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  • The most fundamental thing about sensitivity training is that you cannot make fun of a person for something or some action that they have done that they regret.

  • You can only make fun of things that they have control over.

  • Like Oscar is gay.

  • That is his choice.

  • We can make fun of that.

  • I did not choose to fall into a koi pond.

  • Miami, you still can't make fun of people for race or gender or sexual orientation or religion. Who let the lemonhead into the room?

  • You are a waste of life and you should give up.

  • Is what I want to say, but I won't because that is why we are doing this right now.

  • So Toby, welcome to sensitivity training for real.

  • Show of hands.

  • Who here has been koi ponded?

  • Who here has been the butt of a joke that has gone too far?

  • Phyllis.

  • Michael, you make fun of us every day.

  • Yeah, every single day.

  • You never said anything.

  • We have countless times.

  • Well, it is hard to tell the difference between you guys saying stop because I want you to stop or stop as in stop, you're making me laugh so hard.

  • What you're doing is so funny.

  • You're on a roll.

  • I am busting a gut.

  • Stop.

  • That's never been the case. We are going to make a do not mock list.

  • Okay, anything that we think might be out of bounds, we put on this list.

  • Anything you put on this list, you cannot be teased about, got it?

  • I'm going to kick it off.

  • Let's see what I have to put on the list, right?

  • Okay.

  • I also have fallen into the fountain at the steam town mall.

  • Fell into a second fountain.

  • Can you kick me out of the meeting?

  • Go.

  • Go.

  • Starting today, teasing will no longer be tolerated.

  • You mean there's no teasing of any kind?

  • No, no, no, no.

  • Just things that are on the list.

  • That is the beauty of it. Okay.

  • Who else?

  • Who else?

  • Dwight, come on.

  • I don't want people making fun of my nose.

  • Your nose?

  • It's too small.

  • The geometric proportions of my face are perfect in every way but one.

  • My nose is too small.

  • I mean, it still works.

  • I can smell things.

  • I just have to be a lot closer than most people.

  • Oh, my.

  • That is small.

  • Just write it down, please.

  • Can you breathe okay?

  • What keeps your glasses on?

  • Hey, it's on the list, everybody.

  • No, I haven't finished writing.

  • Did you sneeze it off?

  • That's it.

  • No more.

  • Okay.

  • Who else?

  • Who else?

  • Everybody get their chance.

  • I don't want people making fun of my weight.

  • Okay, that's too broad.

  • It's got to be something else.

  • How about your stomach?

  • Yum?

  • Who else?

  • I'm very sensitive about my petite figure.

  • Oh, God.

  • I am.

  • I'm afraid of being thrown around like a football.

  • Well, you know, Nicole Richie might think that you are fat.

  • Does that make you feel better?

  • Meredith?

  • I don't want to say it out loud.

  • Okay, fine.

  • Come on up here.

  • Write it yourself.

  • And don't sign your name to it.

  • And nobody look.

  • Everybody look away.

  • Look away.

  • Well, I really didn't want to put it on the board, but I thought maybe it was gonna come out somehow, so...

  • What are you gonna do?

  • Okay. Some of you may have noticed I'm in a kind of ill-defined, uh, relationship type of thing.

  • Okay, what do you want me to write?

  • Just put Kelly.

  • That's still going on?

  • I will claw your tiny nose off.

  • It's on the list.

  • Creed, your turn.

  • If I write it down, I can't be charged with it.

  • No one said that.

The most fundamental thing about sensitivity training is that you cannot make fun of a person for something or some action that they have done that they regret.

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