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  • So, I was just at the bank and I thought I should do an English lesson where I talk a little bit about money.

  • And specifically I wanted to talk about describing people who don't have enough money and describing people who do have enough money.

  • The first two words that come to mind are the words broke and loaded.

  • I have a friend and he's always broke.

  • He never has money.

  • As soon as he gets a paycheck he spends it.

  • And I have another friend who's loaded.

  • He has lots of money.

  • He always does.

  • Whenever he gets paid he puts the money in the bank and he doesn't spend it.

  • So welcome to this English lesson about money.

  • And there's your first two words.

  • When someone is broke they don't have any money.

  • When someone is loaded they have a lot of it.

  • The next word is the word afford.

  • When you can afford something it means that you have enough money to buy it.

  • When you can't afford something it means you don't have enough money to buy it.

  • Right now I can't afford to take a trip to Europe.

  • I don't have enough money to do that.

  • But I can afford to go to a Blue Jays game with Jen because that doesn't cost quite as much as a trip.

  • So when you say you can afford something it means you have enough money and you are able to do it.

  • You can go and buy whatever you need to buy and use it as you need to use it.

  • And when you say you can't afford something it means you just don't have enough money for it.

  • So let's imagine that a friend of yours has asked if you want to do something fun with them.

  • Maybe they want to go to a concert or go on a trip and you might not have enough money to do that.

  • You could say to them, I'm short on cash right now.

  • When you say you're short on cash it doesn't mean you're completely broke.

  • You probably still have money to pay your bills and to buy groceries and all those things.

  • You just don't have money to do something fun.

  • You're short on cash.

  • Sometimes I'm a little bit short on cash.

  • After I buy groceries and I buy gas and I get my vans fixed, sometimes when someone suggests doing something fun I might say, hey, maybe we'll do that in a month because

  • I'm a little bit short on cash right now.

  • So this next phrase does not describe me.

  • It's the phrase to be rolling in it or to be rolling in money.

  • Maybe you know someone who's really, really rich.

  • Maybe you know someone who is rolling in it.

  • They are rolling in money.

  • This simply means that they have more money than they know what to do with.

  • I really wonder what that's like.

  • Again, I am not rolling in it.

  • I am doing okay.

  • I can pay my bills.

  • I live a very nice life, but I'm certainly not rolling in it.

  • So if you know someone who's extremely rich, you could say they're loaded or you could say they're rolling in it.

  • So another phrase you might use to talk about a time when you don't have enough money is to say, money is tight right now, or things are tight right now.

  • If someone says this in English, if they say money is tight right now, it means, again, they have money.

  • They have enough money to buy groceries and to eat and to pay their rents and to pay their bills, but they don't have money to do anything extra.

  • Also you might say to a friend, hey, let's go to that weekend festival.

  • And they might say, hey, ah, why don't we do that another time, maybe next year, because money's tight right now.

  • Things are tight right now.

  • This next phrase is used, again, to talk about someone with lots of money.

  • And you might use the phrase, they have money coming out of their ears.

  • When you say someone has money coming out of their ears, it's kind of a funny image, isn't it?

  • It means they have lots of money.

  • I don't know where this phrase came from or why we say it, but maybe you have a friend, and they're just rich.

  • They're loaded.

  • They have money coming out of their ears.

  • Whenever you go out, they pay for everything.

  • That would be a nice friend to have, wouldn't it?

  • Anyways, if you know someone who's really rich, you could say, wow, they have money coming out of their ears.

  • So sometimes people have trouble making ends meet.

  • In English, when we say that someone is having trouble making ends meet, it means that they don't have enough money to pay for everything.

  • In this situation, it would mean they don't have enough money for rent.

  • They don't have enough money for groceries.

  • When they get paid, they use the money very quickly, probably for things they need, and they obviously and for sure don't have money to do anything fun.

  • So when you say someone has trouble making ends meet, it means that they're struggling.

  • They probably need a little bit of help.

  • So some people are good with money, and some people are bad with money.

  • When you're good with money, it means that you make money at your job, you pay your bills, you live a nice life, you save for retirement.

  • You are good with money.

  • You know how to budget.

  • You know how to manage your money.

  • When you're bad with money though, it's the complete opposite.

  • It means that you spend more than you make.

  • You're constantly going into debt.

  • You probably owe a lot of money.

  • You probably have loans and credit card debt.

  • When you're bad with money, it's not a good thing.

  • So I hope all of you are good with money.

  • I hope you manage your money well, and I hope this English lesson helped you learn just a little more about how to talk about it.

  • Remember if this is your first time here, don't forget to click that red subscribe button.

  • Give me a thumbs up, leave a comment below, and if you have some time, there's always another English lesson to watch.

  • Bye.

  • ♪♪♪

So, I was just at the bank and I thought I should do an English lesson where I talk a little bit about money.

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