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  • Hello, everyone, and welcome back to Tim in Japan.

  • First, as is tradition, a konbini breakfast.

  • Today we'll be exploring Tokyo, a couple different places over a couple different days, namely the neighborhoods of Ikebukuro and Shibuya.

  • Some exploring, some eating, some shopping.

  • So come along with me and enjoy the ride.

  • As always, train stations are chock full of interesting distractions. 28 minutes.

  • Oh my gosh, that's long.

  • Ah, super soothing.

  • We've arrived at our first destination, Ikebukuro.

  • Found this cute little store selling all kinds of kawaii merch.

  • Also snagged our very first gachapon.

  • Cute.

  • Heading up out of the station to explore a bit, and we stumbled upon our first Don Quixote, a massive brand with many branches all over Tokyo.

  • Don Quixote, as locals call it, sells virtually anything and everything you could need or want.

  • Serious sensory overload stepping into one of these.

  • Also a great place for affordable souvenirs.

  • After traversing the Don Quixote labyrinth, we headed over to our lunch destination.

  • Ikebukuro has this really lively, fun atmosphere, especially on the weekends.

  • And here it is, Haneda Ichiba.

  • This shop specializes in seafood and tempura.

  • They have super fresh sashimi and incredible tendon.

  • Great mixture of classic Japanese style with some modern touches.

  • A beautiful local spot.

  • My wife ordered this special sashimi rice bowl, one of their specialties.

  • And I got tendon with shrimp, chicken, pork belly, soft-boiled egg, and some other goodies, all fried to perfection.

  • To finish, I had some of their house-made dashi to make ochazuke.

  • This place was simply incredible.

  • Heading out, I wanted to check out this Sega arcade right across the street.

  • Three bursting floors of gachapon and crane games.

  • And now, it's time for UFO KACHA CHALLENGE!

  • I can't look.

  • And just down the street, we came upon this official Capcom store.

  • Literally so many gachapon, and even more arcade and crane games.

  • This atmosphere is super nostalgic, yet with all the modern upgrades.

  • Super fun place to scope out for sure.

  • I could easily spend all day here.

  • You know, the hard thing about gachapon is it's impossible to decide what to actually buy without spending all your cash.

  • We didn't get a chance to go, but I did notice they had this neat Capcom cafe there too.

  • And just outside were some very interesting vending machines.

  • Aside from the discount drinks, there was this one that sells dashi with an actual fish inside, as well as a machine that only sells sriracha.

  • Now onto dessert.

  • Ringo, which means apple.

  • Or these special mini apple pies.

  • Super flaky pie crust stuffed with deliciously fresh caramelized apples and a rich custard cream filling.

  • We got a seasonal blueberry as well as the classic apple.

  • Absolutely delicious.

  • Then onto a little window shopping in the station.

  • Very busy Saturday in Ikebukuro.

  • Last, we visited the department store in the station, grabbing some food for dinner later.

  • Department stores always have a specific floor dedicated to selling vast quantities of these tantalizing treats.

  • This train is bound for Nishizuna.

  • After hitting up the local supermarket for some water and snacks, we headed to McDonald's to try it out for the first time.

  • Okay, so check this out.

  • We just got McDonald's to go for the first time.

  • And they pack your soda in its own bag.

  • And then they use the handle for that bag as the second handle for your entire bag.

  • So that your soda stays in there nicely.

  • And then you can just take everything out one by one.

  • The burgers were honestly pretty disappointing.

  • Even though they had these Japanese flavors, they weren't that great.

  • Fries were pretty standard.

  • But this was the star.

  • Seasonal ichigo daifuku pie.

  • Sweet strawberry jam with a chewy mochi filling inside of a crunchy crust.

  • And trying out the department store food, I gotta say it was a bit disappointing.

  • While it looked amazing, it mostly tasted pretty average.

  • Strawberry shortcake to round things off.

  • Pretty good, but also pretty standard for Japan.

  • And the day's gacha haul.

  • Some quick leftovers for breakfast.

  • And we nabbed this gacha that my sister requested the day prior.

  • It's the blue one!

  • Must have done something to please the gacha gods.

  • And we are back in Shibuya.

  • This is what crowds are like on a weekend afternoon.

  • Very busy and lively.

  • A real buzzing energy about the place.

  • Here's a profile view of the famous Shibuya crossing.

  • Tokyo really is a beautiful city.

  • So modern and clean.

  • And once again, we return to Onitsuka Tiger.

  • Told you we'd be back.

  • This time, let's get a better view of what's inside the shop.

  • Lots of interesting, eclectic designs here.

  • But of course, we came back for the Nippon made shoes.

  • As I explained before, each of these are handmade by Japanese craftsmen.

  • So that means when they sell out, they don't know when they'll get more in.

  • So if you see something you like, just get them.

  • And here are some shots of the pair I picked up.

  • Embroidered with Onitsuka Tiger on the side.

  • They are awesome.

  • And expensive.

  • But I do like how they tie the bag handle for you.

  • Now it's time for a coffee break.

  • We walked back down the street to this Muji to try out their in-house cafe.

  • Something we missed the first time around.

  • In addition to plenty of different foods and salads, they also offer some desserts and coffee.

  • We picked up a slice of cheesecake and an iced latte.

  • Enjoy the coffee break.

  • So, how are you guys doing?

  • How is life these days?

  • Are you enjoying the Japan vlogs so far?

  • It's good to take a rest once in a while.

  • I wanted to mention that these videos take a ton of work.

  • So if you're enjoying them, please consider leaving a like.

  • I do really appreciate your support.

  • Got lots of really cool adventures coming up soon, so stay tuned.

  • After coffee, we browsed around Muji a bit more.

  • Snagged some silky b-roll.

  • Like I mentioned before, Muji is an excellent one-stop shop for all sorts of quality goods.

  • Just out front was this cute little garden.

  • Seems like a community effort where people nearby pitch in to keep it clean and healthy.

  • Pretty cool.

  • Heading on down the street, we arrive at our next destination, Loft.

  • This is an incredible, amazing behemoth of a store.

  • While probably best known for their stationery supplies, they also sell a variety of household goods, hobby supplies, gifts, and crafts.

  • The store is littered with these gorgeous displays, including these fantastic Ghibli paper scene crafts.

  • Lots of familiar favorites here.

  • I also enjoyed this retro camera display section with actual vintage pins for sale.

  • And they have this gigantic sticker wall.

  • Tons of B-side label stickers.

  • Unique designs with excellent quality.

  • This place just has an unlimited supply of different stamps, stickers, and more.

  • And upstairs was this cool art display area.

  • Also a pop-up mirror automata shop.

  • It is silly just how easy it is to get lost in exploring everything here.

  • When you're done checking out, go up to the top floor in order to get a tax-free refund.

  • Amounts to about 10% back.

  • Not bad.

  • Afterward, we headed to Shibuya Station to drop off our stuff in a locker.

  • Before meeting up with some friends for dinner.

  • And this is Shibuya on a weekend evening.

  • We made our way over to the crossing and onto the famous second floor Starbucks with a view.

  • Yo!

  • Unfortunately, it was so busy we couldn't find a spot for that perfect angle.

  • But we did manage to get some snacks in.

  • Next up, dinner in Roppongi.

  • Just a short train ride away.

  • And here we are, Savoy.

  • Now I am not exaggerating when I say that this is the best pizza I have eaten in my life.

  • It was an amazing experience in itself, prepared and cooked by an artisan master chef.

  • Oh wow, I didn't know that.

  • Don't call yourself a pro if you're not doing it.

  • The chef actually trained in Italy and came back to Japan to spread the pizza gospel.

  • First up, the classic margarita with mozzarella and basil.

  • Next, Ozaki pizza.

  • That's right, Wagyu pizza.

  • Then, an interesting Japanese fusion topped with seared tuna.

  • The house special with hand shaved garlic.

  • Just look at that crust.

  • And finally, a sweet caramelized onion pizza.

  • Incredibly delicious food, 10 out of 10 recommended every single time.

  • The crust was spectacular and the quality was unmatched.

  • You gotta check this place out.

  • It's time to head back to Shibuya.

  • Capping things off with a casual dessert from the nearby 7-Eleven.

  • Then we doubled back to Shibuya to get our stuff from the locker in the station.

  • Perfect time to grab some night shots.

  • Also, right next to Shibuya Scramble is where we finally found a machine that sold Suica cards.

  • So if you're specifically looking for a Suica card, you can get them here.

  • This is our locker.

  • This is our thingy.

  • Press the button for the desired function.

  • Select the type of key you used.

  • Input the key number.

  • The door has been unlocked.

  • Thank you for using our service.

  • Last stop, Lush, to bolster the Japanese bath experience even further.

  • Perfect.

  • And that will wrap things up for this one.

  • Tying things off with a nightcap and checking out my cool vintage pin.

  • If you made it this far, let me know in the comments what's been your favorite part of the Tokyo vlogs?

  • Be sure to check out my Instagram and stop by the Discord for more Tim in Japan.

  • And as always, thank you so much for watching.

  • I will end things here with a preview of next week's episode.

  • Got a real fun one coming up.

  • Tokyo DisneySea, so stay tuned.

  • Catch you in the next one.

  • You

Hello, everyone, and welcome back to Tim in Japan.

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