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  • So we're here with Le Serafim.

  • What was y'all's first awareness of Coachella and how big of a cultural impact it has?

  • I imagine it's different for you growing up in the States and then hearing about it and watching Blackpink last year.

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • Tell us about it.

  • Well, for me, I grew up in the States.

  • I am an East Coast girly, so yeah.

  • But even in the East Coast,

  • I would always dream about Coachella, just watching the performances only from a screen.

  • So never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined to be a performer here.

  • So it was absolutely surreal.

  • And being here is such a dream come true.

  • So yeah, it's absolutely incredible.

  • Such a crazy experience.

  • So thankful to be here.

  • So how do you guys put all of your heads together and all of your ideas together to come up with what a Coachella set will look like?

  • First of all, Coachella is a music festival, so it's a place where we can enjoy together.

  • We came up with a lot of little skits and little ad-libs here and there.

  • So yeah, it was really fun to prepare.

  • Is there anything you can tease for us?

  • Also, this will be coming out after you've performed.

  • Oh, okay.

  • So you can kind of tell us.

  • I promise, our lips are sealed.

  • All right.

  • First of all, we're going to perform all of our songs with the band session people.

  • So we're going to have a lot of fun.

  • We're going to have a lot of fun.

  • We're going to have a lot of fun.

  • We're going to have a lot of fun.

  • We're going to have a lot of fun.

  • We're going to have a lot of fun.

  • We have a lot of fun with our band.

  • And we've prepared our pre-release track before we went on tour for the first time in Coachella.

  • So that kind of brings me to my next question of, how would you describe this era for you as a band, as a group, as a team?

  • Because there's been so much evolution in these two years, you know?

  • And you're very vulnerable to share your journey with the Fearnauts.

  • And so it's just like, I'm just interested to know what is on the docket for Le Seraphim for this chapter?

  • Wow, I definitely would say that this performance and being here at Coachella is a big turning point, or could be a big turning point in our career.

  • And I think we all kind of prepared this performance with that kind of mindset, with that kind of gravity.

  • So yeah, hopefully we have a bright future ahead of us.

  • You know, there's gonna be a lot of good music, and hopefully we'll be able to visit a lot more cities going forward in the future.

  • So what is it like, I guess, interacting with fans that maybe are so happy that you're here, and that they've been watching you grow, and then finally you're on the festival grounds, they're like seeing you, you're having an energetic exchange, like, what is that like?

  • And I guess, have you had any fan interactions in the States so far that has just like blown you away?

  • We don't get to perform in the U.S. that often, so I'm excited to be here at this big festival and see our fans.

  • I'm so excited to be able to perform with our fans at a Coachella concert.

  • Very excited.

  • We're hype.

  • We're so hype, yeah.

  • So I think it's so cool to be in a group with five amazing, empowered, beautiful, brilliant women who have so many, I'm sure, interests, and I wonder what it's like for you being on the grounds and having all these artists to see.

  • Do you have any ones that you're excited about?

  • Oh, artists I'm excited about.

  • Yesterday, didn't you watch Sabrina Carpenter's?

  • She watched Sabrina, because we couldn't like come to.

  • Fall in love.

  • Oh my god.

  • She fell in love.

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • She was like talking about her in her group chat.

  • She was like, I just watched Sabrina's like stage.

  • She was so cute.

  • I fell in love, and yeah.

  • I see the kind of hair, like it's giving a little bit of Sabrina's.

  • Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • It's Barbie.

  • A little, yeah, yeah.

  • Similar to this question though, like you all have such different backgrounds.

  • Like you growing up in the States, like Kazuha having like a ballet background, like there's just so much to dive into with you guys that make you individuals, and then make you an amazing team.

  • When it comes to creativity and like building music, and visuals, and choreography, what do you each kind of bring to the table?

  • And like what kind of role do you like kind of puzzle into, if that makes sense?

  • I feel like you have had a big moment on the internet recently, and on TikTok with Smart and Easy, and everyone's putting their own spin on the dance challenges.

  • So what's it like, I guess, seeing how what people respond to, and how people interpret your art and your work, and seeing that it's making such an impact on people?

  • I think it's crazy that like our dances and our songs are going viral on places.

  • Literally viral.

  • Like we were just, you know, we didn't even expect that kind of reaction.

  • So it's always really cool to see people like post covers.

  • And you know, there are people who are really good at like moving their hips.

  • Yeah.

  • So I was like, I would like watch those videos, and like I would like look at them, and be like, wow, I gotta practice like this.

  • And then I would like learn from them.

  • So yeah, there's a lot of talented butts out there.

  • What do you hope fans take away from you guys sharing not just the glossy parts, but the hard parts too?

  • When we look at our songs and lyrics, we try to express our honest feelings.

  • And when I see that, I realize that I'm not the only one.

  • Everyone is like that.

  • I hope we can be a team that can empathize with each other, comfort each other, and be brave.

  • What does being fearless mean to each of you?

  • And I feel like it might be different for each of you.

  • So if you want to go around and pass it on, but because that's such a special message to put forward, and I feel like even in moments like this, like fearlessness gets tested.

  • Yeah, yeah, definitely.

  • I think it's about being able to accept who I am as I am.

  • I feel like I'm lacking a lot when I'm promoting.

  • And when I see that,

  • I feel like, how do I say this?

  • It makes me sad, and I feel like I need to work harder.

  • So I think it's about being able to accept all of that, think positively, and show that through our actions.

  • I think that's what being fearless is about.

  • I think it's about confidence.

  • I think it's about confidence.

  • Period.

  • When I feel like I'm lacking something, but when I'm confident,

  • I feel like I'm getting courage from the people I see.

  • So it's hard, but I think it's about confidence.

  • I think to be fearless is to know your fears and, you know, take advantage or learn to work around that, you know?

  • Or, yeah, learn to accept your challenges and make them your friends.

  • That's great.

  • That's like, I need to know that.

  • I need to learn that.

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • Knowing yourself, I think, is the most fearless thing.

  • I think it's about challenge.

  • Challenge.

  • Challenge yourself.

  • If you're scared, you can't take on a challenge.

  • But if you take on a challenge, whether you make a mistake or succeed, you can gain something.

  • For me, even if I'm a coach, it's a challenge.

  • Yeah.

  • Coachella is a challenge.

  • For me, it's fearless.

  • It's similar to confidence.

  • It's about self-love.

  • Self-love.

  • Loving yourself.

  • Yeah, accepting my shortcomings, and accepting all the things I think are my weaknesses.

  • If you love that too,

  • I think that's fearless.

So we're here with Le Serafim.

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