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  • Trump vs. Harris, the American presidential debate is finally here, that is if you can even call it a debate, cause both sides flung their fair share of lies, information, and dodging questions.

  • 但是其实吼,我看到的并不是辩论, what I saw was a UFC style diss battle yo, and it was bloody.

  • So where everyone else is giving their in-depth analysis on who said what, and who made what point at what time, today on Hao Chi Se Ping Dao, we're gonna take an up close and personal look at who threw the most brutal punches, took the best takedowns and traps between the orange man and the chameleon.

  • And you already know what it is, 爆米花一定要带鸡多掉!

  • So a few days ago, America's most accurate polling system were at it again.

  • The New York Times and Siena College released the latest update, and the results made it crystal clear, the Kamehameha honeymoon aka Bratz summer was officially over.

  • The orange man was now leading Kamehameha by nearly two points, and there were two categories out of this poll that stuck out the most.

  • 60% of the country believed that America was headed in the wrong direction.

  • And most importantly, nearly 30% of the entire country believed that they needed to know more about Kamehameha Harris before they could make their final decision.

  • And the majority of that sentiment came from the West, the North, and the Northeastern

  • United States, all areas which have crucial swing states.

  • So that left two missions for Kamehameha in this debate.

  • Number one, don't stutter and don't serve up any word salads.

  • And number two, show the world who you really are.

  • And the orange man only had one mission, do not be too Donald Trump.

  • And that brings us to our first punch.

  • This debate started off with one of the three biggest issues for the American people, the economy.

  • And Kamala immediately made her first mistake when she tried to corner the orange man with four numbers.

  • What you're going to hear tonight is a detailed and dangerous plan called Project 2025 that the former president intends on implementing if he were elected again.

  • Number one, I have nothing to do, as you know, and as she knows better than anyone, I have nothing to do with Project 2025.

  • I haven't read it.

  • I don't want to read it purposely.

  • I'm not going to read it.

  • This was a group of people that got together.

  • They came up with some ideas, I guess some good, some bad, but it makes no difference.

  • I have nothing to do.

  • Everybody knows I'm an open book.

  • Everybody knows what I'm going to do.

  • So although Trump has said it over and over again, he has to remind Kamala that he ain't about that Project 2025 shit, yo.

  • So you'd think after that, Kamala would drop it, now that she knows it ain't true.

  • Nope.

  • Because as you're about to see throughout the course of this debate, she'll bring it up two more times and try to throw it in his face.

  • And this just makes her look very untrustworthy.

  • So with this, Kamala has punched herself in the gut.

  • But when it comes to pushing lies, she don't stop there.

  • Kamala then tries to go after Trump's trade terrorists by relabeling them sales taxes on the American people.

  • My opponent has a plan that I call the Trump's sales tax, which would be a 20% tax on everyday goods that you rely on to get through the month.

  • First of all, I have no sales tax.

  • That's an incorrect statement.

  • She knows that.

  • We're doing tariffs on other countries.

  • Other countries are going to finally, after 75 years, pay us back for all that we've done for the world.

  • They took in billions and billions of dollars, as you know, from China.

  • In fact, they never took the tariff off because it was so much money they can't.

  • It would totally destroy everything that they've set out to do.

  • They've taken in billions of dollars from China and other places they've left the tariffs on.

  • Wow.

  • So not only does Trump expose her for lying, but he then calls out the Biden-Harris administration for actually keeping his tariffs.

  • You might be thinking, oh, maybe he left a little bit.

  • Nah, fool.

  • The Biden-Harris administration kept 95% of Trump's trade tariffs when they took office.

  • Wow.

  • So this is a bloody nose for Kamehameha.

  • And in a minute, she's about to get a very fat lip at the hands of Trump.

  • He invited trade wars.

  • You want to talk about his deal with China.

  • What he ended up doing is under Donald Trump's presidency, he ended up selling American chips to China to help them improve and modernize their military, basically sold us out when a policy about China should be in making sure the United States of America wins the competition for the 21st century, which means focusing on the details of what that requires, focusing on relationships with our allies, focusing on investing in American-based technology so that we win the race on A.I., on quantum computing.

  • Everybody knows that Taiwan sold chips to China during the Trump administration, yo.

  • In fact, this is actually part of the reason why Trump accused Taiwan of stealing their chip business.

  • But it ain't going to stop there, as Trump is about to fatten that donkey lip big time.

  • First of all, they bought their chips from Taiwan.

  • We hardly make chips anymore because of philosophies like they have and policies like they have.

  • I don't say her because she has no policy.

  • Anything that she believed three years ago and four years ago is out the window.

  • She's going to my philosophy now.

  • In fact, I was going to send her a MAGA hat.

  • Oh, God damn, that was gangster, son.

  • So now Trump has Kamala on the ropes.

  • And as the topic switches to abortion, something very weird and unexpected is about to go down.

  • The plan is, as you know, the voters, they have abortion in the ninth month.

  • They even have.

  • And you can look at the governor of West Virginia, the previous governor of West Virginia, not the current governor is doing an excellent job.

  • But the governor before he said the baby will be born and we will decide what to do with the baby.

  • In other words, we'll get the baby.

  • And that's why I did that, because that predominates, because they're radical.

  • The Democrats are radical in that.

  • And this is where I have to call Bush, because this has been a big talking point for Republicans for the past couple of months.

  • But what Trump repeated on that stage is 100 percent fake news.

  • You see, the former governor of West Virginia that he's talking about is Ralph Northam.

  • And what I'm about to show you is a clip that right wing media outlets and talking heads alike love to use to support their point.

  • There are you know, when we talk about third trimester abortions, these are done with the consent of obviously the mother, with the consent of the physicians, more than one physician, by the way.

  • And it's done in cases where there may be severe deformities.

  • There may be a fetus that's non viable.

  • So in this particular example, so the part you just watch is the part that all the right wing news organizations and Trump conveniently leave out.

  • This next bit is what they actually quote.

  • If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen.

  • The infant would be delivered.

  • The infant would be kept comfortable.

  • The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired.

  • And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.

  • So as you can see, when you watch the entire clip, it has a completely different meaning.

  • My man is talking about a very special circumstance where the child cannot survive outside of the mother's body.

  • But Trump twisted that shit for his own agenda.

  • So here Trump straight up, and Kamehameha is about to feel a little bit left out and join in on the self punching because she's about to bring up the project 2025 live once again.

  • If Donald Trump were to be reelected, he will sign a national abortion ban.

  • In his project 2025, there would be a national abortion, a monitor that would be monitoring your pregnancies, your miscarriages.

  • I think the American people believe that certain freedoms, in particular, the freedom to make decisions about one's own body should not be made by the government.

  • It's a lie.

  • I'm not signing a ban.

  • And there's no reason to sign a ban because we've gotten what everybody wanted.

  • Democrats, Republicans and everybody else and every legal scholar wanted it to be brought back into the states and the states are voting.

  • I'm not in favor of abortion ban, but it doesn't matter because this issue has now been taken over by the state.

  • So Trump has finally turned his fist in the right direction and said it very clearly that he will not sign a federal abortion ban.

  • But the moderators, aka Kamehameha's henchmen, are about to seize a perfect opportunity to put Trump in a very bad position.

  • Would you veto a national abortion ban?

  • Well, I won't have to.

  • But if I could just get a yes or no, because you're running me, J.D. Vance has said that you would veto if it did come to your desk.

  • Well, I didn't discuss it with J.D. In all fairness, J.D., and I don't mind if he has a certain view, but I think he was speaking for me, but I really didn't.

  • So there are two very big problems here, but we'll start with the smaller one first.

  • So Trump says that he never discussed the issue of vetoing an abortion bill with J.D.

  • Vance and that J.D. was basically putting words in his mouth.

  • So this is a problem because it publicly shows that the president and the vice president are not on the same page and they haven't even been elected to the White House yet.

  • You better be careful.

  • But hey, slight miscommunication.

  • J.D. couldn't wait to buy a little bit of bad optics, but we can overlook it, right?

  • But what we can't overlook is the big elephant in the room.

  • Although Trump said he would not sign a federal abortion ban when it came to vetoing an abortion bill, he did not answer the question.

  • And for those of you who don't know, signing a bill and vetoing a bill are two very different things, Joe.

  • You're goddamn right.

  • OK, so if Congress puts an abortion bill on the president's desk and he signs it, it immediately becomes law.

  • But if the president vetoes the bill, he's basically saying, Beside, this shit is wack, yo.

  • Come up with something better and send it back to me and I'll look at it again.

  • And in this case, Congress has one of two options.

  • They can, A, come up with something better, or B, try to convince at least two thirds of Congress to go against the president and override it, which takes a lot of time and it's in a hamaafat.

  • But if the president does not sign and he does not veto the bill within 10 days, it can immediately become law.

  • So when Trump doesn't give a straight answer on this, he looks super sus.

  • Because if Trump has ill intentions, he can refuse to sign the bill like he promised, but then intentionally not veto the bill, wait it out 10 days later, and it immediately becomes law.

  • So now Trump is not only taa tzitzia liya taa tzizia zai a lupa tzitzia, but where he's got his balls in one hand with the other free hand, he's about to pimp slap Command Man and the moderators with a very unexpected question.

  • You should ask, will she allow abortion in the eighth month, ninth month, seventh month?

  • Come on.

  • OK, would you do that?

  • Why don't you ask her that question?

  • That's the problem.

  • Why don't you answer the question?

  • Would you veto?

  • Because under Roe v. Wade, you could do abortions in the seventh month, the eighth month, the ninth month, and probably after birth.

  • So although Trump fumbled with that fake news bit, he did ask a very simple but important question.

  • Where in the hell does she stand on this issue?

  • And it was at that moment that the chameleon faded into the background and America was looking at that lizard all sorts of sus.

  • Who are you?

  • So this fight is getting bloody as fuck and we're only halfway through.

  • And now we move to another hot topic, immigration.

  • And Kamala starts off her response by reciting the exact same script she used in the CNN interview.

  • So I'm the only person on this stage who has prosecuted transnational criminal organizations for the trafficking of guns, drugs, and human beings.

  • And let me say that the United States Congress, including some of the most conservative members of the United States Senate, came up with a border security bill, which I supported.

  • And that bill would have put 1,500 more border agents on the border to help those folks who are working there right now over time trying to do their job.

  • It would have allowed us to stem the flow of fentanyl coming into the United States.

  • That bill would have put more resources to allow us to prosecute transnational criminal organizations for trafficking in guns, drugs, and human beings.

  • But you know what happened to that bill?

  • Donald Trump got on the phone, called up some folks in Congress, and said, kill the bill.

  • And you know why?

  • Because he'd prefer to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem.

  • Okay, so I've been wanting to tackle this one for a while.

  • This bipartisan border bill that she keeps talking about, I read it twice, and it is straight up dog shit.

  • Not only that, but both Republicans and Democrats had serious issues with it.

  • You see, the Democrats' biggest concern about this bill is that it would limit asylum seekers' ability to actually get into America from war-torn countries.

  • And when it comes to the Republicans, they had two issues.

  • Number one, that the bill didn't clearly allocate power.

  • Meaning, it wasn't clear who was actually going to do what.

  • But more importantly, the Republicans felt that Joe Biden already had enough executive power to execute border control issues without writing a bill.

  • Like he could literally shut it down on his own.

  • So with that, what's the point in trying to pass a bill to get shit done, when Biden could actually get shit done himself?

  • That doesn't make any sense.

  • And it is true.

  • Trump did publicly and somewhat privately try to get the bill killed.

  • But it wasn't all due to him.

  • So if I were Trump, I would use these crucial facts as my defense.

  • But as Kamala finishes up her point, she's about to set a very serious trap.

  • And I'm going to actually do something really unusual, and I'm going to invite you to attend one of Donald Trump's rallies, because it's a really interesting thing to watch.

  • You will see during the course of his rallies, he talks about fictional characters like Hannibal

  • Lecter.

  • He will talk about when mills cause cancer.

  • And what you will also notice is that people start leaving his rallies early, out of exhaustion and boredom.

  • OK, Trump, you've got this.

  • Ignore that last bit.

  • It's a setup.

  • Keep your ego in check.

  • Set the record straight and let her have it.

  • She said people start leaving.

  • People don't go to her rallies.

  • There's no reason to go.

  • And the people that do go, she's busing them in and paying them to be there and then showing them in a different light.

  • So she can't talk about that.

  • People don't leave my rallies.

  • We have the biggest rallies, the most incredible rallies in the history of politics.

  • That's because people want to take their country back.

  • Our country is being lost.

  • We're a failing nation.

  • And it happened three and a half years ago.

  • What they have done to our country by allowing these millions and millions of people to come into our country and look at what's happening to the towns all over the United States and a lot of towns don't want to talk.

  • Not going to be Aurora or Springfield.

  • A lot of towns don't want to talk about it because they're so embarrassed by it.

  • In Springfield, they're eating the dogs, the people that came in.

  • They're eating the cats.

  • They're eating, they're eating the pets of the people that live there.

  • Fuck.

  • What are you doing?

  • Again, Trump punches himself in the dick with fake news and Kamala's henchmen are about to fact check him in real time and let him have it.

  • I just want to clarify here.

  • You bring up Springfield, Ohio, and ABC News did reach out to the city manager there.

  • He told us there had been no credible reports of specific claims of pets being harmed, injured or abused by individuals within the immigrant community.

  • I've seen people on television.

  • Let me just say here, this is the people on television saying my dog was taken and used for food.

  • Bruh.

  • The people on the TV said it?

  • Oh my God.

  • You're the former president of the United States.

  • What the fuck are you doing getting your intel from Xinguangbao Gao?

  • You are so dumb.

  • You are really dumb.

  • For real.

  • Now, Kamala sees that Trump is leaking and she's about to go in on Trump, but on a really, really weird point.

  • You know, I, this is, I think one of the reasons why in this election, I actually have the endorsement of 200 Republicans who have formally worked with President Bush, Mitt Romney and

  • John McCain, including the endorsement of former vice president Dick Cheney and Congress member Liz Cheney.

  • And if you want to really know the inside track on who the former president is, if he didn't make it clear already, just ask people who have worked with him.

  • His former chief of staff, a four star general, has said he has contempt for the constitution of the United States.

  • His former national security advisor has said he is dangerous and unfit.

  • His former secretary of defense has said the nation, the republic would never survive another

  • Trump term.

  • Dick Cheney, this is who you try to stone on Trump with?

  • The man who literally created the modern military industrial complex and created the lie of weapons of mass destruction?

  • He is the establishment.

  • His nickname, I kid you not, is literally Darth Vader.

  • Not only that, but then she's going to try and lay in on Trump's former employees.

  • Well, Trump's response is about to knock her straight into the dirt.

  • See, I'm a different kind of a person.

  • I fired most of those people.

  • Not so graciously.

  • They did bad things or a bad job.

  • I fired them.

  • They never fired one person.

  • They didn't fire anybody having to do with Afghanistan and the Taliban and the 13 people were just killed viciously and violently.

  • And I got to know the parents and the family.

  • They didn't fire.

  • They should have fired all those generals, all those top people, because that was one of the most incompetently handled situations anybody has ever seen.

  • So when somebody does a bad job, I fire them.

  • But they have done such a poor job and they never fire anybody.

  • Look at the economy.

  • Look, look at the inflation.

  • They didn't fire any of their economists.

  • They have the same people.

  • And here the orange man delivers the perfect uppercut.

  • This is the guy whose most famous punchline is, you're fired.

  • Get out of here.

  • Just like he said, he got rid of people who sucked at their job.

  • But under the Biden administration, they didn't fire anybody who fucked up.

  • So we're almost down to two of the greatest punches of all.

  • And it all kicks off whenever the topic switches to a very sore spot for the Biden administration,

  • Russia and Ukraine.

  • I actually met with Zelensky a few days before Russia invaded, tried through force to change territorial boundaries, to defy one of the most important international rules and norms, which is the importance of sovereignty and territorial integrity.

  • And I met with President Zelensky.

  • I shared with him American intelligence about how he could defend himself.

  • So Kamehameha walked herself right into this one, yo.

  • And in case you don't see it, once Trump finishes speaking in this next bit, you will.

  • They sent her to negotiate peace before this war started.

  • Three days later, he went in and he started the war.

  • Because everything they said was weak and stupid.

  • They said the wrong things.

  • That war should have never started.

  • She was the emissary.

  • They sent her in to negotiate with Zelensky and Putin.

  • And she did.

  • And the war started three days later.

  • And that's the kind of talent we have with her.

  • She is a horrible negotiator.

  • God damn.

  • So after that, it was really hard for Kamehameha to continue.

  • And Trump would go on until Kamehameha would make an ultimately bad mistake and try to interrupt him.

  • And then this happened.

  • She was big on defund the police.

  • In Minnesota, she went out.

  • Wait a minute.

  • I'm talking now.

  • If you don't mind.

  • Please.

  • Does that sound familiar?

  • You're done fucked up now!

  • This is huge.

  • And in case you don't understand, wakari kon'ha.

  • The phrase, I'm speaking now, was Kamehameha's ultimate girl boss meme back in 2019 when she debated Mike Pence.

  • Well, let's get.

  • No, but Susan, this is important.

  • I want to add that if Mr. Vice President, I'm speaking, I'm speaking.

  • This moment is what put Kamehameha on the map back then.

  • And all this riff raff from the Kamehameha's camp before the debate about how they wanted to have unmuted mics was all for the purpose of giving her the chance to recreate this girl boss moment with Trump.

  • But Trump snatched it right out from underneath her.

  • Gotcha, bitch.

  • So what was once Kamala's biggest meme was now Trump's biggest meme.

  • When he said that, she was completely speechless.

  • So you would think with all the punches that Trump landed, he would have won this debate, right?

  • Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.

  • Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.

  • Sure, he punched Kamala really bad, but while he was doing all that, Kamala stuck to her script and blended in like a chameleon.

  • And compared to Trump, who was all over the place and couldn't stick on topic, Kamala looks cool, calm, and stable, where Trump looked like a madman.

  • And as a result, the latest polymarket prediction showed Trump dropping three points while

  • Kamala rose three points, resulting in a complete tie.

  • All because Trump was too goddamn Trump.

  • And Kamala, well, she just blended in.

  • You barely even noticed her.

  • But to be fair, my man walked into a three-on-one.

  • Because the president of ABC News is the very guy who introduced Kamala to her husband.

  • So needless to say, they were pinching as fuck.

  • And it showed on camera.

  • Not only that, but Trump is in the middle of suing ABC News.

  • But despite all this, he still walked into that anyway.

  • That is gangster.

  • So needless to say, this is going to be a very tight race.

  • And word on the street is, Kamala is already down for another debate, which I think should be going down next week if Trump agrees.

  • The way I see it, no matter how many debates they have, it will ultimately come down to one very important question.

  • In this time of war, who do you see as your leader?

  • The peppy cheerleader or the thuggish gang leader?

  • Let me know what you think down below.

  • Remember to like, comment, subscribe, and keep it simple, and I will see you on the flip side.

  • Peace!

Trump vs. Harris, the American presidential debate is finally here, that is if you can even call it a debate, cause both sides flung their fair share of lies, information, and dodging questions.

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