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  • A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I

  • I want A+, English, that's so much fun

  • English education for you and everyone

  • So come along

  • Learn some grammar, learn a phrase

  • Learn something new every day

  • Learn the A+, the way

  • Hey, it's time to start the show

  • Are you ready? Good buzz, here we go

  • A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I

  • I want A+, English

  • Okay, so getting back to our old Henry story

  • We see that Sue and John C

  • John C's sick and is looking out the window

  • Trying to think, what's my life all about?

  • Yeah, and she's counting the leaves that fall down

  • Right, she's counting the leaves

  • And what is that going to mean for her?

  • That actually everyone brings us to our warm-up question

  • So since John C is sick

  • Our question would be

  • What can you do to cheer up a sick friend or family member?

  • Oh, what can we do to cheer up a sick friend or family member?

  • We can maybe tell some jokes

  • Yeah, you can always tell some jokes

  • We can maybe take them out to do some fun things

  • Well, if they're sick, yeah

  • But you got to be careful when you're taking them out

  • You know, you can have

  • Sometimes when people are sick

  • You kind of want to be by yourself

  • So you can let maybe bring over

  • You know, some cooked food

  • Bring over something that

  • You know, they might be hungry

  • That would cheer a person that maybe is sick up

  • Do you ever bring me food when I'm sick?

  • I tried to

  • Okay, so now we have to go ahead and read today's article

  • Oh Henry and the Last Leaf

  • Warm-up question

  • What can you do to cheer up a sick friend or family member?

  • Sue asks Berman for help

  • They try to cheer John C up

  • But she just looks out of the window

  • The leaves keep falling

  • That night there is a bad storm

  • Now there is only one leaf on the tree

  • But it stays for days

  • It inspires John C

  • I was wrong to want to die

  • She says

  • Okay, so jumping back into our short story

  • We see Sue asks Berman

  • Or excuse me, Berman for help

  • Okay, Sue asks Berman for help

  • It's actually Berman

  • Berman

  • Okay, so Sue wants to help John C

  • So she turns to Berman

  • What does he say?

  • Is he willing to help?

  • Good question

  • Our article says

  • They try to cheer John C up

  • But she just looks out of the window

  • Okay, so when you feel down

  • What do you do to cheer yourself up?

  • We talked about how to cheer others up, right?

  • What about yourself?

  • First thing I like to do

  • If I'm feeling a little down is

  • Maybe do some workout

  • Go to the gym

  • Maybe go to the gym

  • Or maybe not go to the gym

  • Maybe just go swimming

  • If I can find a pool

  • I can cheer myself up

  • By getting in water

  • And just doing some exercise

  • To kind of get out of your own head

  • Maybe go jogging

  • Yeah, go jogging

  • Or listen to some music

  • Exactly

  • Listening to music is a very good idea

  • Alright, well let's see what happens

  • Our article says

  • The leaves keep falling

  • Okay

  • Which means John C is dying, right?

  • I remember she said that

  • When the last leaf falls

  • I die too

  • Okay

  • So they keep falling down

  • So that's a kind of maybe a prediction

  • That that will happen

  • If the last leaf falls

  • Then that person will die

  • Okay

  • Well, our article says

  • That night there is a bad storm

  • Okay, so like here in Taiwan

  • We have typhoons, right?

  • In your hometown

  • I know you have tornadoes

  • Right, yeah

  • We have a lot of tornadoes

  • And just the last summer

  • We had quite a few tornadoes

  • Going around

  • But tornadoes are a lot less dangerous

  • I think than typhoons

  • Really?

  • Yeah

  • Typhoons can be really, really bad

  • Right, yes

  • And jumping back

  • Our article then says

  • Now, since there was a storm

  • Now there is only one leaf

  • On the tree

  • But it stays for days

  • Wow

  • So it's not falling down

  • That leaf is holding on

  • Yes

  • So it's maybe representing

  • Holding on to life

  • Not giving up

  • Continuing with the article

  • It says

  • It inspires John C

  • I was wrong to want to die

  • She says

  • So the strong leaf teaches her

  • A lesson, right?

  • A person's strong will to live

  • Makes a big difference

  • Right, yeah

  • You see that that leaf can do it

  • Then maybe you can do it too

  • Don't give up so easily

  • Life is full of different

  • Wonderful possibilities

  • Soon, John C gets better

  • However, Burman gets pneumonia

  • And soon dies

  • When someone finds him

  • His clothes and shoes are wet

  • There are brushes, a ladder

  • And green and yellow paint

  • Near him too

  • He painted the last leaf

  • On the wall during the storm

  • It gave John C the will to live

  • The last leaf was his masterpiece

  • Okay, so that last leaf

  • Everyone is still hanging on

  • And our article says

  • Soon, John C gets better

  • Wow, so it's a story

  • With a happy ending, right?

  • But in day one, we learned

  • That a lot of O'Hare's short stories

  • Have a surprise at the end

  • Exactly

  • He was very good at surprise endings

  • Which we call now a

  • Twist

  • Twist

  • But have we seen a surprise

  • In this story?

  • Not quite yet

  • No

  • We are still learning

  • Because remember

  • John C is getting better

  • But there must be something

  • That gives us a twist

  • Our article then says

  • However, Behrman

  • Gets pneumonia

  • And soon dies

  • Behrman is the one

  • That's an artist

  • Yes, also artist

  • And Sue goes to him

  • To help

  • To ask for help

  • Right, to cheer him up

  • Okay

  • Right

  • And so

  • And Behrman also is the neighbor

  • Who lives in this artist community

  • In Greenwich, New York

  • So, well, that's too bad

  • He gets pneumonia

  • And then he dies

  • Well, what are we going to find out?

  • Our article says

  • When someone finds him

  • His clothes and shoes

  • Are all wet

  • Or are wet

  • So did he go out

  • When there was a storm?

  • Right, you would think

  • So if his shoes are wet

  • Let's be detective

  • If his shoes are wet

  • His clothes are wet

  • The most logical choice

  • Or the most logical answer

  • Could be he went outside

  • Well, our article says

  • There are brushes

  • A ladder

  • And green and yellow paint

  • Near him too

  • Okay, what did he do exactly?

  • Well, it says

  • Did he paint something?

  • I think that's what we're going to find out

  • Everybody

  • When there was a storm

  • Yeah, maybe

  • Or when it was raining

  • Could be

  • He went outside

  • He did something

  • Maybe he got inspired

  • By something

  • And he got sick

  • Yeah

  • What is that?

  • Yeah

  • See, you're following the trail

  • Along

  • Alright, well

  • He painted the last leaf

  • On the wall

  • During the storm

  • So the leaf that inspired

  • John C.

  • Was painted by somebody

  • And that person was

  • Bear Man

  • Very good, yeah

  • So he went outside

  • Now, I wonder

  • If him going outside

  • Gave him

  • Pneumonia

  • Gotta be

  • Right

  • He went outside

  • During the storm

  • It was raining

  • It was cold

  • And he went outside

  • To paint that leaf

  • And we can assume

  • Maybe Bear Man

  • Is a little bit older

  • Maybe

  • Okay

  • Because if you are older

  • It's easier to catch

  • Pneumonia

  • Back to our article

  • Everyone

  • It says

  • It gave John C.

  • The will to live

  • The last leaf

  • Was his

  • Masterpiece

  • Oh

  • So

  • The artist

  • Always wanted to

  • You know

  • Paint something special

  • Right

  • So

  • This one is the special thing

  • Right

  • It's the masterpiece

  • Exactly

  • Wow

  • What a twist

  • And what a touching story

  • That almost made me cry

  • I got all goosebumps

  • Okay

  • Well

  • These kind of stories

  • Are kind of wonderful

  • And that's why

  • O. Henry

  • Was such a great writer

  • And everyone

  • There are many more stories

  • Of O. Henry

  • That are just as touching

  • Now

  • Right

  • And they are very

  • Updated

  • I mean

  • Even like I said

  • These are almost

  • A hundred years ago

  • And even today

  • They still hold up

  • We say

  • Okay

  • Now

  • We are going to look at

  • The words

  • Okay

  • The first word

  • Is

  • Cheer somebody up

  • It means

  • To cheer someone up

  • Or to encourage

  • So

  • The word cheer

  • Means to cheer

  • Or to congratulate

  • When people cheer

  • We can say

  • The crowd

  • Cheered and clapped

  • Like

  • Cheerleaders

  • It means

  • To cheer someone up

  • Or to congratulate

  • The cheerleaders

  • The word cheer

  • Means

  • When I feel sad

  • Kevin always tries

  • To cheer me up

  • When I feel sad

  • Kevin always tries

  • To cheer me up

  • The second word

  • Is

  • Storm

  • It means

  • Storm clouds gathered

  • The storm clouds gathered

  • It means

  • It means

  • It means

  • It means

  • It means

  • The word storm

  • With the word why

  • Will become stormy

  • The word storm

  • Means

  • Stormy

  • Or stormy

  • Like

  • A dark and stormy night

  • That is

  • A stormy night

  • The word storm

  • Means

  • The storm brought heavy rain

  • And strong winds

  • Many trees fell down on the street

  • The storm brought heavy rain and strong wind

  • Many trees fell down on the street

  • The third word

  • Is

  • Wet

  • Get wet in the rain

  • It means

  • Get wet in the rain

  • If you get soaking wet

  • The whole body will be wet

  • And also

  • In this street

  • When people say

  • Be careful of when the paint is dry

  • The English word is

  • Wet paint

  • Which means

  • Not dry yet

  • Not dry yet

  • By contrast

  • Something dry

  • Like dry towel

  • The word dry

  • Is used

  • As dry

  • As dry

  • As dry

  • The word

  • My socks are wet because

  • I stepped in the small pool of water 我踩進了那個小水坑 所以呢 我的襪子濕答答的 第四個單字呢 是brush 這個名詞 指的是 刷子或是畫筆

  • A paintbrush 指的就是 油漆刷或是畫筆刷 那什麼是toothbrush 那就是 我們每天要用的牙刷 那還有 我們用的梳子呢 有兩種 一種是 a comb 扁梳 另外一種就是 a brush 也就是 不是扁梳 有硬毛的梳子 好我們會說brush 那另外brush也可以是 動詞 指的是刷 或是梳理 brush your teeth 刷你的牙齒 brush your hair 梳你的頭髮 那單字例句給的是呢

  • Vincent uses a brush to paint beautiful patterns on the lantern

  • Vincent用一支畫筆 在燈籠上面繪製美麗的圖案 那最後到了magic box 我們要說的是 keep 這個動詞 後方加上ving的時候呢 表示持續的某動作 比如說

  • He keeps crying 他一直不斷地在哭

  • She keeps talking 他一直不斷地在說話

  • My cat keeps sleeping 我的貓一直不斷地在睡覺 好那要注意喔 這個動詞後方 我們要加上的是 ving

  • OK and welcome everybody back to our review time we will review some of the words and phrases that we learned in our article and since I'm holding this white board you probably know we're going to be playing Pictionary

  • Yep

  • So let's look into our vocabulary

  • The first phrase is cheer somebody up 是點點點振作或是鼓勵

  • The next one is the word storm 名詞暴風雨

  • After that the word is wet 形容詞濕的

  • And our final word is brush 名詞刷子畫筆

  • Alright so I'm going to draw something

  • You try to guess what word it matches with

  • OK so I see some clouds

  • OK

  • The rain

  • The lightning 閃電

  • OK

  • Ah dark clouds

  • OK

  • And it says boom

  • Alright so we have clouds

  • You're right we got lightning

  • It says boom

  • There's a tree

  • Maybe the tree is shaking a little bit

  • Oh no

  • OK

  • What do you think it is

  • Storm

  • Yes easy peasy lemon squeezy

  • S-T-O-R-M

  • It is storm 名詞暴風雨

  • OK

  • So my turn

  • Your turn

  • Here I'll take the cap off for you

  • Thank you

  • Are you ready

  • Yes

  • Let's see

  • We see a cloud

  • We see another cloud

  • Are we going to have deja vu

  • Or we just say storm storm storm storm

  • I'm kind of copying your picture

  • OK

  • But I'm doing something else

  • OK

  • OK alright I see a person

  • Alright let's look at this

  • Beautiful piece of art

  • Are you being sarcastic

  • No it's lovely

  • Alright we have some clouds

  • We have some

  • It's raining

  • So there's a person standing there

  • He doesn't

  • He or she doesn't have an umbrella

  • So I would imagine

  • That person is getting wet

  • Yes

  • Alright

  • OK we can even make up a story right

  • There was a huge storm

  • And John went out

  • Without bringing his umbrella

  • Because he left the umbrella at 7-11

  • Yes so he got super wet

  • OK

  • And then he got sick

  • Alright

  • And then one more

  • No I think that's all the time

  • That we actually have for today

  • There's two other words that you could do

  • The phrases is cheer somebody up

  • And maybe a good idea would be

  • To give somebody a basket of fruit or candy

  • That would cheer somebody up 好啦那想學更多實用的英文 歡迎加入

  • AMC空中美語粉絲團喔

  • This is Elsie

  • And I'm Adam

  • Bye bye by bwd6

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I

Subtitles and vocabulary

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