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  • Hello there, Tim friends, and welcome back to the channel.

  • So I need your help.

  • I need your help to become Peak Tim.

  • OK, so before you click out, let me explain what's going on.

  • OK, just give me a minute.

  • I promise I respect your time and you won't regret it.

  • OK, at least you'll know what I'm talking about.

  • So let's get to it.

  • I need your help to become Peak Tim, to become the best version of myself and to make the best possible videos that I can.

  • And I can only do that with your help.

  • OK, so here's the thing.

  • First things first, I've recently gone a major life change.

  • My wife has been supporting me this whole time, is the most amazing person in this entire world that I know and love and is amazing and everything.

  • She recently started a new job, which is a regular eight to five Monday through Friday schedule, which is a game changer for us, because the past few years, ever since I started YouTube, she's been working as a night shift nurse in the ICU of a hospital.

  • Super intense workload, crazy schedule, three days a week, seemingly at random.

  • And our sleeping schedule was all over the place.

  • And so for the very first time in my YouTube career, I finally can have uninterrupted large blocks of time with less stress and worry and everything.

  • And I can create videos how I want, when I want in a more regular schedule.

  • So first thing that means more regular videos.

  • And second of all, what that means is I'm hoping that this will be a great growth year for the channel.

  • I'm putting everything I have into making this year amazing for the channel.

  • And that's why I need your help.

  • So you may have seen this video I posted, I don't know, last year or something.

  • And I talked about the channel and what it means to me and all that and blah, blah, blah.

  • But there's one particular thing I want to talk about.

  • Again, Cliff Notes version.

  • So in my entire life, I've noticed a pattern every time I start some new endeavor, whether it was high school or tennis or photography, videography, programming, my own career, my first job after college.

  • All of these things, they take me roughly three to four years to settle in.

  • And once I settle in, I hit that peak Tim level and I'm cruising.

  • But the thing is, with all of those things, what I really lacked was I mean, school is school.

  • But besides that, the other things, what I really lacked was a strong enough passion to go for it and put my entire life into it.

  • But this is different.

  • YouTube videos, videography, directing, writing.

  • This is different.

  • This is something I care so much about and I want to bring it to fruition and be the best possible version of myself.

  • I want to be peak Tim, create peak Tim thoughts, get to the peak level of this graph for the channel to make the most amazing stuff I can for you, for the world, for everyone else.

  • And that's why I need your help.

  • I know thus far on the channel, especially if you've been following me for a while.

  • I know that, you know, I have a disdain for the algorithm and I've talked ad nauseum about that.

  • And that's not what this is about.

  • This is actually kind of the opposite.

  • If we want this whole thing to work, if you want to help me succeed the way I want me to with the algorithm.

  • And the only way any of this is going to work is if I have your support.

  • And that's why I need your help.

  • You know, I've met some of you through the channel, through comments, through discord, through Instagram.

  • And you guys are so amazing.

  • You're such amazing people and you've done such amazing things.

  • And I know there are a bunch of you out there who I've never met, but I'm sure you're equally as amazing.

  • That's the thing about this channel that I cannot believe that is the best thing ever is the kind of people that my videos attract.

  • These amazing, thoughtful, compassionate, caring, skilled, learned, you know, amazing people.

  • And that's who you are.

  • And that's why I'm relying on you.

  • And that's why I need your help.

  • And together, I think we can grow this channel into something that I always knew it could be.

  • And I'm going to do my part.

  • I'm going to be making these videos.

  • I'm going to be releasing them as fast as I can, as often as I can, and of as high quality as I can that you've come to know and love and enjoy.

  • If you know me at all, whether personally or through the videos or through Instagram or whatever, you probably know that I'm not the kind of person that asks for help.

  • I don't like to be a burden.

  • I don't like to make other people do things for me because I always feel like I don't want to put more strain on other people's shoulders when I know you guys have your own worries and stuff going on.

  • But if this is going to succeed, if I'm going to make it, if this channel is going to be something long term that we can all enjoy and grow from and grow together, then I can only do it with your help.

  • And so here's the plan.

  • Let me break it down for you and what you can do to help me make this a reality.

  • What I'm going to be doing now is I'm going to be posting videos more often.

  • My goal is at least one video per week, maybe even more.

  • If this is going to work, I do need your help.

  • If you see a new video that comes out and it sounds interesting, please watch it as long as is interesting to you.

  • And if you do like it, leave a thumbs up on the video and leave a comment, even if the comment is just a smiling emoji or something like that.

  • But all of these little things, these little tiny things that don't require a ton of effort, don't require any money from you, will help the channel dramatically in growing.

  • I'll try and pin down a more specific schedule as time goes on, and I'm going to be seeing you guys regularly, you know, hit me up on Instagram, come by the Discord.

  • We can talk about anything or you can get updates about how things are going and blah, blah, blah.

  • But that's basically the plan.

  • I'm going to be making a bunch more videos and I have a lot of great, amazing ideas in the pipeline.

  • Like I want to make more Forgotten Ghibli, Toshio Suzuki video.

  • I'm sitting on a mountain of Japan content, more vlogs, more other interesting ideas I have.

  • And I even want to get out there and start making like real documentaries, interviewing real people about real world issues and problems that are out there.

  • I have so much ambition and so many goals for myself and for the channel for this year.

  • And that's why I need your help.

  • This can only work.

  • This can only become a thing that I can do, continue to do full time if I have your support.

  • And that's my biggest goal for this year.

  • I want to grow the channel to a place where it can become a sustainable source of income for me, because I'm going to be honest with you guys, I have a little bit more runway now with this new job and this is it.

  • This is really it.

  • These next few months will decide the fate of the channel.

  • I mean, I can definitely continue to make videos, even if I find a full time job and all that, but they will be much more infrequent.

  • And I can't say for sure, but I feel like the channel will fizzle out and just won't make it if that happens.

  • So I'm putting my hopes and dreams into this.

  • I'm going to pull my hardest to make the best videos that I can, that you guys have ever seen, that will propel Tim Thott into a new plateau, a new echelon, a new stratosphere.

  • You know, help me grow the channel.

  • Help me be Peak Tim.

  • Help me make it be everything that I know it can be.

  • If you're watching this video, you've probably seen one of my other videos.

  • I mean, you must have.

  • And in that capacity, you know, on some level, who I am and what I do and how much heart I put into all the videos, all the stuff I make, and that's who I am.

  • And that will never change.

  • And this is what I'm asking for.

  • This is what I need help with.

  • I need a way to make this the reality.

  • I need a way to propel Tim Thott into the future, into something that I can keep making and keep building on and to be something that will reach more and more people so that I can continue to make videos and share ideas and thoughts and spread something more than just, you know, the clickbait, the rage bait, the whatever.

  • I'm not trying to throw shit at other people, but I do think there's something about my videos that's different.

  • And I think if you're watching this video, you understand that.

  • And that's why I need your help.

  • I'm not a big channel.

  • You guys know that.

  • If you're watching this, you're probably only one of a few, maybe hundred people.

  • And that, it sounds like nothing.

  • But if you all feel the same way and you all pitch in a little bit, we can grow this channel into something amazing and spectacular and big enough to sustain me and my family and we can keep going.

  • You know, maybe it's too much to ask, but what I really want is to be able to pursue this passion to make videos and to earn a living doing it so I can stay home, be with my family, grow my family, and at the same time, continue to be creative and follow my passion and make amazing videos that you all will enjoy and learn from and grow from.

  • And we can all learn and grow together.

  • Okay, I think that's pretty much it.

  • I'm trying to make this video as short as possible and I finally, you know, feel like I said what I needed to say and I recorded other stuff before I threw it out and I'm finally here now and I hope it got through to you.

  • And that's it.

  • That's everything I have to say and I hope I said it in a meaningful and connective way, you know, but that's it.

  • That's everything.

  • So, please, you know, please do help if this resonated with you, if my channel means something to you, if what I said makes sense, please help me out and make TimThoughts everything that I know it can be.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you so much for watching this video, for watching any number of my other videos, and for your help in the future.

  • Thank you guys.

  • I cannot say that enough.

  • It's only because of you that any of this works at all and I just want to say thank you and, you know, as always, I'll catch you all in the next one.

Hello there, Tim friends, and welcome back to the channel.

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