的生活中,我把大部分錢都花在了旅行上。

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