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  • They did it!


  • SpaceX's first Block 2 ship is nearing completion.

    SpaceX 的第一艘 Block 2 飛船即將完工。

  • Could it be the next to fly?


  • Pad A finishes its latest round of catch testing.

    A 號停機坪完成了最新一輪的接力測試。

  • Is it ready for the real deal?


  • Macy's has a flurry of testing.


  • How did they go?


  • And Polaris Dawn comes to an end.

    北極星黎明 "就此結束。

  • What happened and was it a success?


  • My name is Felix, welcome to What about it!?

    我叫 Felix,歡迎來到 What about it!

  • Let's dive right in!


  • Starship Updates It has been a pretty big week for Starship Updates.

    星艦更新 對於《星艦更新》來說,本週是非常重要的一週。

  • After the recent bombshell announcement that Flight 5 will be delayed until November at the earliest by the FAA, it's easy to think that things at Starbase may slow down.

    最近,美國聯邦航空局宣佈 5 號班機最早將延後到 11 月起飛,這一重磅消息很容易讓人聯想到星際基地的工作可能會放緩。

  • But this is SpaceX we're talking about.

    但我們談論的是 SpaceX 公司。

  • They don't slow down for anything.


  • Looking at the launch site, SpaceX has once again brought out its army of man lifts to Tower A following what was hopefully a successful testing regime.

    從發射場看,SpaceX 在希望成功的測試之後,再次將人工升降機大軍帶到了 A 塔。

  • All of this work is likely to make sure the upgrades and structural reinforcements made before these arms performed their most recent tests worked.


  • They also need to check, if they need to perform more work on the catch arms.


  • With the extra time SpaceX has now, they may decide it's a good idea to bring the punching bag, boost of 14.1 back out to the launch complex for a third round of testing.

    由於 SpaceX 現在有了更多的時間,他們可能會決定將 14.1 的助推器帶回發射場進行第三輪測試。

  • While the FAA and EPA delay is an annoying thing for SpaceX, it also opens up larger changes made possible by the extra time.

    雖然 FAA 和 EPA 的延遲對 SpaceX 來說是件惱人的事,但它也為更大的變革提供了可能。

  • Right now, it looks like teams will continue to perform upgrades and reinforcements ahead of Flight 5.

    現在看來,各小組將繼續在第 5 次班機起飛前進行升級和增援。

  • We can even see that SpaceX has installed scaffolding near the top of the tower.

    我們甚至可以看到 SpaceX 在塔頂附近安裝了腳手架。

  • Following the recent tests, SpaceX is likely to begin reinforcing this section.

    在最近的測試之後,SpaceX 可能會開始加固這一部分。

  • Pad A has received a lot of attention given its upcoming flight test, but with the flight being delayed, it's likely SpaceX will turn its focus to its next generation of launch pads, which start with Pad B.


  • This new tower and pad combo has seen numerous upgrades from its predecessor, including a completely redesigned launch mount.


  • It's not just another pad.


  • As much as the Block 2 Starships will bring significant upgrades, the new pad will bring the same.

    正如 Block 2 星艦將帶來重大升級一樣,新的墊子也將帶來同樣的升級。

  • Teams have continued working around the new launch mount, and most of the preliminary work on the ground is now likely completed.


  • We know this, because SpaceX workers have finally removed the pile driver, which was busy for months and used to install the sheet piles into the ground.

    我們之所以知道這一點,是因為 SpaceX 的工人們終於拆除了打樁機,這臺打樁機已經忙碌了幾個月,用來將鋼板樁安裝到地面上。

  • Next, we will likely see SpaceX begin excavating the area, where the flame trench will go, while adding the concrete walls for structure.

    接下來,我們可能會看到 SpaceX 開始挖掘火焰溝槽所在的區域,同時添加混凝土牆作為結構。

  • Our photographers were even able to spot what appears to be the beginning of this work with an excavator near a growing pile of dirt, where the flame trench will be.


  • I dig it.


  • Looking at the flame diverter that SpaceX built at Massey's as part of its static fire stand, we can see that after preliminary work was completed, the main structure of the diverter was built quite rapidly.

    看一看 SpaceX 在梅西建造的火焰分流器,作為其靜態火臺的一部分,我們可以發現,在初步工作完成後,分流器的主體結構建造得相當快。

  • This is a bit of a different case, seeing as how it will be much larger and need to withstand much greater forces, although we should see a similar increase in speed.


  • It's even possible that by the next episode, we will start to see it look like a proper flame trench instead of just sheet pile lines on the ground.


  • Looking up from those lines on the ground to the tower, it looks like teams have made good progress across the structure.


  • Most of the work is being focused near the base of the tower, where SpaceX will install the drawworks motor to control the catch arms.

    大部分工作都集中在塔基附近,SpaceX 將在這裡安裝控制抓臂的牽引電機。

  • This will also house quite a bit of hardware needed to get fuel, oxidizer and nitrogen up to the SQD arm and to the ship.

    這裡還將容納將燃料、氧化劑和氮氣輸送到 SQD 機械臂和飛船所需的大量硬件。

  • This area needs to have much greater reinforcement than the rest of the tower, as during a launch this area is closest to the flames.


  • Flames like nowhere else on the planet.


  • That is quite the task.


  • Fortunately for Tower B's engineers and mechanics, the upgrades to the launch mount including the addition of the aforementioned flame trench should go a long way in protecting this area from the majority of the flames and force of a launch.

    幸運的是,B 塔的工程師和機械師對發射架進行了升級,包括增加了前面提到的火焰壕溝,這將極大地保護該區域免受發射時大部分火焰和力量的影響。

  • Hopefully.


  • However due to the pitch over maneuver that Starship performs at launch to avoid accidentally colliding with the tower, the flames often end up being pointed directly at the base.

    不過,由於 "星際飛船 "在發射時會進行俯仰機動,以避免與塔臺發生意外碰撞,是以火焰最終往往會直指塔基。

  • It still needs to be greatly reinforced, because even if the forces are reduced, they are still extremely powerful, and the sheer size of Starship means they will still be much greater than what most other rocket launch towers will ever see.


  • Now, we finally see workers install the pipes in this section.


  • Pretty soon they'll have this new launch pad hooked up to the fuel farm.


  • I can't wait to see it ready to fill its first ship and booster.


  • Along with all of the work at the base of the tower, teams have also begun to finish up work on the massive CC 8800-1 crane, which is being used to construct it.

    除了塔基的所有工作外,施工隊還開始完成用於建造該塔的大型 CC 8800-1 起重機的工作。

  • We watched as teams lowered this gigantic crane to the ground before removing its upper sections to decrease the height and increase stability.


  • This will allow the crane to be easier to work with as the extreme height is no longer needed.


  • Hopefully this crane will be raised back up in no time in preparation for installing this tower's catch arms, which should happen relatively soon.


  • At the rate all this work is being done, it is possible that this launch pad could be ready before Flight 5 even takes off.

    按照目前的進度,這個發射臺有可能在 5 號班機起飛前就已準備就緒。

  • Just as a reminder, it is normal for other launch providers to take years to build a launch pad from inception to first launch.


  • Let's head to the Sanchez site, where some of the elusive Flight 5 hardware currently resides.

    讓我們前往桑切斯網站,那裡有一些難以捉摸的 Flight 5 硬件。

  • Sanchez is used for long-term storage of equipment and parts that SpaceX will use later or for things that are no longer needed.

    桑切斯用於長期儲存 SpaceX 將要使用的設備和部件,或不再需要的東西。

  • This includes the tower catch arms, which were moved over here a few months ago and we should soon begin to see workers prepping these to move to the launch site for installation.


  • Ship 30 has also been patiently waiting at Sanchez for its turn to fly for the past couple of weeks after it successfully completed its static fire campaign.

    在過去的幾周裡,30 號艦也一直在桑切斯耐心等待輪到它進行飛行,此前它已成功完成了靜態點火活動。

  • But since then, it's been nothing but crickets.


  • FAA and EPA have made sure that this will be the case for a while longer.


  • This creates a rather funny and surreal situation.


  • At this rate, other prototypes are quickly beginning to catch up with this rapidly aging Block 1 ship.

    按照這個速度,其他原型很快就會趕上這艘迅速老化的 Block 1 飛船。

  • A while back, before all those delays, it was clear that wasting ships wouldn't make sense.


  • Ship 30 and 31 were supposed to fly.

    30 號和 31 號船本應起飛。

  • Is that still the case, now that there's plenty of time to finish the Block 2 ships?

    既然現在有足夠的時間來完成 Block 2 戰艦,情況還會是這樣嗎?

  • What do you think?


  • Let me know in the comments!


  • Looking at Ship 33, the first Block 2 ship, which is currently in Mega Bay 2, work has rapidly progressed on this next generation prototype.

    33 號船是第一艘 Block 2 型船,目前正在巨型海灣 2 中。

  • Currently, it's receiving final touches after its rapid stack over the course of a month.


  • In fact, on the night of the 14th, we saw SpaceX finally install this ship's aft flaps as they were lifted and attached.

    事實上,在 14 日晚上,我們看到 SpaceX 最終安裝了這艘飛船的尾部襟翼,它們被吊起並連接在一起。

  • This means that Ship 33 should now be further in development than Ship 32, which essentially confirms the ultimate fate of this seemingly forgotten Block 1 ship.

    這意味著 33 號艦現在的開發進度應該比 32 號艦更快,這基本上確定了這艘似乎被遺忘的 Block 1 艦的最終命運。

  • It's possible, we may even see Ship 33 rolled out for its first pressure tests any day now.

    我們甚至有可能隨時看到 33 號船進行首次壓力測試。

  • And Ship 33 isn't the only Block 2 prototype catching up with Ship 30.

    追趕 30 號船的不止 33 號船,還有 Block 2 原型機。

  • Looking into the staff factory, thanks to the wonderful windows SpaceX installed, we can see that what is likely Ship 34's nose cone is nearing completion.

    通過 SpaceX 安裝的精美窗戶,我們可以看到員工工廠內的 34 號飛船鼻錐體已接近完工。

  • Teams have installed the first of its two forward flaps and should be installing the second one soon.


  • The rest of the sections of this prototype are likely not far behind.


  • We may even see this nose cone roll out and get stacked soon just like Ship 33's.

    我們甚至可能看到這種鼻錐很快就會像 33 號艦一樣推出並堆疊起來。

  • If that's the case, we may even have two Block 2 ships nearing completion or even complete by the time Ship 30 flies.

    如果是這樣的話,到 30 號飛船飛來時,我們甚至可能有兩艘 Block 2 飛船即將完工,甚至已經完工。

  • The speed SpaceX has been moving to build these prototypes is unmatched.

    SpaceX 製造這些原型機的速度之快無人能及。

  • What's also unmatched is how lawless the internet is.


  • Check this out.


  • Take a moment with me and thank our long-time sponsor Surfshark VPN, a service we use regularly, especially when we need to access websites or content that are geo-blocked.

    請和我一起感謝我們的長期贊助商 Surfshark VPN,我們經常使用這項服務,尤其是當我們需要訪問被地理封鎖的網站或內容時。

  • With Surfshark VPN, you can get an IP address from anywhere around the world, allowing you to bypass geo-restrictions and enjoy your favorite content.

    有了 Surfshark VPN,你可以在全球任何地方獲得一個 IP 地址,從而繞過地理限制,享受你喜愛的內容。

  • Whether it's accessing global rocket launch streams, space documentaries or international tech conferences, Surfshark has you covered.

    無論是訪問全球火箭發射流、太空紀錄片還是國際科技會議,Surfshark 都能滿足您的需求。

  • As many of you are gearing up to travel to Starbase for the exciting 5th Starship flight, Surfshark VPN will ensure you stay connected, no matter where you're from.

    許多人正準備前往星際基地參加激動人心的第五次星際飛船飛行,Surfshark VPN 將確保您無論身在何處都能保持聯繫。

  • Imagine watching the launch and being able to stream your favorite shows or stay updated with news from your home country all thanks to Surfshark.

    試想一下,在觀看發佈會的同時,還能通過流媒體觀看您最喜愛的節目,或隨時瞭解來自祖國的最新消息,這一切都要歸功於 Surfshark。

  • And make sure to take your whole family with you, as Surfshark lets you use the service on an unlimited amount of devices, all covered by Surfshark VPN.

    此外,Surfshark 還允許您在無限量的設備上使用該服務,所有設備都在 Surfshark VPN 的覆蓋範圍內,是以請務必帶上您的全家人。

  • Use our code FELIX at the link below and get 4 months extra for free.

    在下面的鏈接中使用我們的代碼 FELIX,即可免費獲得 4 個月的額外服務。

  • Surfshark.


  • Serve with your own set of rules!


  • Yeehaw, Cowboy!


  • Back to Starbase!


  • As fast as SpaceX is building these new ships, the closest one to Ship 30 is obviously its twin, Ship 31.

    就 SpaceX 建造這些新飛船的速度而言,最接近 30 號飛船的顯然是它的孿生兄弟 31 號飛船。

  • It was built around the same time, and it is currently expected to be the ship for flight 6.

    它是在同一時間建造的,目前預計它將成為第 6 次班機的飛船。

  • To make sure the ship is ready for its flight, SpaceX decided to begin its testing regime.

    為了確保飛船做好飛行準備,SpaceX 決定開始測試。

  • Originally, this ship was supposed to get its tiles replaced with the new stronger version.


  • However, teams decided to put that on hold and instead rolled this ship over to Massey's testing range.


  • Last episode we mentioned, that the ship had been filled with cryogenic methane and oxygen ahead of what we thought would be a static fire.


  • Yes.


  • Except, Ship 31 did not end up performing any static fire test that day.

    只是,31 號艦當天最終沒有進行任何靜態火力測試。

  • Instead, it was likely an abort or possibly one more pre-static fire check.


  • That was until the 14th, when SpaceX once again ramped up testing on Ship 31 and once again, we saw its tanks fill with cryogenic liquids.

    直到 14 日,SpaceX 再次加大了對 31 號飛船的測試力度,我們再一次看到它的油箱中充滿了低溫液體。

  • And then, it de-tanked.


  • Yep, still no static fire.


  • At this point, SpaceX is just teasing us.

    在這一點上,SpaceX 只是在戲弄我們。

  • Hopefully, this is just continued testing or ground-side hardware problems instead of a problem with Ship 31.

    希望這只是繼續測試或地面硬件問題,而不是 31 號船的問題。

  • Alright!


  • Episode 400!

    第 400 集

  • Almost 6 years!

    快 6 年了

  • Want to celebrate with us?


  • Make our day by double checking that you've hit that subscribe button!


  • We're 15k away from half a million subscribers!

    我們離 50 萬用戶還差 1.5 萬!

  • Half a million!


  • Pinch me!


  • This is epic, thank you so much!


  • While you're at it, party hard, give us a like and become a wise supporter!


  • You'll gain access to a massive amount of extra content.


  • Daily new Starbase photo galleries including all those we've posted so far.


  • Satellite, aerial and ground photos, more than 400 posts in the past two years alone with up to 7 picture galleries per week.

    衛星照片、航空照片和地面照片,僅在過去兩年中就發佈了 400 多條資訊,每週有多達 7 個圖片庫。

  • Insights, chats with me, you name it, let's celebrate, you rock!


  • As of now, Ship 31 still hasn't static fired and it's possible, that if this is a problem with the ship's hardware, SpaceX will decide to roll Ship 31 back to the build site to fix whatever is going on.

    到目前為止,31 號飛船仍未進行靜態點火,如果這是飛船硬件的問題,SpaceX 有可能決定將 31 號飛船運回建造地點,以解決任何問題。

  • But if that doesn't happen, hopefully we'll see the static fire any day now.


  • Ship 31 isn't the only one that's been seeing some action at Massey's.

    31 號船並不是唯一一艘在梅西有活動的船。

  • Test Tank 16, which we have been following over the past couple of weeks, has once again been tested.

    過去幾周我們一直關注的第 16 號試驗水槽再次經受了考驗。

  • After a small cryo test on the 5th, we knew, this test tank was in for another round of testing.

    在 5 日進行了一次小規模的低溫測試後,我們知道,這個測試罐又要進行新一輪的測試了。

  • And we were right.


  • After that initial cryo run, it was again tested on the 9th.

    首次低溫運行後,9 日再次進行了測試。

  • It's likely, that during one or even both of these tests, this test tank was put under the pressure of the can crusher.


  • This is thanks to the hydraulic pistons, which are attached from the base of the can crusher to a lid, which is placed on top of the test tank.


  • However, this wasn't the end of the testing.


  • After all, this isn't just a can crusher, it is can crusher 2.0.

    畢竟,這不僅僅是一臺易拉罐粉碎機,而是易拉罐粉碎機 2.0。

  • This design doesn't just press down, it can also bend, thanks to these horizontal pistons attached to the outer cage of can crusher 2.0.

    這種設計不僅能向下按壓,還能彎曲,這要歸功於連接在易拉罐粉碎機 2.0 外籠上的這些水準活塞。

  • On both the tests, which took place on the 5th and the 9th, these horizontal pistons were not attached.

    在 5 日和 9 日進行的兩次測試中,這些水準活塞都沒有連接。

  • However, shortly after that second test on the 9th, teams began to hook them up, which let us know, that the beef between the can crusher and test tank 16 was far from over.

    然而,在 9 日的第二次測試後不久,就有團隊開始將它們連接起來,這讓我們知道,易拉罐粉碎機和 16 號試驗罐之間的矛盾還遠遠沒有結束。

  • Sure enough, on the 12th, it underwent its third structural test, with the horizontal pistons providing enough force to simulate those experiences during a launch and landing.

    果然,12 日,它進行了第三次結構測試,水準活塞提供了足夠的力來模擬發射和著陸時的體驗。

  • But was it strong enough?


  • Well, from what we can tell, test tank 16 passed with flying colors.

    據我們所知,第 16 號試驗箱順利通過了測試。

  • Hopefully, that was the case, as this would mean SpaceX is a go on Block 2's development, as this test tank was likely meant to verify designs for SpaceX's next generation of ship and booster.

    希望情況確實如此,因為這意味著 SpaceX 將繼續進行 Block 2 的開發,因為這個試驗艙很可能是為了驗證 SpaceX 下一代飛船和助推器的設計。

  • SpaceX's work at Starbase is second to none.

    SpaceX 在星際基地的工作首屈一指。

  • Witnessing all this through our camera lenses is a first in spaceflight history.


  • Unfortunately for them, designing, building and testing the world's most advanced and powerful rocket apparently is still easier than filing paperwork and dealing with government bureaucracy.


  • You've heard me mention this a few times throughout the episode, saying that an upcoming event will likely happen before SpaceX can fly its next test flight.

    在本集節目中,你已經聽到我多次提到這一點,我說在 SpaceX 進行下一次試飛之前,很可能會發生一個即將發生的事件。

  • This is in no part because the hardware to successfully fly the largest rocket ever built is not ready.


  • This is because of government bureaucracy, nothing more.


  • In fact, just a few days ago, the EPA proposed a fine against SpaceX to the order of $148,000.

    事實上,就在幾天前,美國環保局還建議對 SpaceX 公司處以 14.8 萬美元的罰款。

  • It's getting more expensive.


  • Nice.


  • This penalty is similar to previous ones brought against SpaceX.

    這一處罰與之前對 SpaceX 公司的處罰類似。

  • It is related to the water deluge system used for the pads, which they use to protect the launch pad and surrounding areas from the immense forces of a launch.


  • For example, on flight 1 they didn't have this and caused quite a bit more damage to not only the pad but also the surrounding area.

    例如,在 1 號班機上,他們就沒有這樣做,結果不僅對停機坪,還對周圍區域造成了相當大的破壞。

  • Unfortunately for all of us space fans, it appears all of this bureaucracy, paperwork and delays aren't going anywhere anytime soon.


  • With that being said, what can SpaceX do in the meantime?

    既然如此,SpaceX 在此期間能做些什麼呢?

  • In the three months that have already passed between flight 4 and now, SpaceX has managed to build an entire launch tower, finish the majority of the star factory, build its first Block 2 ship, replace all of the tiles on its next ship to fly and perform tests and upgrades ahead of its first attempt at catching the world's largest rocket stage out of mid-air.

    在從第 4 次飛行到現在的三個月時間裡,SpaceX 成功地建造了整個發射塔,完成了大部分的恆星工廠,建造了第一艘 Block 2 飛船,更換了下一艘飛船上的所有瓦片,並在首次嘗試從半空中接住世界上最大的火箭級之前進行了測試和升級。

  • So far so good.


  • So, they've done a lot in just three months, and now they have at least three more.


  • Sometimes I get comments from people saying that SpaceX is just a waste of money.

    有時我會收到一些人的評論,說 SpaceX 就是在浪費錢。

  • It seems the eye of the beholder needs glasses.


  • With all this time passing, Ship 30 and Booster 12 will become even more outdated, along with the rest of the Block 1 designs as SpaceX shifts towards Block 2.

    隨著時間的推移,30 號飛船和 12 號助推器將變得更加過時,隨著 SpaceX 轉向 Block 2,Block 1 的其他設計也將變得更加過時。

  • As mentioned before, Ship 33, the first of the Block 2 ships, may even be ready to fly before Ship 30 gets its chance.

    如前所述,33 號艦是 Block 2 的第一艘艦艇,它甚至可能在 30 號艦之前就做好了飛行準備。

  • Based on this and many other factors, SpaceX may decide that Ship 30 isn't worth testing anymore and instead move straight to more advanced flight hardware.

    基於這一點和許多其他因素,SpaceX 可能會決定 30 號飛船不值得再進行測試,轉而直接使用更先進的飛行硬件。

  • After all, if you can only launch 2-3 ships per year because of regulations, it might still be wise to pick the ones to launch more carefully.

    畢竟,如果因為法規原因每年只能發射 2-3 艘飛船,那麼謹慎選擇發射的飛船可能還是明智之舉。

  • What they'd like and what really happens are currently two different things for SpaceX.

    對於 SpaceX 來說,他們的願望和實際情況目前是兩碼事。

  • They've done this in the past, for example with Booster 4 and Ship 20, where SpaceX decided to skip them and go straight to Booster 7 and Ship 24.

    他們過去也這樣做過,比如在 4 號助推器和 20 號飛船上,SpaceX 決定跳過它們,直接使用 7 號助推器和 24 號飛船。

  • Booster 4 and Ship 20 were ready to fly.

    4 號助推器和 20 號飛船已做好飛行準備。

  • In this case, they may even decide to go straight to Ship 33 and Booster 15 if they're ready by that time, which seems increasingly likely.

    在這種情況下,他們甚至可能決定直接前往 33 號船和 Booster 15,如果那時他們已經準備好的話,這種可能性似乎越來越大。

  • As mentioned before, Pad B may also be ready by that time, so SpaceX may even decide to just use that one.

    如前所述,屆時 B 號發射臺可能也已準備就緒,是以 SpaceX 甚至可能決定只使用該發射臺。

  • At this point, it's all up to the regulators, but if it somehow keeps getting pushed back, say until next year, it's almost a guarantee, SpaceX will opt to skip to a more advanced pair.

    在這一點上,一切都取決於監管機構,但如果它以某種方式不斷被延後,比如延後到明年,那麼幾乎可以肯定的是,SpaceX 將選擇跳到更先進的對子上。

  • What am I saying here?


  • Hopefully, that won't be the case.


  • Maybe Elon was right about trying not to have a flame diverter or a water deluge system because clearly, it's faster to just repair or rebuild a whole launch pad rather than wait for government bureaucracy.


  • What do you think?


  • Would you prefer a concrete Tornado 2.0 instead of waiting?

    與其等待,您是否更願意選擇混凝土龍捲風 2.0?

  • Leave your thoughts on that and what you think SpaceX may do during this long delay down in the comments!

    請在評論中發表您的看法,以及您認為 SpaceX 可能會在這漫長的延遲期間做些什麼!

  • I look forward to reading all of them!


  • Moving on now to something that was delayed for more reasonable reasons.


  • Polaris Dawn.


  • After years of preparations and some recent weather delays, Polaris Dawn, Jared Isaacman's second commercial spaceflight and the first in his trilogy of Polaris missions successfully launched.

    經過多年的準備和最近的一些天氣延誤,北極星黎明號(Polaris Dawn)成功發射,這是賈裡德-艾薩克曼(Jared Isaacman)的第二次商業航天飛行,也是他的北極星任務三部曲中的第一次。

  • And now, they've finally done it.


  • SpaceX is now the first company in history to successfully perform a spacewalk, with Jared Isaacman being the first private citizen to do so.

    目前,SpaceX 是歷史上第一家成功進行太空行走的公司,而賈裡德-艾薩克曼(Jared Isaacman)則是第一位進行太空行走的私人公民。

  • SpaceX is moving at a height of the space race between the US and the Soviet Union.

    SpaceX 的發展正值美蘇太空競賽的高潮。

  • Their technology currently still needs some improvement though.


  • The pressure suit that was used still required life support directly from the capsule and it seems like it was much more difficult to maneuver than most of the modern spacesuits.


  • However, this is the first step, and given that this was completely privately developed with no intervention or input from any government entity, this shows how advanced SpaceX truly is.

    然而,這只是第一步,鑑於這完全是私人開發,沒有任何政府實體的干預或投入,這表明 SpaceX 的真正先進性。

  • This was even the largest number of people exposed to space simultaneously as all four crew members needed to be exposed to the vacuum of space.


  • Wearing their suits of course.


  • In that spirit of progress and advancement, it is only fitting that another record was broken while Polaris was up there.


  • The most number of people in orbit at the same time.


  • With 19 total, 12 on the International Space Station, 3 on China's Tiangong Space Station and the four crew members of Polaris Dawn.

    總共有 19 人,其中 12 人在國際空間站,3 人在中國的天宮空間站,還有北極星黎明號的 4 名乘員。

  • After this incredibly successful demonstration, it was finally time for Isaacman and the crew to return back to Earth.


  • And on the 15th, that's exactly what they did, with the Crew Dragon successfully slowing itself down before jettisoning its trunk and closing up its nose cone to prepare for re-entry.

    15日,他們正是這樣做的,"乘龍 "號成功減速,然後跳出軀幹,關閉鼻錐,準備重返大氣層。

  • An important thing to note during this re-entry is that this is actually the hottest re-entry of a Crew Dragon to date due to the altitude and speed that Polaris Dawn was flying at.

    這次重返大氣層過程中值得注意的一件大事是,由於北極星黎明號的飛行高度和速度,這實際上是迄今為止 "乘龍 "號重返大氣層過程中最熱的一次。

  • Of course, SpaceX and the Polaris Dawn crew knew that and were prepared.

    當然,SpaceX 公司和 "北極星黎明號 "機組人員知道這一點,並做好了準備。

  • So, as usual, the re-entry went flawlessly, followed shortly by the deployment of the parachutes and splash down in the Gulf of Mexico.


  • Sadly, not here on the East Coast.


  • Thus, bringing an end to this historic mission, welcome back to the crew of Polaris Dawn.

    至此,這次歷史性任務圓滿結束,歡迎 "北極星黎明號 "船員歸來。

  • Moving a bit further from Earth now, we have an exciting close encounter.


  • Pepe Colombo is a joint mission between the European Space Agency or ESA and the Japanese Aerospace and Exploration Agency or JAXA.


  • Europe and Japan have been working together since 2009 to launch these two satellites, the Mercury Planetary Orbiter and the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter.

    歐洲和日本自 2009 年以來一直在合作發射這兩顆衛星,即水星行星軌道器和水星磁層軌道器。

  • The launch took place in 2018 after nearly 10 years of preparation.

    經過近 10 年的籌備,於 2018 年啟動。

  • The duo began their journey to the scorched planet.


  • Like most interplanetary probes, the mission uses a sequence of gravity assists to gain enough momentum to reach its destination correctly.


  • It was planned to include flybys of Earth, Venus and Mercury and finally arrive in 2025.

    按照計劃,它將飛越地球、金星和水星,並最終於 2025 年抵達。

  • In a nutshell, every mission going into the inner solar system, which Mercury is very much a part of as the first planet from the Sun, needs more energy.


  • When traveling towards the Sun, you need to raise your orbital speed to counteract the Sun's strong gravitational pull.


  • That's why you need so many gravity assists to get closer to our parent star.


  • Unfortunately for the team, in April, the probe experienced a thruster malfunction, which required them to modify the mission profile significantly.

    不幸的是,4 月份,探測器的推進器出現故障,他們不得不大幅修改任務剖面圖。

  • It would also mean the probe would only reach the orbit of Mercury in late 2026.

    這也意味著探測器要到 2026 年底才能到達水星軌道。

  • Thankfully, they did successfully complete the modifications and the mission continued.


  • Due to this glitch, the probe had to fly much closer to the planet than planned on its most recent flyby, which happened just over a week ago on September 4th.


  • Because the probe was so close, it did mean, we got some stunning photos of the south pole of Mercury, which the probe had never seen before.


  • You could say, this was a close call.


  • This marks the fourth of six flybys of the planet before the probe finally is able to call it home.

    這標誌著在探測器最終能夠稱其為 "家 "之前,對該行星進行的六次飛越中的第四次飛越。

  • The ingenuity of these two countries to not only make, but also save this mission is quite admirable.


  • Go, BepiColombo, you got this!


  • Thanks for the remarkable close-ups!


  • That's it for today!


  • Remember to smash that like button, subscribe for more!

    記得點擊 "喜歡 "按鈕,訂閱更多內容!

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  • Check our Epic shirts in your favorite Space Nerd store!

    在您最喜愛的 Space Nerd 商店中查看我們的史詩襯衫!

  • A new Raptor design and our Epic Flight 5 design are both up!

    新的 "猛禽 "設計和我們的 "史詩飛行 5 "設計都已發佈!

  • Link is in the description!


  • If you want to train your Space IQ even further, watch this video next to continue your journey!


  • Thank you very much for watching and I'll see you again in the next episode!


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