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The following contains clips from Disney's Frozen and Frozen 2, now available on Blu-ray and DVD. "Elsa?
It's me, Anna." "Anna?
Anna?" "Wow, Elsa, you look different." "It's a good difference." "And this place, it's amazing." "Thank you." "I never knew what I was capable of." "I'm so sorry about what happened.
If I'd have known..." "No, no, no, it's okay.
You don't have to apologize." "But you should probably go.
Please." "But I just got here." "You belong down in Arendelle.
So do you." "No, Anna, I belong here.
Where I can be who I am without hurting anybody." "What did I ever do to you?" "Enough, Anna." "No, why?
Why do you shut me out?
Why do you shut the world out?
What are you so afraid of?" "I said enough!" "Sorcery.
I knew there was something dubious going on here." "Elsa?
Lieutenant, get the sword!" "That was magic.
Did you see that?" "Of course I saw it.
You chose a nice cold greeting." "They've been trapped in here this whole time?" "What do we do now?
Air, fire, water, earth." "The water!
The air rages.
No fire, no water." "The earth is next.
We have to get out." "Fire!