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  • Did you countdown?

  • Oh, you didn't even count- I'm gonna switch the stream!

  • You didn't even countdown!

  • I have to mentally prepare myself!

  • Literally everybody counts down!

  • Okay, okay, my bad, my bad.

  • Okay, 3, 2, 1.

  • Hi!

  • Oh my gosh!

  • We're just talking about, like, how much we loved each other.

  • Welcome to our official, you know, completely objective, no opinions at all, factual Niji EN savage tier list.

  • We are ranking people in EN based on how good they are at roasting, Spitfire comebacks, putting up with shit, talking shit, banter, all that stuff.

  • Making shit.

  • Yeah!

  • Shitting shit.

  • What else do you shit?

  • I don't know, you're the one that likes to talk about poop.

  • Yeah, I know.

  • On top of that, we're also gonna do, like, a wholesome tier list after this, you know, to counterbalance.

  • Yay!

  • I know who's at the top of the wholesome tier list.

  • So our tiers are savage, can roast, situational, too nice, and bullied.

  • Let's put her at the top.

  • Just kidding.

  • Well, actually, I know Alira personally.

  • She's one of my besties.

  • This girl's really smart, you know?

  • She's really nice, but if she feels like it, she can say something really, like, smart and mean, you know?

  • So...

  • She's, like, an intellectual roastie.

  • What about Mrs. Thiche?

  • I feel like if we put her in bullied, it's gonna make her cry.

  • That just proves that she gets bullied even more.

  • Honestly, that solidifies her spot.

  • Yeah.

  • I guess?

  • I don't know why I feel so bad.

  • I feel like she's also too nice, though.

  • I don't know.

  • Can you put in between, like, between the lines or something?

  • Is that possible?

  • You wanna make a new tier for, like, for, like, guilt trip?

  • It's so nice today.

  • What do you mean I'm so nice today?

  • I'm nice every day.

  • Yeah, what the fuck, chat?

  • Yeah, what's wrong with your kiyomodachis?

  • Okay, okay, okay.

  • Do you think you can outroast Pomo?

  • Yes.

  • Really?

  • Yeah, I just don't know if I'm comfortable enough trying yet because, um...

  • You know, you can't come in at a 10 if you're not sure about how everyone takes stuff yet, and since I'm still kinda new, I don't wanna be, like, saying egregious shit, and then people are like, oh my god, what the fuck's wrong with this Kilkin?

  • He needs help, like, he can't read the room like that.

  • I don't know, Kiyom.

  • Maybe I just need to see you in action because, like, not all right sometimes.

  • I can send you some clips after this.

  • I don't need to see no clips.

  • I just need to see you do something.

  • Alright, I need to get more comfortable, okay?

  • You've been waiting eons, okay?

  • I just got here, like, I'm sorry.

  • I don't know what the fuck eons are.

  • It means you're ancient.

  • That I'm ancient?

  • I'm not even that old.

  • You're just really, really young.

  • You're like a fetus.

  • She said, you a iPad kid.

  • You really are an iPad kid.

  • Okay, no, no.

  • When did you get your first cell phone, man?

  • Don't do that shit.

  • Don't do that shit.

  • I got my first cell phone, listen, in third grade, okay?

  • But it was a fucking Nokia.

  • It was a Nokia!

  • It was in third grade?

  • I finally got my own pencil sharpener, bitch.

  • It was a Nokia, and the reason I got it is because I was biking to school in the morning by myself.

  • You had a bike in the third grade?

  • My parents made me walk in winter.

  • Let's do Rosamie.

  • Okay.

  • No, Rosamie's not even in the second wave.

  • Dude, do you not know the order?

  • You don't know who's in Obsidia?

  • Are you Eminem?

  • I'm not joking.

  • It's Celen, Petra, and Millie.

  • Yo, shut the fuck up trying to make me look bad, bro.

  • You can't gaslight me.

  • I swear to God, you like bullied me for like half a second.

  • No, no.

  • I was stunlocked.

  • I see those eyes, why are they like this?

  • I was stunlocked because of how dumb you sounded.

  • I was like, there's no way.

  • Yeah.

  • You have been in We got him, guys.

  • This long.

  • Okay, I was gonna put her in bullied, right?

  • But considering she's at the bottom of every other tier list, I kind of want to put her in guilt trip just because I feel bad.

  • Petra is a strong woman, okay?

  • Like, she gets bullied, but every single day she fights those bullies, okay?

  • True.

  • Oh, shit.

  • I can't hear you anymore, Kyo.

  • I don't know what happened.

  • Oh, never mind.

  • I can hear you now.

  • Petra fucking cursed me for a second.

  • Hello?

  • Hi.

  • Oh, shit.

  • Never mind.

  • I can't hear you.

  • Petra!

  • It's the curse of the Gurren.

  • You know what, Ana?

  • Let's just do you.

  • Okay, I feel like I'm too nice.

  • Like, I don't know why.

  • No, seriously, like, I let my chat literally say anything.

  • Like, they say some mean shit sometimes, and I just kind of take it to be honest.

  • Hello, are you frozen?

  • Like, what's going on?

  • I just think you're coping right now, to be honest with you.

  • I'm actually so nice!

  • I feel like, like, between the two of us, you can probably roast me better.

  • But that doesn't mean you still can't roast.

  • You know, in about, like, ten years or something, when you grow a little older.

  • See?

  • That's not roasting.

  • That's just, like, facts.

  • It's Can Roaster Savage.

  • You're not.

  • You can't talk your way out of this one.

  • Why?

  • I'm sorry.

  • I'm sorry.

  • Why do I only have two goals?

  • I know you want to.

  • I really do.

  • I know you want to, but, like, I don't think anyone would agree if you got put below Can Roast.

  • I swear!

  • I'm so nice!

  • Look, you're, like, roasting me right now!

  • I'm not.

  • I'm gonna do what I'm gonna pull at you.

  • I'm not roasting you.

  • I'm just being factual.

  • These are facts.

  • It's true.

  • Why do you need to put reverb on?

  • No reason.

  • Okay, but I'm after Celine, right?

  • Okay.

  • Yeah, Celine is just Celine.

  • We have Celine in front of us.

  • Okay, okay.

  • At least there's someone who's, like, more bitter in life than me.

  • So you just don't want to be called a bitch, is what it is.

  • No, that's not it at all!

  • You guys call me bitches all the time.

  • I mean, bitch is your favorite word.

  • I don't know.

  • What do you think, chat?

  • Nina is really hard.

  • I don't know.

  • I feel like she would kind of go in the guilt trip.

  • Really?

  • Wait, let me think.

  • Do I feel...

  • If I roast my mom, do I feel bad?

  • But that's the thing.

  • She's in Etheria, so I don't really feel too bad because we're close.

  • We're in a gen.

  • I feel bad roasting her sometimes.

  • Is there anybody you roast that you don't feel bad, though?

  • Because I feel like you feel bad anyway.

  • Oh, I don't feel bad roasting you.

  • I don't feel bad roasting Pomu.

  • Any of my IRL friends, I don't feel bad.

  • You have in-real-life friends?

  • Yes, bitch.

  • I have in-real-life friends.

  • Thank you.

  • Okay.

  • Just, you know, kind of like a requirement if you join Nijisan, you can't have in-real-life friends.

  • Well, you're gonna lose them anyways.

  • Don't you worry.

  • Yo, he an anime boy now.

  • What the fuck is this?

  • Okay, there's this clip of Shu that literally explains why why Shu doesn't swear.

  • Okay.

  • He said in this clip that he feels that swearing is very unnecessary and, like, I'm not gonna lie, that was, like, the biggest roast I've ever...

  • Like, the biggest indirect roast I've ever gotten from like, Shu wasn't even, like, roasting me.

  • He was subbing you.

  • He literally just I've never seen it, and I have nobody has really seen it, you know, online or offline, but I swear to God, this man has the power to overtake even Celine.

  • I swear to God.

  • You should make a category that says, bitch, but, like, like, right below Pomu.

  • Because Uki is can be really savage, but he, like, he has targets.

  • He's fucking Okay, look, his only target is me.

  • Yeah, see, that's what I'm saying.

  • This feels very personal, you know.

  • I swear to God, like, sometimes, I'm not even in there.

  • Like, I'm not even in the stream, and he'll, like, talk shit about me.

  • Okay, wait, we need to talk about this.

  • Okay, make a category.

  • Nah, we need to talk about this.

  • We need to talk about this.

  • This bitch can roast, but also, I need you to change can roast to, like, bitches that can roast.

  • I just need you to put him in a Don't quotation it, because that implies that he's not.

  • If I put a category called bitches, and I put Pomu in it, I'm going to get eviscerated by the Pomu diet.

  • I can't do that shit.

  • No!

  • Pomu is a bitch, you know, and we all love her for it.

  • But see, you can say that.

  • For me, personally, I can't.

  • Okay, but you said that he will act different or something or he will say stuff when you're not even there.

  • Listen, Anna, we need to talk about something real quick, okay?

  • What?

  • I heard what you said about me at that panel, Anna.

  • What panel?

  • The Otakuthon one.

  • Bro, if I'm your oshi, just say so.

  • Jeez.

  • No, shut the fuck- Okay, now, what you said is, what you said is, I will destroy that Zoom or TikTok kid on the panel.

  • That's what you said.

  • Did I say that?

  • That's what you said.

  • I can't remember.

  • No, I just wanted to point out the contrast.

  • That was funny to me.

  • These two are bitches.

  • Except, one of them I like, and the other one, I need to get rid of.

  • Who do you want to get rid of?

  • Is it the one that Atera looks like?

  • Overdyed snow cone?

  • Yeah.

  • You know, when they give you a snow cone, they put too much fucking- I have to process that for like one second.

  • Yeah, when they put too much syrup on that shit, you're like, bro, why is this shit so fucking dark?

  • Bro, only Zoomers eat that shit, okay?

  • You don't- You've never had a fucking snow cone, Anna?

  • Okay, no, you just didn't have a childhood.

  • Blue hair, I don't know, magenta, black.

  • Can you choose a Where you want your wings to grow from?

  • Thank you.

  • Look, my wings indicate that I belong in heaven.

  • And why are you not there anymore?

  • Because I choose to go down here to correct kids like you.

  • You seem kind of stressed, you know, doing this all the time.

  • Are you sure it's worth it?

  • You know what?

  • It's definitely not, but I care so much about you that I feel like I need to fix you.

  • You know what I mean?

  • Exactly.

  • You're welcome, Kill.

  • You're welcome.

  • Since you were talking about me a lot, where are you putting me on the tier list?

  • I mean, you come up with some pretty good roasts, and you're definitely a bitch.

  • I don't know.

  • I don't think you're really that nice.

  • I've seen you bully Ren.

  • You're so mean.

  • Bro, fuck Ren.

  • Why?

  • He didn't do anything.

  • He's such a sweetheart.

  • Because.

  • You know how Uki says fuck you when you say fuck Uki for no reason?

  • You know, same thing.

  • Ren is nothing like Uki.

  • I'm sure even Uki would admit that.

  • No, yeah, Ren is nothing like Uki.

  • I just have a thing for hating Ren, you know?

  • I've seen you guys on stream.

  • He wants so bad for you to love him, but you don't.

  • You know?

  • Yeah.

  • It's almost like you love him so much you don't know what to do.

  • Okay, now that you're writing a whole ass fanfic on this livestream, chill out.

  • Yeah, you're giving a little bit of Tundere vibes, you know?

  • You're one to talk.

  • Wait, hold on.

  • Chill!

  • You're one to talk.

  • You are one to talk.

  • That was way too loud.

  • Oh my god.

  • Guys, I didn't even realize this.

  • Are you a Tundere?

  • You are.

  • Oh, so you're the pot calling the kettle black?

  • I don't know what kind of kettle.

  • Look, can you please speak English?

  • Because I don't know.

  • I'm sorry you don't understand.

  • I will dumb it down for you.

  • You're being a hypocrite.

  • Maybe I showed that I was a little nicer earlier.

  • If I was a heartless bitch from the start, I could have just, you know, I could have gone down the you route.

  • So now when you're nice, people think you're being condescending.

  • So you have a benefit, honestly.

  • If I ever got to that point, I would love that shit.

  • Why can't I have that power?

  • Are you trying to donate some of it?

  • You don't want that power?

  • Nobody thinks I'm nice anymore.

  • She is a Tundere.

  • Will you ever work in like, what's it called, those like retirement homes?

  • No.

  • Well, if you do, I think you might actually you know, potentially have some sort of like humane empathetic feeling, you know, for once in your life.

  • You should work there.

  • I don't even know how we got from like, you know, point A, B, C to Z.

  • I'm a little confused.

  • Okay, I think the problem is you're too Zoomer and I'm just too Boomer.

  • I just don't know how we went from like me talking about how you were a Tundere and trying to prove it by, you know, giving multiple analogies and then you just like diverted the topic because you were uncomfortable that I pointed that out and talked about empathy and me working in a retirement home.

  • You know what you sound like?

  • You sound like one of those people who like report VTuber news on YouTube.

  • You sound like one of those people.

  • What is that supposed to mean?

  • Something happens and the next day it's already on VTuber news.

  • That's what you sound like right now.

  • You literally sound like that right now.

  • Okay, next to your list.

  • Let's get it.

  • Okay.

  • Oh shit, you're not sick of me yet?

  • Okay.

  • I mean, we don't have we can stop.

  • Do you want to stop?

  • I'm just joking.

  • I'm just joking.

  • You can still be like a savage, but like a cinnamon roll, you know?

  • Oh yeah, I agree.

  • Are you referring to me?

  • Because I feel like No.

  • No.

  • Okay.

  • Wait, Q.

  • I actually think I'm like at least semi-wholesome.

  • Okay.

  • State your case.

  • There's so many things that I didn't know before I joined Nijisanji, okay?

  • Okay.

  • Like, okay.

  • This is your stream, so if it gets demonetized you ask, okay?

  • I didn't know what cream pie meant.

  • Uh-huh.

  • I literally didn't know that until like after the it was Millie or someone.

  • They literally told me what that meant.

  • I was like, that's fucking disgusting.

  • Well, you know, it's just I just don't know all of these like terms, you know?

  • Like, you know, um, like like cucking, you know?

  • I didn't know what that meant.

  • All of these things I learned because because like these fucking fake fucks.

  • Who taught you about cream pie?

  • I don't know.

  • I can't remember.

  • I think it was the chat, actually.

  • Oh, okay.

  • Mista taught me about this jar thing where like people like come on the jar and like Okay, okay.

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • It sounds like you already know.

  • Like how the fuck do you know this?

  • I didn't Because I had no friends in real life.

  • I grew up on the internet, okay?

  • What do you expect?

  • I grew up on the internet, too.

  • Okay, well I didn't grow up on like

  • That's why I'm growing up on the wholesome side.

  • Like, I literally like I like sing anime music and then I like go on Reddit and, you know, talk about anime theories.

  • That's it.

  • You fucking bitch.

  • Put me You put me under fucking pomo, okay?

  • I deserve to be there.

  • I'm not that unwholesome.

  • I actually don't know shit.

  • Yo, I'm a virgin.

  • I just personally feel like you're not there yet.

  • Stop yourself right there.

  • You just said personally, so that's a personal opinion.

  • Like, the thing is just like objectively, you haven't even been here for like over a month, so I feel like maybe you shouldn't be objectively even making a tier list.

  • Alright, so what I'm hearing is I'm moving you down to unhinged.

  • What the fuck, man?

  • At least put me- No, no, just Okay, let's go to the next person and we'll talk about it, okay?

  • Alright, where are you placing me?

  • Um You can make your own column, you know?

  • Called what?

  • Called VTuber News Anchor.

  • You get presented facts and you twist them.

  • Nah, you're just mad that I'm actually not just like folding for you.

  • I'm not even mad.

  • If I were mad then I wouldn't be here.

  • I feel like I could be a semi-wholesome.

  • Are you fucking joking me?

  • Okay, you know what?

  • Honestly, I'm not gonna lie.

  • I feel like we're on the same ranking.

  • Okay, um Albin.

  • He's sentimental.

  • I feel like.

  • Albin is like super, super seisant.

  • Are we like- Are we talking about the same people?

  • Are we?

  • No, you didn't even let me explain!

  • Are we talking about- You didn't explain.

  • You just got silent.

  • Okay, look.

  • Albin's rice purity is 27.

  • And also, this was announced on stream so it's not like- Really?

  • Okay.

  • Yes!

  • I don't know what the fuck he did but he probably like have stolen organs or something.

  • That's crazy!

  • Alright!

  • You know what?

  • Yeah!

  • I'm telling you!

  • I wasn't lying!

  • He self-reported!

  • I mean at that point.

  • Like he even admitted it on stream.

  • Like he told his fans on stream.

  • They said Fulbrizz is a 29 rice purity score and you still haven't been wholesome.

  • Like really?

  • He's a 29?

  • Yeah!

  • I didn't know that.

  • Oh shit.

  • Um.

  • I feel like Shoe goes to just being wholesome too.

  • I don't know if he's like a similar.

  • I mean, apparently his rice purity score is pretty low.

  • Well, what's his rice purity score?

  • I don't know. 31?

  • Holy sh- Well, you know, like- Okay chat, I know you guys have this document full of like everyone's rice purity scores.

  • I need to see that doc.

  • Like- Yeah!

  • Where is this shit located on the internet?

  • Yeah, seriously.

  • Like now- Is this an updated regular?

  • Is it peer-reviewed?

  • Like where is this shit?

  • Like seriously, next thing you know, like Shoe's rice purity score is gonna be like low or something.

  • Yeah!

  • Like, what's happening?

  • Like, I literally, after this tier list, I have a completely different perspective of a lot of people.

  • Me too!

  • Cause I don't know how these rice purity scores either.

  • Like, I'm not even gonna like you.

  • I feel like you're more on the wholesome side now.

  • Yeah, I feel like both of us are.

  • We talk a lot of shit, but we haven't really been doing much.

  • No, we should move up!

  • We should move up!

  • Yeah!

  • We are definitely less- Like, yeah.

  • Like, we are definitely not below Fu-chan now.

  • Yeah!

  • I mean, honestly, I feel like- I won't even move us even, like you go 31, move us up, bitch!

  • Move us up!

  • Honestly, I feel like we're coping.

  • I'm not gonna lie.

  • I feel like we hard-coping.

  • No, no, no, no!

  • We're not!

  • We're not!

  • Dude!

  • Dude!

  • Bro!

  • Okay, I'ma- If you put us in semi-wholesome, I'm gonna be asking you a bunch of questions, okay?

  • Like, seriously.

  • Like- Okay, what questions?

  • Like- Dude, are you a virgin?

  • Okay, alright, I'ma move back to us.

  • I'ma move back to us.

  • I don't wanna talk about this.

  • Exactly.

  • That's right, fucking bitch.

  • Don't try me.

  • We fucking deserve to be up there, man.

  • We deserve to be up there.

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah!

  • No bias involved.

  • Suddenly, I'm the most innocent Niji Ien.

  • Yeah, you are a baby.

  • When did I say I was a fucking baby?

  • I mean, like, you're- I'm saying for, like, you're pure.

  • Oh.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • You like that better?

  • Yeah.

  • Baby?

  • Okay.

  • Okay, grandma.

  • You know what?

  • You gotta admit, I am the best looking grandma, okay?

  • Sure.

Did you countdown?

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Nijisanji EN's Most Savage Members (Are Enna And Kyo)

  • 0 0
    Abbie Ü posted on 2024/09/21
Video vocabulary