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  • Do a fun one! Arms up! Something cute!

  • Woooo!

  • Hey yo! It's the Clo Bro, your favorite internet coworker.

  • Girl, I just got an email from LinkedIn inviting me to their headquarters.

  • Like, I don't know what this is, but the email says, this will be on March 31st at Mountain View.

  • We're gonna do a roundtable discussion, an office tour, free lunch, and of course, meeting other LinkedIn creators.

  • Yeah! It's my first time being invited to, like, a creator-type thing, so come with me!

  • I gotta pack. I gotta pick out my outfit for the office.

  • Like, I don't know who in tech knows how to dress themselves anymore because I certainly am rusty.

  • But I'm booking my flight earlier to land in San Francisco so I can meet up with one of my girlfriends.

  • Then I'm gonna Uber down to Mountain View and I'm gonna crash with my friend, Alice.

  • And then I gotta get up at the buttcrack of dawn and meet with my friend, Nicole, from college for coffee.

  • And then I'll be at the LinkedIn headquarters!

  • Let's go together! Woooo!

  • It's 7.20 a.m. and the sun is bright in Mountain View today.

  • I got really excited last night and I couldn't fall asleep because you know how, like, in school, the day before a field trip, you get so excited you don't really sleep?

  • That's how I felt like.

  • But I don't know why I'm so excited.

  • I'm literally going to a tech office.

  • Anyways, gotta get ready.

  • So excited! Let's go!

  • Hi!

  • I'm walking now to my Uber.

  • I'm late to my friend for breakfast and she doesn't like it when I'm late.

  • Oh, he's here!

  • 7.30 a.m.

  • I'm just here for the thots.

  • Hello! I am on the LinkedIn campus. I'm trying to find my building.

  • Totally forgot what it's like being on a tech campus in South Bay, but it's so big.

  • I've actually never been here before. I haven't been to an office in forever.

  • I mean, I guess I went to the Discord office, but like, it's different.

  • Ah, it's so pretty.

  • 8.30 a.m.

  • I took the bus.

  • Found my visitor badge.

  • Uh, yeah, I needed to use the restroom.

  • Thank God no one was here, if you know what I mean.

  • I forgot what it's like using the restroom when you really have to in an office, and you really hope no one comes.

  • Okay, I have this teammate.

  • Teammate, I'm going back.

  • Guess who's here?

  • My old co-worker, Maureen!

  • We used to work at like, this startup, and like, had a crazy life together.

  • Seriously, we went through a lot together.

  • We went through so much together, and now full circle.

  • She is working here, hosting me.

  • Yeah, you're my creator!

  • Yay!

  • What do you do, Maureen?

  • I focus on internal projects.

  • Like what?

  • Can you tell me? Is it confidential?

  • No, I just focus on like, data, building internal tools, and data.

  • You can get like, stuff.

  • Maureen!

  • Oh my God, Chloe!

  • Fruit, and cookies, and chips.

  • Nuts and fruit.

  • Oh my God, I'm like Vanna White.

  • Oh, Audrey!

  • Hello!

  • Look at this, wow.

  • Are these like, professionals?

  • Discover Team.

  • This is all us, right?

  • This is us.

  • Thank you for being here, and also...

  • Aw, thank you!

  • There's Ash, Nick, and you said your name is Ross?

  • Yeah, I'm Ross.

  • You don't go by Mr. Corporate?

  • I go by Corp, usually.

  • Corp! That's awesome!

  • I need to find you on the internet.

  • Cloud.

  • Cloudchase.

  • And actually, they spelled my name wrong, so...

  • There's two L's, yeah.

  • Yeah, I know that.

  • We're literally trying to take pictures with the LinkedIn Cube.

  • I'm gonna put you down, so you get the behind-the-scenes footage, before we go off to lunch.

  • We're here!

  • It's been so long since I've been to a tech cafeteria.

  • I forgot what it's like, and how fun it is to have different cuisines, and different stations.

  • And I feel like, you know, I live this life.

  • Why am I still so excited?

  • Because it's sick!

  • This is what makes me miss about going back to the office, for sure.

  • This is where you write about stories of women in tech.

  • Yeah, so Julie started as a blog that used to feature different stories of women in tech that I met through LinkedIn, actually.

  • I feel really lucky to study, because in the Philippine programs, like, this is how they do this.

  • Yeah.

  • Because, like, a Filipina in tech, I don't see a lot of, like, sophistication representation as well.

  • Yeah.

  • We're gonna go get pho.

  • They have a pho-pho bar.

  • At LinkedIn.

  • And this building that we're in has a cafe on every single floor.

  • We're on the third floor right now.

  • There are four floors.

  • I forgot how cushy tech is.

  • There's Totoro!

  • Wait, wait, wait, wait!

  • Oh, it's so cute!

  • And I visited this Studio Ghibli store with my dad, because he's really into, like, Totoro, Spirited Away.

  • Oh, I love it!

  • I just want to knock it off.

  • Hi!

  • Thank you for taking me.

  • Oh, so, the venue.

  • I was, like, wanting to have, like, 80K just for the venue.

  • It's 3 PM.

  • Back to work.

  • I got some LinkedIn swag!

  • So, we'll see.

  • I got a large, because I don't really like wearing things that fit.

  • It's not even that large.

  • LinkedIn!

  • Do I look like I work at LinkedIn?

  • Look.

  • All right.

  • I gotta, like, figure out how I'm gonna fit this in my luggage, because I'm flying back in a few hours.

  • I gotta get some work done.

  • Wow.

  • This one.

  • Look at these colors.

  • How do you get a leaf like this?

  • It's pretty!

  • Okay, I just learned that this is in the Monstera album, and it's worth a couple thousand.

  • Hold up, wait a minute.

  • Wow.

  • So, this one's a four-of-ghost.

  • Yes.

  • All the new leaves are white.

  • Beautiful.

  • And then, as it matures, it slowly turns green, like this one.

  • This one's a pink princess.

  • A pink princess.

  • I like that.

  • I like princess peach.

  • And then, this one's a splendid.

  • A splendid.

  • This one's a mix between varicosum and melanocrysum.

  • Wow.

  • Plant mama.

  • I packed.

  • I'm gonna head out to dinner with Alice now, and then, I'm headed off to the airport.

  • Then, I get home.

  • It's time to go.

  • We go to dinner!

  • So, Alice introduced me to Amami Sushi, and they have $43 omakase.

  • Wait, what's your name?

  • Tim, thank you.

  • Tim, nice to meet you.

  • Nice to meet you.

  • Thank you for bringing me here, Alice.

  • You're welcome.

  • Omakase, okay?

  • Enjoy.

  • Thank you, Tim.

  • Thank you.

  • It said, eat this, and then, eat this.

  • Yeah.

  • Okay, I'm gonna try the first one.

  • Tasty.

  • Oh my god.

  • This place is bomb.

  • Oh my god.

  • It's bomb.

  • I see why you come here.

  • Apparently, it's the best omakase in the bay.

  • I would have to agree.

  • It was so good.

  • Thank you for bringing me to Amami Sushi.

  • Thank you for accompanying me.

  • Now, I just gotta kill some time and go to the airport.

  • Yay!

  • Hi, I am back in L.A.

  • And it is now catch up with glow.

  • It's not couch time with glow because I'm not sitting at my couch.

  • I'm actually sitting on a poof.

  • This is what it looks like.

  • I believe I owe y'all an explanation.

  • Explanation of how this whole thing came together.

  • How was I invited to the LinkedIn headquarters for what thing is this?

  • I don't even know.

  • But basically, I'm what they call a LinkedIn creator.

  • What does that mean?

  • I don't know.

  • Do they know what that means?

  • They're probably working on it.

  • They did invite me to check out the LinkedIn headquarters and meet with the product team to talk about my workflow as a content creator, as well as my pain points, my needs, and my product feedback for LinkedIn.

  • And it was so interesting because I'm always the one on the other side.

  • I'm the product manager bringing the users.

  • I also used to be a partner manager, too, where I'd fly in other creators and do a whole creator day thing.

  • So it was super surreal being on this side of the table, visiting the team and meeting all these other really cool, nice, professional content creators made me really think about what kind of creator I want to be, especially on LinkedIn.

  • Like I know that LinkedIn is a place where you post about what job you got and when you leave jobs and like,

  • I don't really enjoy sifting through the LinkedIn feed.

  • So I really hope that I could create content that brings out the emotions of what it's like being a working professional.

  • I feel like besides changing jobs, there are just so many stories that happen on a day-to-day that we don't really talk about and it's not really covered either.

  • And we always hear stories of famous CEOs and billionaires or actors and artists, but the everyday working professional,

  • I feel like our stories are just not, I don't know, sexy enough to share.

  • I also really want to create content that builds community within working professionals.

  • I don't know how exactly to do that, but if you have ideas, let me know.

  • Anyways, I am now back home and the next day,

  • I actually posted on LinkedIn about my trip.

  • It was April 1st.

  • So I posted a joke saying that I got a new job at LinkedIn and then I said, psych, April fools, haha.

  • But then I didn't realize how many people fell for that joke.

  • The LinkedIn LinkedIn page actually commented saying congratulations.

  • So I guess they just never really opened the post.

  • I don't know, kind of suspicious.

  • Don't know who's behind that account.

  • Next up in the life of Khloe is a lot.

  • If you are a Uniqlo or a Khloe worker or part of the Khloe community,

  • I don't know which word is the best you choose, but you may know that my youngest baby brother got into college.

  • I just saw that UC Berkeley results were out today.

  • And I was full on expecting after like maybe yesterday, every single one of my college decisions are fucking going to be rejects.

  • Hey, hey, hey, language, language.

  • Sorry, sorry, sorry.

  • I decided to open UC Berkeley for fun because I saw their decision was today.

  • So last year was the first pandemic year for applicants for college.

  • And my brother didn't get into a single college, unfortunately.

  • And he's now working in AmeriCorps.

  • He applied to college again and he got into UC Berkeley and UC San Diego.

  • So he will be coming back from AmeriCorps for about a week to check out the colleges.

  • And then we're going to talk about life things and values and future.

  • And hopefully he feels good about a decision for his college.

  • I remember what it was like being in his shoes at that time long, long ago.

  • I remember how big of a decision this was.

  • So I won't be able to go to Berkeley with him.

  • My parents will take him there.

  • But Mayuko did recommend a tour guide from UCSD to take us around the campus.

  • So that'll be in one of my upcoming videos.

  • Which college do you think you should go to?

  • What are biases, recommendations or advice you have?

  • I need to know them.

  • That's all for now.

  • Thank you for watching.

  • Thank you to all the Uniqlo's who've been supporting me.

  • I appreciate you all.

  • And I'll see you next time.

  • Bye.

  • Okay.

  • And then for Chloe's vlog, everyone say, we love LinkedIn.

  • We love LinkedIn.

  • I know.

Do a fun one! Arms up! Something cute!

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