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  • No smoke or fires over here, Leo.

  • Roger that, Peyo.

  • How's it looking, Katie?

  • Any signs of unattended fires?

  • A clare up ahead.

  • What was that?

  • Hiro, where are you going?

  • Do you see it? Wait for us.

  • A giant guinea pig.

  • It's trapped.

  • Hang in there. We'll get this off you in no time.

  • Just a little bit more and you're free.

  • It's a friendly giant guinea pig.

  • It is friendly, but what is it really?

  • Well, let's find out.

  • I've just sent you its photo, Katie. Can you check it out?

  • Let's see.

  • Oh, it's a capybara.

  • You're a capybara. I've never seen one before.

  • Well, we better get back to patrolling the forest for fires.

  • Bye, capybara.

  • Bye, buddy.

  • Bye-bye. See you later.

  • Oh, hello again.

  • I think it likes you, Peyo.

  • Really?

  • Come along with us, Leo. Please, please, pretty please.

  • Sure, Peyo. We could drop it off at a river along the way.

  • Yay!

  • This looks like a good spot to drop off our furry friend.

  • Yep, it'll be right at home here.

  • Come on, buddy. Time to go swimming.

  • It doesn't want to go.

  • We just need to give it a reason to...

  • Oh, oh, I know, I know.

  • A ball. What's the ball for?

  • It's for the capybara. If I throw the ball into the river, maybe it'll jump into it to chase after the ball.

  • Like Hiro, playing fetch.

  • I guess we could give it a shot.

  • Come on, buddy. Get that ball.

  • Hiro?

  • Huh?

  • Ranger Rocky?

  • Hello, Junior Rangers.

  • What are you doing in the river, Ranger Rocky?

  • Oh, I've been removing fishing wires.

  • Animals could really hurt themselves by getting tangled up in these.

  • That's what happened to the capybara.

  • Capybara?

  • Oh, hello there.

  • Capybaras are strong swimmers.

  • Their toes are partially webbed for paddling.

  • They're also super friendly.

  • Smoke!

  • It's a forest fire!

  • Oh, no!

  • Everyone stay calm. I'll put out the fire.

  • Hang tight, Junior Rangers.

  • Be careful, Ranger Rocky!

  • We have to get the animals across the river to safety.

  • Let's get all of them into Platypus One.

  • Sounds like a plan.

  • Good idea.

  • Huh? Where's the capybara?

  • Oh, there it is.

  • There's more smoke now. We'd better hurry.

  • Let's load them up.

  • Everyone in?

  • Oh, we'll come back for you later. Promise.

  • Junior Rangers to the rescue!

  • Platypus One, activate.

  • And away we go.

  • Guys, look! The capybara's helping us.

  • Awesome! Thanks, buddy.

  • Oh, no! Faster, Leo! The smoke is almost at the river.

  • Okay, hang on.

  • Whoa!

  • We're here. Quick, let's get all the animals out.

  • We have to go back for the others.

  • Okay.

  • Back in, everyone. Let's get the rest of the animals.

  • Okay.

  • Roger that.

  • Hold on, we're almost there.

  • Phew, we made it.

  • Now, let's get these animals out of Platypus One.

  • Roger that.

  • Roger that.

  • Guys, look! The smoke is almost gone.

  • Ranger Rocky must have put the fire out.

  • Ranger Rocky, are you all right?

  • I sure am, Leo. All clear. The fire is out.

  • Good job, Junior Rangers.

  • Yay! We did it!

  • Good job, Ranger Rocky!


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Capybara | JUNGLE FIRE! Get Them to Safety, Leo! | Friendly Animals | Leo the Wildlife Ranger | Kids

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    teresalo0327 posted on 2024/09/28
Video vocabulary