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  • Hi, I'm Georgina from BBC Learning English.

    大家好,我是 BBC Learning English 的 Georgina。

  • Do you ever wonder about the difference between their, there and there?

    你有沒有想過 "他們的"、"那裡 "和 "那裡 "之間的區別?

  • They are all pronounced the same but have different spellings and are used differently.


  • Their is used to show plural possession.

    Their 表示複數擁有。

  • It is Phil and Ellie's laptop.


  • It is their laptop.


  • It is Georgina and Roy's dog.


  • It is their dog.


  • Their is used to identify something for the first time and is often followed by the verb to be.

    他們的 "用來指代首次出現的事物,後面通常跟動詞 "是"。

  • There is a cafe near our office but it's so expensive.


  • There is a bookshop nearby and it has some nice books.


  • They're has the same meaning as they are and is often followed by an adjective.

    They're 的意思與 they are 相同,後面通常跟一個形容詞。

  • Where are Sam and Dan?


  • They're late.


  • They're never on time.


  • Bye for now.


  • Fall can be a verb and a noun and has many meanings.


  • Let's look at the most common together now.


  • As a verb, fall can mean to come down from a high position.

    作為動詞,"跌落 "的意思是從高處跌落下來。

  • In the autumn, or the fall in American English, the leaves start to fall.


  • A similar but slightly different meaning is to suddenly go down towards the ground, probably by accident.


  • The noun form describes this act.


  • When learning to walk, toddlers fall a lot, but they're usually not bad falls.


  • Fall also means to become lower in size, amount or strength.


  • The noun form describes this change and is often followed by the preposition in.

    名詞形式描述了這一變化,後面通常跟介詞 in。

  • There has been a fall in house prices recently but no one knows why they have fallen.


  • And one more useful meaning of the verb fall is to change condition.

    動詞 "下降 "還有一個更有用的意思,那就是 "改變狀況"。

  • People can fall asleep, fall ill, fall silent.


  • Hi, I'm Sian from BBC Learning English.

    嗨,我是 BBC Learning English 的 Sian。

  • What's the difference between stop to do and stop doing something?

    Stop to do 和 stop doing 有什麼區別?

  • Well, stop what you're doing right now because that's what I'm going to tell you.


  • When we use stop plus ing, the activity in the ing form stops.

    當我們使用 stop 加 ing 時,ing 形式的活動就會停止。

  • So, I have stopped drinking coffee.


  • I'm not drinking coffee anymore, I'm only drinking water.


  • But when stop is followed by the infinitive, it means we stop doing another action to do the action in the infinitive.

    但當 stop 後面跟不定式時,表示我們停止做另一個動作,去做不定式中的動作。

  • So, I stopped to buy a tea this morning.


  • I stopped walking in order to buy a tea.


  • Right, I'm going to stop talking now.


  • Write me a comment and tell me something that you've stopped doing.


  • Hi everybody, welcome back to English in a Minute.


  • I'm James and today we're going to look at the verb try.

    我是詹姆斯,今天我們來學習動詞 try。

  • It can be a little bit tricky to use this verb because it changes its meaning depending on whether you use an ing verb or a verb with to.


  • So, let's take a look at some These two sentences are almost exactly the same, but their meaning is a little bit different.

    那麼,讓我們來看看這兩個句子吧 這兩個句子幾乎一模一樣,但意思卻有些不同。

  • When we use try with an ing, all we're saying is that we attempted to do something.

    當我們使用 try 和 ing 時,我們要說的是我們試圖做某事。

  • It could be a new experience, something that you haven't done before.


  • When we use try with a verb and to, we're saying that a task is quite difficult to complete or that we've failed.

    當我們使用 try 和 to 時,我們是在說一項任務很難完成或我們失敗了。

  • If you'd like to try learning more English, why not go to our Facebook page or to the website.

    如果您想嘗試學習更多英語,不妨訪問我們的 Facebook 頁面或網站。

  • Bye everyone.


  • Hi, I'm Tim from BBC Learning English and today I'm going to tell you about three useful words.

    大家好,我是來自 BBC Learning English 的 Tim,今天我要給大家講三個有用的單詞。

  • Because, as and since.

    Because、as 和 since。

  • These are all used to give reasons.


  • Because is more common than as or since and we use it when we want to focus on the reason.

    Because 比 as 或 since 更常見,當我們想強調原因時就會使用它。

  • I'm tired because I didn't sleep very well.


  • When we want to give extra focus to the reason, we can put the because clause at the beginning of the sentence.

    當我們想把重點放在原因上時,可以把 because 分句放在句首。

  • Because my bed is uncomfortable, I'm getting a bad back.


  • As and since are more formal than because and we use them to focus on the result rather than the reason.

    由於 as 和 since 比 because 更正式,我們用它們來強調結果而不是原因。

  • I hope Tom's brought that comic as I wanted to borrow it from him.


  • Noodles are popular since they're easy to cook.


  • We often use as and since clauses at the beginning of the sentence.

    我們經常在句首使用 as 和 since 分句。

  • Just remember to add a comma.


  • So, as our minute is up, I'll finish recording this video.


  • Hello everyone.


  • I'm Sam from BBC Learning English and today we are looking at five ways to use the word hard.

    我是 BBC Learning English 的 Sam,今天我們來看看 hard 這個詞的五種用法。

  • As an adjective describing a thing, it can mean the opposite of soft.


  • For example, wood is hard.


  • The opposite of easy.


  • For example, the exam was hard.


  • And it can mean something that involves effort.


  • Running a marathon is hard.


  • As an adverb describing an energy, such as she works hard.

    形容精力充沛的副詞,如 "她工作很努力"。

  • Or to use force, for example, he hit the ball hard.


  • Just be careful not to confuse it with hardly because that has a different meaning.

    但要注意不要將其與 "幾乎不 "混淆,因為兩者的含義不同。

  • So, not too hard, is it?


  • Let's learn some common uses of the word contact.

    讓我們來了解一下 "接觸 "一詞的一些常見用法。

  • Firstly, contact can be used as a verb to mean speak or write to someone, often when someone wants to give or receive information.

    首先,"聯繫 "可以用作動詞,意思是與某人說話或寫信,通常是指某人想要提供或接收資訊。

  • The doctor contacted me this morning to tell me the results of my tests.


  • Contact can also be used as a noun to talk about speaking or writing to someone.


  • As a noun, it's often used with other words such as in, lose or make.

    作為名詞,它經常與其他詞一起使用,如 in、lose 或 make。

  • In contact with means speak or meet regularly.


  • Make contact means try to speak or write to someone after finding where someone is.


  • While lose contact means no longer communicate.


  • Stay in contact when you go away.


  • Contact can also be used to refer to a person who can help or give you information in work or socially.

    Contact 也可以指在工作或社交中能為你提供幫助或資訊的人。

  • My contacts told me there's a job opening at the business.


  • Contact as a noun refers to people whose names, numbers and or email addresses you have stored on your mobile phone.


  • I'll add you as a contact on my phone.


  • Hi, I'm Georgina from BBC Learning English.

    大家好,我是 BBC Learning English 的 Georgina。

  • Have you ever wondered about the difference between as if and as though?

    你有沒有想過 "as if "和 "as though "之間的區別?

  • We use as if and as though to make comparisons about an imaginary situation or a possible situation that might be true.

    我們用 "好像 "和 "彷彿 "來對想象中的情況或可能是真的情況進行比較。

  • To make comparisons about an imaginary situation, we use the past tense for the verb following as if or as though.

    在對想象的情景進行比較時,我們使用 as if 或 as though 後面的動詞過去式。

  • He acted as if he didn't hear anything, but he did.


  • They feel as though they weren't appreciated, but they were.


  • To make comparisons about a possible situation that might be true, we use the present tense for the verb following as if or as though.

    為了對可能真實發生的情況進行比較,我們使用動詞的現在時來表示 as if 或 as though 後面的動詞。

  • He speaks as if he knows a directions.


  • She looks as though she lives here.


  • My stomach is rumbling as if I didn't have any breakfast, but I did.

    我的肚子 "咕咕 "叫,好像我沒吃早餐,但我吃了。

  • Bye.


  • Let's talk about appearance.


  • What's the difference between look and look like?

    look 和 look like 有什麼區別?

  • So, we use look with an adjective to say how something or someone appears.

    我們在使用 look 時會用到形容詞,以表示某物或某人是如何出現的。

  • We don't know for certain, but we're making a statement based on what we can see with our eyes.


  • You look really tired today.


  • When did you go to bed?


  • Now, remember, we can also use look for things.

    現在,請記住,我們還可以使用 look 在物品上。

  • These grapes look delicious.


  • We use look like to compare the appearance of something or someone to something else.

    我們用 look like 來比較某物或某人與其他事物的外觀。

  • So, look like is followed by a noun or a noun phrase.

    所以,look like 後面跟的是名詞或名詞短語。

  • I look like my mother.


  • We have the same eyes.


  • You can also use these rules with these verbs, sound, smell, taste, and feel.


  • This smoothie smells disgusting, but it tastes good.


  • Hello, everyone.


  • I'm Sam from BBC Learning English, and today we are going to look at the three ways in which we use if only.

    我是來自 BBC Learning English 的 Sam,今天我們來看看 "如果只是 "的三種用法。

  • We use this to say that we would like something to be different, but careful, it has different forms.


  • For the past, we use if only plus past perfect.

    對於過去時,我們使用 if only 加上過去完成時。

  • If only I hadn't left my keys at home.


  • For the present, we use if only plus past simple.

    對於現在時,我們使用 if only 加過去式。

  • For example, if only I understood maths, or if only I were better at maths, where we use were instead of was.

    例如,"如果我懂數學就好了 "或 "如果我數學更好就好了",這裡我們用 were 代替 was。

  • And to talk about the future, we use if only plus would plus a verb.

    在談論未來時,我們使用 if only 加 would 加動詞。

  • For example, if only he would call.


  • If only English were easier.


Hi, I'm Georgina from BBC Learning English.

大家好,我是 BBC Learning English 的 Georgina。

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