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  • Your daily dose of English learning

  • Part 1 30 living room items

  • Sofa

  • Sofa

  • Dad likes to watch sports on the sofa

  • Dad likes to watch sports on the sofa

  • Coffee table

  • Coffee table

  • Mom usually decorates the coffee table with flowers in her favorite vase

  • Mom usually decorates the coffee table with flowers in her favorite vase

  • Television

  • Television

  • The kids are only allowed to watch TV on the weekends

  • The kids are only allowed to watch TV on the weekends

  • TV stand

  • TV stand

  • The remote is on the TV stand

  • The remote is on the TV stand

  • Bookshelf

  • Bookshelf

  • Can you grab me a book from the bookshelf?

  • Can you grab me a book from the bookshelf?

  • Closet

  • Closet

  • I usually reorganize my closet every season

  • I usually reorganize my closet every season

  • Curtains

  • Curtains

  • We just bought new curtains for our new house

  • We just bought new curtains for our new house

  • Fan

  • Fan

  • Please turn on the fan. It's getting quite hot in here

  • Please turn on the fan. It's getting quite hot in here

  • Air purifier

  • Air purifier

  • The air purifier keeps the air in the house clean

  • The air purifier keeps the air in the house clean

  • Lamp

  • Lamp

  • I bought a new lamp for my bedroom

  • I bought a new lamp for my bedroom

  • Speaker

  • Speaker

  • My brother loves to play music on speaker

  • My brother loves to play music on speaker

  • Remote control

  • Remote control

  • Have you seen the remote control? I can't find it anywhere

  • Have you seen the remote control? I can't find it anywhere

  • Painting

  • Painting

  • We have a painting behind the sofa on the wall

  • We have a painting behind the sofa on the wall

  • Vase

  • Vase

  • My sister arranged some flowers in the new vase she bought yesterday

  • My sister arranged some flowers in the new vase she bought yesterday

  • Potted plant

  • Potted plant

  • Lily likes to have potted plants around the house. It keeps her happy

  • Lily likes to have potted plants around the house. It keeps her happy

  • Clock

  • Clock

  • The clock tells us what time it is

  • The clock tells us what time it is

  • Doormat

  • Doormat

  • Doormats keep the dirt off the bottom of your shoes from getting in the house

  • Doormats keep the dirt off the bottom of your shoes from getting in the house

  • Cushion

  • Cushion

  • Cushion

  • The green cushion on the sofa needs cleaning. My brother spilled juice on it

  • My brother spilled juice on it

  • The green cushion on the sofa needs cleaning. My brother spilled juice on it

  • Telephone

  • Telephone

  • Can someone please pick up the telephone? It's been ringing for a while

  • Can someone please pick up the telephone? It's been ringing for a while

  • Mug

  • Mug

  • He prepared some hot cocoa in a mug

  • He prepared some hot cocoa in a mug

  • Magazines

  • Magazines

  • I like to keep my magazines on the coffee table. I

  • Like to keep my magazines on the coffee table

  • Toys

  • Toys

  • The kids put the toys in a box after playing

  • The kids put the toys in a box after playing

  • Table

  • Table

  • We usually eat together at the table

  • We usually eat together at the table

  • Mirror

  • Mirror

  • Mirror

  • There's a mirror at the end of the hallway

  • There's a mirror at the end of the hallway

  • Chandelier

  • Chandelier

  • The chandelier is hung on the ceiling

  • The chandelier is hung on the ceiling

  • Cupboard

  • Cupboard

  • Can you get me some mugs from the cupboard? Thanks

  • Can you get me some mugs from the cupboard? Thanks

  • Laptop

  • Laptop

  • I usually work on my laptop at home

  • I usually work on my laptop at home

  • Shoe cabinet

  • Shoe cabinet

  • Kids, put your shoes in the shoe cabinet before coming in the house

  • Kids, put your shoes in the shoe cabinet before coming in the house

  • Water filter pitcher

  • You can drink clean water from the water filter pitcher

  • Air conditioner

  • Can you turn on the AC? It's so hot in here

  • Part 2. Answer quickly

  • Sofa

  • Coffee table

  • Television

  • TV stand

  • Bookshelf

  • Closet

  • Curtains

  • Fan

  • Air purifier

  • Lamp

  • Speaker

  • Remote control

  • Painting

  • Vase

  • Potted plant

  • Clock

  • Doormat

  • Cushion

  • Telephone

  • Mug

  • Magazines

  • Toys

  • Table

  • Mirror

  • Chandelier

  • Cupboard

  • Laptop

  • Shoe cabinet

  • Water filter pitcher

  • Air conditioner

  • Part 3. Describe what you see in the picture

  • Have you seen any cushions?

  • There are two cushions and they are both on the sofa

  • There are two cushions and they are both on the sofa

  • Where are the magazines?

  • The magazines are on the coffee table

  • The telephone is ringing. Where do you go to answer it?

  • The telephone is on top of the dresser. I need to go in front of the dresser to answer it

  • The telephone is on top of the dresser. I need to go in front of the dresser to answer it

  • What time is it?

  • It is eight o'clock in the morning

  • Where is the doormat?

  • The doormat is right in front of the door

  • Do you see the vase?

  • Yes, I see the vase. It's on the bookshelf and it's the one with pretty pink flowers in it

  • How many shelves does the bookshelf have?

  • The bookshelf has three layers. There are books and some plants on it

  • The bookshelf has three layers. There are books and some plants on it

Your daily dose of English learning

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