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  • Marilyn, you want coffee or tea?

  • Coffee please.

  • I am so excited.

  • At this time tomorrow morning, Grandpa will be sitting in the kitchen with us.

  • When does he arrive?

  • At six o'clock this evening.

  • By plane?

  • No, by train.

  • Are we picking him up at the station?

  • Not Grandpa. He doesn't want anybody picking him up.

  • He likes to be independent.

  • Let's go upstairs and prepare Grandpa's room.

  • Great. Let's do it.

  • Morning, Mom.

  • Morning, Marilyn.

  • We're going upstairs to set up Grandpa's room.

  • There's coffee ready.

  • I'm really excited about seeing Grandpa.

  • Me too. Milk, please.

  • He's so funny. He always makes me laugh.

  • I hope Grandpa's going to like living with us.

  • I think he will. It just takes time to feel comfortable in a new place.

  • Won't he miss being in Florida?

  • He will, but I think he'll like being here with the family.

  • Are you sure about that? It's crazy here most of the time.

  • But it's fun.

  • That's for sure.

  • You know, maybe I'll put together some photos of Grandpa as a welcome present.

  • That's a neat idea.

  • What can I do?

  • I've got it.

  • I have a picture of Grandpa and Dad, me and my wallet.

  • It's from the father's and son's breakfast at my junior high school graduation.

  • Oh, I remember this picture.

  • I'd really like to pick up Grandpa at the railroad station.

  • Railroad stations are airports.

  • Grandpa always tells us he'll get here by himself.

  • He's something.

  • Is this all Grandpa's stuff?

  • That's it.

  • But I'm sure he has a few bags with him on the train.

  • What's inside?

  • I don't know.

  • It's locked.

  • Hi.

  • Hi, darling.

  • Morning, Philip.

  • I want to put some of my good hangers in Grandpa's closet.

  • You know, I'm very excited about this place.

  • I'm very excited about his arrival.

  • We are, too.

  • Susan called early this morning.

  • She's unhappy because she's had to go to Chicago on a business trip and can't leave till tonight.

  • She wants to be here for Grandpa.

  • Well, Grandpa will be disappointed, too.

  • He loves Susan.

  • She always reminds him of Grandma.

  • Well, how's everything here?

  • Fine.

  • We were just wondering about this trunk.

  • It's locked.

  • Oh.

  • I have the key.

  • Grandpa sent it to me.

  • I have to go.

  • Bye.

  • Bye.

  • Excuse me.

  • Is this seat taken?

  • No, it's not taken.

  • Oh, thank you.

  • Let me help you with this.

  • Thank you.

  • Do you want to sit by the window?

  • No, no, no.

  • I like the aisle seat better.

  • Please, you sit by the window.

  • My name is Stuart.

  • Malcolm Stuart.

  • Pleased to meet you.

  • I'm Elsa Tobin.

  • How do you do?

  • Do you live in New York?

  • No, no.

  • I'm from Florida.

  • I am too.

  • But didn't you just get on?

  • No, no.

  • I just changed my seat.

  • A man next to me was smoking, and smoke really bothers me.

  • Where are you from in Florida?

  • Titusville.

  • It's near Orlando.

  • Small world.

  • I'm from Titusville too.

  • Really?

  • What part?

  • My husband and I live near Spaceport.

  • I know that area.

  • My house is only a few miles from Spaceport.

  • Do you still live there?

  • Oh, yes.

  • Yes, my husband's there now.

  • He couldn't take time off to come to New York with me.

  • Do you still live there?

  • No.

  • I sold the house and the furniture.

  • Put a few personal things in an old trunk and shipped it to my children in New York.

  • That's my destination.

  • Are you married?

  • My wife died four years ago.

  • She was a wonderful woman.

  • A real friend.

  • I'm sorry.

  • Really.

  • I'm sorry.

  • Lots of wonderful memories.

  • We were married almost 50 years.

  • Well, 47 to be exact.

  • John and I celebrate our 40th anniversary next month.

  • Congratulations.

  • That's nice.

  • What does John do?

  • He's an aerospace engineer.

  • He works for Orlando Aircraft Corporation.

  • He started with them almost 40 years ago.

  • What do you do?

  • I just retired.

  • Had my own company, a construction company.

  • Roads, bridges, big stuff.

  • But I just sold it and retired.

  • Excuse me, ma'am.

  • Ticket, please.

  • Would you kindly hold these keys, please?

  • I have a ticket, I know.

  • I was in the smoking section.

  • Okay, lady, take your time.

  • I'm sure it's in your purse, Mrs. Tobin.

  • Oh, here it is.

  • And here are your keys.

  • Thank you.

  • Do you have family in New York?

  • No, no.

  • But I do have very close friends in New York City.

  • We like to go to the theater together.

  • You said you have family in New York.

  • Yes, indeed.

  • A son and his wife and their three children.

  • My grandchildren.

  • You must be excited.

  • I can't wait to see them.

  • Are you going to live with them?

  • Yes.

  • Permanently?

  • Well, they want me to.

  • But it's too early to know for sure.

  • I'm pretty independent.

  • I tried to teach my kids the importance of independence.

  • But I'm not sure I want to be alone.

  • Some people don't mind being alone.

  • I do.

  • I understand.

  • But tell me, why did you stop working?

  • I retired because I wanted to be with my family.

  • I didn't want to be alone anymore.

  • I'm sorry.

  • Ladies and gentlemen, Amtrak is happy to announce our arrival in New York City.

  • The train will be stopping in five minutes.

  • Please check to be sure you have your belongings.

  • And have a good stay in the Big Apple.

  • Thank you.

  • Well, here we are.

  • It was so nice meeting you, Mr. Stewart.

  • Nice meeting you too, Mrs. Tobin.

  • Please, look us up.

  • We're in the phone book.

  • Dr. Philip Stewart in Riverdale.

  • Your son.

  • That's right.

  • And have a good time in New York.

  • And don't be so independent.

  • You're very lucky to have a caring family.

  • When can we go fishing?

  • Robbie, we'll go fishing soon.

  • And we'll take your dad with us.

  • I'm ready, Grandpa.

  • You name the day.

  • That's a great idea, Grandpa.

  • Philip needs a day off.

  • Let's give him our presents now.

  • Good idea.

  • Presents?

  • For me?

  • From me and Marilyn.

  • And this one's from me.

  • I looked all over the house to find it.

  • Richard.

  • Richard.

  • Richard.

  • These are terrific pictures.

  • This one really brings back memories.

  • You remember that day, Robbie?

  • I sure do.

  • It was fun.

  • Oh.

  • I'm sorry Susan isn't here.

  • I miss her very much.

  • She feels bad too, Grandpa.

  • She called to say the plane was delayed.

  • You know airports.

  • I can't wait to see her.

  • She looks just like Grandma at that age.

  • I'd better unpack.

  • I started traveling 24 hours ago.

  • I'm not so young anymore.

  • Don't you want something to eat?

  • No, thanks.

  • After a good night's sleep, I'll enjoy breakfast even more.

  • Come on, Dad.

  • Ellen and I will take you to your room.

  • I'm sure glad you're here, Grandpa.

  • Good night, Grandpa.

  • Pleasant dreams.

  • Philip.

  • Do you have the key to the trunk?

  • I have the key.

  • But it doesn't work.

  • I sent the wrong key.

  • I have something for you.

  • I made it myself.

  • I think you'll enjoy it.

  • Thank you, Grandpa.

  • You're welcome.

  • I'm going to bed.

  • Good night.

  • Good night.

  • Good night.

  • Good night.

  • Good night.

  • Enjoy it.

  • I researched it for over a year.

  • It's our family tree.

  • Oh, Grandpa.

  • How exciting.

  • Fabulous.

  • But I didn't know that your grandfather was born in Germany.

  • Lots of interesting information about our family.

  • A gift from me.

  • Thank you so much.

  • Grandpa!

  • Grandpa!

  • I'm so happy to see you.

  • You look so beautiful, Susan.

  • My granddaughter.

  • As I always say.

  • You look just like Grandma.

  • I think you're going to be very happy here with us.

  • I know you will.

  • I don't feel alone anymore.

Marilyn, you want coffee or tea?

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Family Album USA E03 Chinese-English subtitles 走遍美国 第3集 中英字幕

  • 14 1
    xiahaojoy posted on 2024/09/26
Video vocabulary