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  • Hi Ariel, thank you for coming in today.

  • Yeah, thanks so much for having me.

  • I want to, first of all, I have, um, I want to be sensitive in the workplace, you know, like, um, sensitivity training, or like, you know, for the LGBTQ, are there more letters now, or is that it?

  • Um, there's more letters, but we're going to get into that in a minute.

  • Oh man, I can't keep up.

  • I know, I mean, how many letters can you add before it's the fucking alphabet?

  • So we're going to talk about it in a second, but, um, it's safe to say sort of LGBTQ is an inclusive term that we can use to describe the girls.

  • Well, lesbian.

  • Gay.

  • Gay.

  • Bisexual.

  • Bisexual.

  • Transgender.

  • Or Bryce.

  • Bryce.

  • Bisexual Bryce.

  • That's not true, but.

  • Well, how would you describe it?

  • I am a straight man.

  • Don't have sex with women, though.

  • You don't have sex with women.

  • Well, that's true, but what?

  • So, so there's a lot of different terms, two of those terms revolve around gender identity again.

  • Like, how do you feel on the inside?

  • And so there's cisgender, meaning that gender identity and sex assigned at birth do not line up.

  • Okay, great.

  • Let me just, if you have a Pikachu and you feel girly, you're cisgender and you feel like a girl.

  • If you have a Pikachu and you feel like a man, you're transgender.

  • Right.

  • If you were assigned female at birth and you identify as a woman, then that would make you cisgender.

  • So that's, she's got masculine qualities, but that's just.

  • Right.

  • And I mean, it's also in the context of the workplace, right?

  • So in the workplace, we want to be careful because we want to make sure all employees feel supported.

  • And so.

  • I will take them.

  • I want them to be in a safe place and I want them to, I mean, I don't know how to phrase it, and be, that's why we're having this training so that we can all be appropriate around each other.

  • Well, Ariel, one time when Chelsea saw my new ID card here at the Netflix studios, she said that my picture looked like a fucking woman, that I, what?

  • Yeah.

  • Was it a picture of you?

  • Yes.

  • A statement like that, right?

  • Even if it, again, if that's the relationship you two have, it could be really, really harmful, right?

  • It's even, even if you two have that kind of rapport, right?

  • Anybody else who works as a part of your crew, your set who works just here could overhear that and feel.

  • If you can call him a woman also.

  • Well, no, they would feel really vulnerable, right?

  • Maybe they feel like they're not safe in the workplace.

  • Maybe they feel like, um, you know, that, that this is a hostile environment for them.

  • What if I said she did something that was really awesome and I was like, yes, bitch.

  • Those are things that again, are things that we want to avoid.

  • Oh man, I love being like, what up queen?

  • I thought it was yas queen.

  • Yas queen or yas queen.

  • Is that?

  • We were at the beach one time at an offsite.

  • What is this leaf?

  • Why is there a leaf there?

  • Is that supposed to be a bush?

  • If it helps my Instagram following, can I be questioning?

  • That's also the day that she roofied my partner.

  • Pussy.

  • I couldn't say, oh, hey, smelly pussy.

  • Like, I couldn't say that.

  • I'd like a pie.

  • I'd like a strawberry pie.

  • So having a man crush on Leonardo DiCaprio is okay.

  • $10,000.

  • That was, if Oprah.

  • I have a gun.

  • Do a lot of gay guys own guns?

  • So obviously you don't want to bring up somebody's asshole or something in the morning.

  • I met Pitbull once and he smelled really good.

  • Does that mean I'm bisexual now?

  • So my employer can't ask me if I have, quote, ever wanted to put my little shuttlecock in another man's asshole on company time?

  • Definitely not something that an employer should be asking.

  • There's also laws and things, right, that also limit us.

  • What?

  • What kind of laws?

  • It's around, you know, asking an employee or an applicant, you know, what their sexual orientation is or what their dating habits are.

  • You always ask that.

  • She asks if I've had anal sex when I come back from the weekend.

  • But you're in a relationship.

  • He's in a relationship.

  • I've met his boyfriend.

  • He's in the relationship.

  • It's not like it's not, like it's an interview.

  • I didn't ask if you've had anal sex on the weekend.

  • We'll start.

  • I mean.

  • Okay.

  • But I don't have anal sex.

  • I mean, I'm not into that.

  • I did it once and it was a shit show.

  • Literally for like four days.

  • Yeah.

  • I mean, it can be hard, right?

  • Yeah.

  • Especially when you have a personal relationship with folks outside of the workplace to balance life with.

  • Bryce is struggling, you know, with his sexuality.

  • He has been since we've met him.

  • I know Bryce is straight.

  • And help me out with this, okay, because you're a lesbian, right, and I'm gay.

  • Usually, it's always the ones that say they're straight, like, you know, come up to you and like going, when did you come out?

  • You know, how did you know you were gay?

  • And then they kind of hit on you a little bit.

  • I mean, Bryce has never hit on me.

  • So I know that.

  • You think that's a gay sign?

  • Yeah.

  • I mean, they're like, I hate gay people.

  • And they're like, I hate you gay people.

  • Usually, they're found in a bathroom sucking D.

  • Okay.

  • Well, I think we've got it.

  • I mean, I think I'm, Chelsea's got it.

  • Yeah.

  • I mean.

  • I'll say this, and y'all have been great, but really, it's all a work in progress, right?

  • And what we, all I can ask is that you come at this with like a good attitude, right?

  • And really just work on, you know, supporting that person in the future.

  • Right.

  • We're here.

  • We're here.

  • Gay youths do it.

  • That's right.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you.

Hi Ariel, thank you for coming in today.

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