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  • Hey guys, it's Dani.

  • Now, with Memorial Day weekend coming up, there are going to be tons of barbecues and cookouts and picnics, and I don't know of a better side dish or dessert than a big, beautiful bowl of seasonal fruit salad.

  • It goes with just about any outdoor menu, plus it couldn't be any easier to make.

  • So today I am sharing three clean and delicious fruit salad recipes with you.

  • But before we get started, if you haven't already, please take a moment to subscribe to the channel and hit that notification bell so you never miss a new video.

  • Now, I'm gonna be starting with an ambrosia fruit salad.

  • For those of you who are not familiar with ambrosia, it's usually made with some types of canned fruits and marshmallows.

  • So we are gonna give it a clean and delicious twist by using all fresh fruits, and then we're gonna skip the marshmallow and get that creamy, sweet texture from plain Greek yogurt.

  • So into a nice big bowl, I'm combining one heaping cup of fresh chopped pineapple.

  • Now, if you guys are looking for the easiest way to cut a pineapple, make sure that you check out that video right over there, along with one cup of red grapes, a cup of strawberries that I've cut into quarters, one large banana chopped up, then I've got a couple tablespoons of shredded coconut.

  • You're gonna see that the combination of the banana and the coconut also add a really nice sweetness to the salad.

  • And then I've got a cup of plain Greek yogurt, you could do full fat or low fat, and a tablespoon of honey.

  • Then I'm going to gently mix this all together until all the fruit is lightly coated in the yogurt and the honey.

  • Oh my gosh, I almost forgot, two Mandarin oranges that I've peeled and chopped.

  • And you wanna make sure that you remove any of these little white strings off the outside of the orange as well.

  • Get that in there as well.

  • Continue to stir, make sure everything has a nice light coating, and then totally optional and not traditional, you can add a little bit of fresh mint to this salad.

  • It adds beautiful color and a light, bright, fresh flavor.

  • This salad is sweet, it's rich, creamy, and yet still very refreshing.

  • And I'm telling you, even if you weren't going to a barbecue or a cookout, I think this would make a great breakfast and a great topper on some protein pancakes.

  • Next up, I have a melon, mint, and cucumber salad.

  • I have to say personally, this one is my favorite.

  • It is ideal for like a super hot day.

  • So into a nice big bowl goes one heaping cup each of cubed watermelon, honeydew, and some cantaloupe.

  • Then I am adding in one and a half cups of fresh chopped cucumbers.

  • And guys, I'm a huge fan of these small little Persian cucumbers.

  • They don't have any seeds in the middle and they're extra crunchy, so I find them to be extra refreshing.

  • Then this next little bit is totally optional, but I'm telling you, it's so good.

  • A little bit of fresh diced jalapeno.

  • Now remember, the heat from the jalapeno comes from the ribs and the seeds.

  • So if you didn't want it to be super spicy, you could remove that, then dice it up.

  • If you're like me and you like a little kick, leave them in there and then dice it up.

  • And did you know that eating spicy food in hot weather actually allows the body to cool down?

  • And that is because it opens up the pores, which allows the body to cool down quicker.

  • Then I finish this off with some fresh squeezed lime juice, a big handful of fresh mint.

  • Give that a stir.

  • And again, totally optional, but insanely delicious, top it off with some fresh crumbled feta cheese.

  • And note to self, when you are buying your feta cheese, if you can, buy it in the block and crumble it yourself because you're always gonna get better flavor and better texture.

  • Look at how gorgeous this salad is.

  • And my third and final salad is my berry basil peach salad.

  • Now this one's gonna use lots of fresh seasonal berries along with some peaches and some basil.

  • That's how I come up with my creative titles, guys.

  • So into a nice big bowl is gonna go one heaping cup of the following fruits.

  • I've got some fresh strawberries that I've cut into half.

  • Then I have some peaches.

  • Now guys, if you buy cling peaches, and those are the ones where it's really hard to get the pits out, you just wanna cut your peach kind of the same way we do a mango.

  • So you're just gonna cut off the cheeks, then get the sides and chop it up from there.

  • Then I've got some fresh blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries.

  • Then I'm gonna add in a big handful of fresh cut basil along with a couple tablespoons of lemon juice.

  • Give it a big stir.

  • Make sure everything has a nice light coating of that lemon juice and the basil.

  • It's gonna infuse throughout the salad, and I am telling you, the combination of those fresh seasonal berries and the basil just screams summer.

  • Put it into your favorite bowl, and you've got a fruit salad ready to impress.

  • Not only are all three of these fruit salads great for a cookout or a barbecue or a picnic, but they're also great for meal prep because they would make a delicious addition to your breakfast, your lunch, or even as a light and fresh dessert.

  • So now I wanna hear from you.

  • Which of these three salads do you think you would try first?

  • Come on down to the comments below and let me know.

  • And guys, don't forget, if you haven't already, please subscribe, like this video, and share it with anybody else you know who wants to keep things healthy and yummy.

  • Thank you so much for watching.

  • I'm Dannie Spees.

  • I will see you back here next time with some more clean and deliciousness.

  • Cheers.

  • Hey guys, it's Dannie, and whoops.

  • Hey guys, it's Dannie.

  • Now with Memorial Day, no.

  • Hey guys, it's Dannie.

  • Hey guys, it's Dannie.

  • Hey guys, it's Dannie.

  • Now, that was silly.

  • From the beginning, here we go.

  • Hey guys, it's Dannie.

  • Now with Memorial Day weekend coming up.

Hey guys, it's Dani.

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3 Easy Delicious Fruit Salad Recipes

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    ANNA posted on 2024/09/28
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