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  • This year, we had our solo stages.

  • What is it like when somebody else is doing their solo stage?

  • Are you like backstage, like drinking water, relaxing, you take a break?

  • Basically, we had like quick changes.

  • We had to change our outfit and then maybe take some like selfies.

  • Yeah.

  • Hi, we are G-IDLE.

  • And you're watching Billboard News.

  • Hey, it's Tetris with Billboard News and it's not every day you get to hang out with

  • G-IDLE.

  • Hi, ladies.

  • Hi.

  • Let's talk about your new music.

  • H.E.A.T. is out.

  • It's your first full English language album.

  • So why now?

  • Why did you decide to do it?

  • It's our debut EP in the U.S.

  • So we're super excited about this.

  • And we just wrapped up our U.S. tour and all our fans, they've been so supportive.

  • We think that it's about time to give them back and be more connected to them.

  • So we came up with this album, H.E.A.T.

  • So yeah, we hope they can like it.

  • Oh, they're gonna love it.

  • And you gotta help kind of describe the album to me.

  • So tell me, if you could pick three emojis to describe H.E.A.T., what are they going to be?

  • Fire emoji?

  • Fire?

  • Oh, fire.

  • That's a good one.

  • Yes.

  • Smiley face with sunglasses.

  • Oh, yes.

  • Cool.

  • Cool, cool.

  • Thumbs up.

  • Thumbs up.

  • It's gonna be great.

  • Good emojis.

  • Good emojis all around.

  • Good album.

  • And what else can you tell us about the project?

  • Yeah, we really had so much fun working on it.

  • We're quite nervous because it's our first, you know, English, and we all recorded fully in English.

  • Yes, exactly.

  • So it's quite challenging.

  • All the songs, you guys can have my word, it's really totally different styles that we never have been tried.

  • So I think it's gonna be cool.

  • I hope our fans can love it.

  • Very new and fresh.

  • You will love it too, I'm sure.

  • I can't wait.

  • Do you guys have a favorite track yet?

  • My favorite song is Torch Tree.

  • Torch Tree.

  • Because it's so chill and calming.

  • For me, of course, I want that.

  • This song is gonna, you know, just gonna kill.

  • Oh, she did this right away.

  • That's some choreography.

  • Kind of, yeah.

  • Kind of choreography.

  • And what about I Do?

  • Yeah, I Do is our first debut single in the US.

  • The fans, like, they've been waiting for this so, so long.

  • And their reactions was, like, crazy.

  • Well, they're so supportive of you guys.

  • I mean, even when you think about Queen Car, 200 million views, I mean, and all the TikToks that everybody was doing.

  • So, how did it feel to see your fans give you so much support for Queen Car?

  • I didn't expect it at all.

  • Thank you for giving us so much love.

  • I had to say I love the White Chicks reference because that movie is so cool.

  • Oh, thank you.

  • So, how did you, what made you guys think to do that?

  • Did you guys love that movie too?

  • Oh, that was a great idea.

  • I'm glad you guys did it.

  • So, you guys toured the US again.

  • How was it this time?

  • What makes touring the US different than when you're in other countries?

  • I'm so happy that more Netherlands came to our concert than last year.

  • Yeah, we performed in, like, two times bigger venue.

  • Yeah.

  • I mean, like, comparing to last year, like, it's crazy how, like, we grew up so much in a year.

  • And we really appreciate, like, their love and support.

  • But if we mention that one thing didn't change, that would be, I think, US fans' energy because they still, you know, shouting out for us.

  • Yeah, screaming is just crazy.

  • I love so much.

  • They're so energetic.

  • Well, I like that you write and produce a lot of your own music, which is really cool.

  • So, how do you feel that's different than, like, if other people are writing your songs?

  • And how is it to be involved in production?

  • That's so cute.

  • It's like a diary.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Your music themes are also very mature.

  • You guys are so sexy and cool.

  • Yeah.

  • Like, what do you think makes you guys different than other K-pop groups?

  • Or, like, why do you think it's harder for a lot of K-pop groups to be as empowering as you guys?

  • Well, since, I think, we keep making our own music and we just, you know, express ourselves at the moment.

  • And now we're not teenagers anymore.

  • We're, like, 20s.

  • So, I think that's kind of different.

  • Because we're so, like, straightforward to the music, like, be honest.

  • Yeah, we can't be confident about that.

  • Because I think, you know, in K-pop, there are hardly, you know, females.

  • Females songwriters, you know, can't write their songs by themselves.

  • And we have three of us, you know.

  • We can write songs by ourselves.

  • We can, you know, express, like, what we want to say.

  • We want the message that we really want to deliver to the audience.

  • So, I think it's a really good point.

  • Maybe in the future, they're going to become more good songs.

  • We're still hardworking.

  • Well, I can't tell you how much fun I've had hanging out with you guys today.

  • So, thanks for coming!

  • Thank you for having us!

  • Thank you!

This year, we had our solo stages.

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