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  • Present simple is used in a few different situations.

  • Today we are going to focus on three ways to use present simple correctly.

  • Regular actions and habits.

  • I have pancakes and coffee for breakfast every morning.

  • Perfect.

  • Reading before bedtime helps me sleep.

  • And stative verbs.

  • I love coming to the gym.

  • The first way to use present simple is for regular actions or habits.

  • This means things you do every day, every week, every month, or every year.

  • It can also be for things you do twice a day, three times a week, five times per year.

  • The important point is that it's regular.

  • We go fishing every weekend in the summer.

  • My cat wakes me up at six o'clock every morning.

  • I visit my family three times a year.

  • The second way we use present simple is for facts and things that are generally true.

  • The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

  • Giraffes eat leaves.

  • Computers need electricity.

  • The last way to use present simple is for stative verbs.

  • To say it simply, this means verbs that describe how something is instead of what it does.

  • Some common stative verbs fall into the following categories.

  • Thoughts and opinions.

  • Do you remember where I put the keys?

  • Feelings and emotions.

  • He wants dinner.

  • Senses and perceptions.

  • Whoa, did you see that?

  • That was a big foot.

  • And possession and measurement.

  • Do you have kids?

  • Remember these three common ways to use present simple.

  • Regular actions and habits, general facts, and stative verbs.

  • Try to practice them in your next conversation.

  • If you liked this video and found it helpful, don't forget to like and subscribe for more

  • English content like this.

  • Thanks for watching!

  • See you next time!

  • Bye!

Present simple is used in a few different situations.

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Present Simple | An Easy English Grammar Lesson!

  • 5 0
    mintai0210 posted on 2024/09/23
Video vocabulary