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  • Hey guys! Thanks for choosing this video today.

  • A lot of you may know me from TikTok or Instagram, where I teach English.

  • And I've recently taken that here to YouTube, so I'm still growing this channel.

  • And I've been asking a lot of you what topics you'd like me to cover or questions you want answered.

  • And a lot of you have been asking about me and what I'm like, where I'm from, what I'm interested in, how I became an English teacher.

  • And I want to get a little bit more personal today and cover some of those questions for you in this video.

  • So, I've come up with six facts about myself to tell you today.

  • And for my next video, I will be answering your questions that you leave in the comments on this video.

  • So, like I said at the beginning of this video, I am an English teacher on TikTok and more recently on Instagram.

  • But if you have been following me from the start, you may have seen my videos on TikTok where I play the ukulele and sing.

  • And I am by no means a professional ukulele player, but first fact about me, I have a music degree.

  • So, I studied singing for both my bachelor's and my master's.

  • So, I am not only an English teacher, but I'm also a professional singer.

  • My main passion with singing is opera, which a lot of you may find hard to believe, as I know opera is not the most popular genre.

  • But it is my favorite to sing.

  • But I've also sung musical theater, jazz, pop.

  • So, I really just enjoy all kinds of singing.

  • And if you guys want me to bring back more ukulele content, let me know.

  • Okay, fact number two about me is that I live in Germany.

  • So, I am originally from the U.S.

  • I was born and grew up there.

  • But as an adult, I moved to Germany.

  • And I've been living here for about five years now.

  • So, I do speak German as a second language, which I had to learn as an adult.

  • And so, I understand where a lot of you are coming from with learning English as a second language and all the challenges that come with that.

  • And I can tell you that German is not an easy language.

  • So, I also use teachers on YouTube, on TikTok that help me to learn German.

  • Fact number three is that I used to live in London.

  • And London is probably my favorite city that I've lived in.

  • I studied in London for two years.

  • It's where I got my master's.

  • And there, I learned a lot about the differences between American English and British English.

  • Because there actually are a lot of differences.

  • There are not only language differences, but there are also cultural differences.

  • So, I do like to bring those sometimes into my videos.

  • And if you guys are interested in learning more about the differences between American and British English, from my experience, let me know in the comments.

  • Okay, fact number four.

  • I've already kind of touched on it, but I am from the U.S. Midwest.

  • So, the accent I have is a Midwestern American accent.

  • So, for example, I pronounce the city Chicago with a really bright A.

  • Ah, Chicago.

  • Which is a typical characteristic of the Midwestern accent.

  • There are also typical characteristics of Midwestern people in general.

  • Midwestern people are normally known to be very hospitable, very friendly, sometimes oversharing.

  • So, when I do go home, sometimes that can actually be a bit of reverse culture shock for me.

  • But yeah, the Midwest is probably not the most beautiful part of the U.S.

  • But the people are certainly beautiful.

  • Aw, that was nice.

  • Okay, fact number five is that I do yoga every morning.

  • I love the history of it.

  • I love the principle.

  • I love the fact that we can use tools within ourselves, like the breath, to make positive change.

  • To change our mindset.

  • To change our bodies.

  • To calm our nervous system.

  • All these things.

  • I love yoga.

  • If you ever want to talk yoga, let me know.

  • And my sixth and final fact that I have for you today is I am learning Italian.

  • I've been learning Italian for about two years.

  • I have an online Italian teacher that I meet with once a week for one hour.

  • And we speak Italian.

  • And I'm really enjoying it.

  • It can be really difficult at times, which I'm sure a lot of you know or have experience with.

  • But I'm pretty passionate about learning languages.

  • I think it's really interesting to dive into a language.

  • See how it works.

  • See how it's different from other languages that I speak.

  • And I also love learning about the culture through learning the language.

  • And being able to use their language if I go and visit that country.

  • So I would love to learn more languages.

  • But Italian is the one that I'm focusing on right now.

  • I am by no means a language expert.

  • It doesn't necessarily come easy to me.

  • I just like to learn them.

  • So Italian for now.

  • Who knows what's next.

  • Okay guys.

  • I hope you enjoyed learning these six facts about me.

  • So if you guys have any follow-up questions to any of the things I spoke about today, leave them in the comments.

  • But also leave me your English questions.

  • Because I'm going to take any of the questions from this video and answer them in my next video.

  • And as always, if you like this video, smash that like button.

  • I'm waiting.

  • Yay!

  • And don't forget to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss out on my future videos.

  • See you then.

  • Bye!

  • Bye!

Hey guys! Thanks for choosing this video today.

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