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  • Hold on, do you have a fucking baby?

  • Get it out of here!

  • Are you cra- What?!

  • Are you breastfeeding right now?

  • Oh, thank God, cause I'm starving, dude.

  • What the fuck?

  • Put it in the car!

  • How old is that thing?

  • The baby.

  • Five weeks?

  • Do I wanna hold it?

  • No!

  • You think I'd trust myself to hold a baby, dude?

  • Stop it!

  • It's gonna go deaf!

  • Alright, give me this little shit machine.

  • Let me see this thing, dude.

  • Oh!

  • We're gonna start the bidding at a hundred dollars.

  • She is crying.

  • What's her name?

  • It's Luke.

  • Nice to meet you, Luke.

  • I gotta say, Luke's neck is fucking loose, dude.

  • Dude, baby's got no neck, dude.

  • At all.

  • It feels like his posture is not good right now.

  • Like, you ever hold a plastic baggie full of dog shit?

  • I'm not saying he's dog shit, but- Rearrange him?

  • Well, he's not fucking a Rubik's Cube.

  • I'm gonna give him back to you.

  • There you go.

  • You got him?

  • Ha!

  • Salute!

  • Luke, good to meet you.

  • And I hope your first word is cunt.

  • Or mama, same thing.

  • I'm kidding.

  • Ew!

  • Does anybody have any Purell?

  • Hold up, where's its dad?

  • At home with the other one.

  • How old's the other one?

  • Four.

  • I feel like he could've handled this.

  • For like, just two hours out of the night.

  • You were nervous about leaving the baby with him?

  • But you let a stranger hold him.

  • That's crazy to me, dude.

  • Worst thing that happened to you is I held a baby, dude.

  • And a fucking dingo ate him.

  • I didn't think you guys were gonna like that at all.

  • I thought for sure by now you guys would be like, STOP SAYING THAT!

  • And then it keeps happening.

  • You're like, fuck!

  • We gotta get rid of these things, man.

Hold on, do you have a fucking baby?

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A BABY AT THE SHOW - crowd work

  • 1 0
    Cc Xue posted on 2024/09/19
Video vocabulary