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  • Hey everybody, Larry Lawton here.

  • I got a good video for you with a different take on the P.

  • Diddy case, and I'll tell you why.

  • Is this case really about these big charges against P.

  • Diddy or is it about some actors and people who didn't get ahead because they tried to do it in one way or another?

  • Whether it's the Meek Mill situation, we don't know.

  • I'm hearing tapes out there, who knows?

  • Here's what I'm gonna do.

  • I'm gonna list what they found in his house and then I'm gonna list the charges.

  • And you're gonna start thinking a little bit different after this video, I really believe that.

  • All right, let's jump right in to the what they found in his house.

  • This is the big thing.

  • Unless you've been living under a rock, P.

  • Diddy was arrested a few days ago, September 14th for different charges I'm gonna go into, but here's what they found in a house during two raids on his Los Angeles house and his Miami house.

  • They found three AR-15 rifles with defaced serial numbers, that's serious, along with a drum magazine loaded with 59 rounds of 223 ammo, over 1,000 bottles of baby oil and personal lubricants, which were reportedly used during freak out parties.

  • Since when does the federal government count the number of lube bottles in a person's house?

  • Does it really matter?

  • I mean, honestly, that's crazy.

  • Third thing, narcotics, although specific seized in the raid were not detailed in public records, there have been reports that there was methamphetamines and maybe crack and crack pipes.

  • I'm not confirming that because I can't find that in any official report.

  • Also, drugs like extra linens, lighting equipment used to maintain and clean up after these parties, which again, why is this listed?

  • Tell me why.

  • A guy has got a lot of money and he has a lot of linen.

  • Hey, what about all these bath houses or clubs?

  • You don't think they got a lot of linens going around?

  • Come on.

  • Also, IV fluids, okay?

  • Yes, were administered to help participants recover from physical exertion or abuse during the events.

  • That is so common, people.

  • I know many, many people, I have relatives, they might work as a paramedic and they'll bring over a IV bag to rejuvenate yourself.

  • And it's kind of common.

  • They even have clinics that do that.

  • They have actual shops that do it because he had it here.

  • They're making so much up to vilify this man.

  • Now, I don't know what he did he did exactly, but I'm gonna tell you now what he's been charged with.

  • We're gonna go over that.

  • Because what they found in my mind has very little to do what they're charged with.

  • So what is this?

  • Is this about the media?

  • Is this about news stories?

  • It might be, and I'm not gonna play that.

  • I'm gonna tell you my opinion and then we're gonna find out where this case goes and we'll see who's right.

  • First of all, he's been charged with racketeering Rico.

  • Well, I was charged with the Rico.

  • The Rico is a enterprise.

  • It is two or more people conspiring to further an organization.

  • Now, to me, I don't see a Rico and I think they're using this Rico way out of whack all over the country.

  • It was made for the mob.

  • It's not made for a guy like this.

  • The Rico Act.

  • P.

  • Diddy was charged with the Rico Act.

  • I was charged with the Rico Act.

  • The Rico Act is two or more people conspiring to further an organization.

  • Okay, we have Rico.

  • Is it really?

  • How are they gonna prove Rico on this one?

  • Is his Music Empires all criminal organizations?

  • Is his Sarac Vaca a criminal organization?

  • What are they trying to do?

  • Are they trying to go after an African American because he's wealthy and he's powerful and he bucks the system and he likes sex?

  • Or is it other people they want?

  • The only way they're gonna be able to prove this, and this is why I think they did Rico, is because a Rico is very easy to charge lower people with and give them lots of time.

  • Here's what happens then.

  • What do you think's gonna happen if they charge some of these people who are housekeepers?

  • They're gonna have them say whatever they want.

  • Whatever they want.

  • Why?

  • That's what they need.

  • They need more people on the stand saying these were some extravagant parties.

  • But I don't care that they're parties and I don't even care what's going on in there.

  • I don't get that for the Rico.

  • Rico's really trying to take down his businesses and they're trying to take down him and his organization.

  • Who is?

  • I didn't see anybody else in the indictment.

  • I didn't see his number two in the indictment, his number three, his accountant.

  • I didn't see anybody in this indictment.

  • That's a Rico.

  • I'm not understanding why they charged him with Rico at this point.

  • Another charge he was charged with.

  • He was charged with three charges.

  • This charge was transportation for prostitution.

  • This one I really am pissed at because did Larry Lawton get in a limousine with a girl who was a lady of the night and go to Atlantic City and have a nice night?

  • Yes, I did.

  • Many, many, many years ago.

  • Statute of limitations way up government.

  • But think of that.

  • I've been to Las Vegas on jets.

  • I've been jetting around with ladies.

  • How many people out there have been on a bus, maybe a party bus that goes from New York to New Jersey?

  • And maybe they got a stripper on there, does a few things.

  • Is that transportation for prostitution?

  • Maybe everybody on that bus should be charged with transportation for prostitution.

  • I don't buy it.

  • I don't buy them nitpicking unless you have people.

  • Is there anybody in chains being dragged onto a plane and then said they had to do so?

  • I'm not hearing any of that.

  • This is gonna be very hard for the government to prove because how many people out there are watching this video?

  • How many have been to a strip party, a striptease or a bachelor party?

  • And there's a girl there.

  • Who knows what goes on in the back room?

  • And you went to Vegas to do that.

  • And they happened to get the girl because they liked her.

  • She was from New York and they put her on a plane.

  • Think about what I'm saying.

  • Transportation for prostitution.

  • You better be able to prove that that girl was put on a bus just for this against her will.

  • Listen, if the girl wants to do it for whatever reason, further her career, make money, that is up to her.

  • When we start really vilifying all decisions people make, we're not a free country.

  • Also, how about fans?

  • It's not been around that long.

  • How about the manager who books the fans person to go to California to a party?

  • And this has a lot of wild stuff going on.

  • So now, is that manager now transportating somebody for exploitation of people stuff?

  • Is that prostitution?

  • Is only fans prostitution?

  • People are paying money to do something.

  • It really gets me when we're starting to make either everything illegal or against what the government.

  • Again, is this really part of being an American?

  • Also, the last and most serious charge is actually sex trafficking.

  • Sex trafficking carries 10 to 15 years alone.

  • Each act now is, what is sex trafficking here?

  • In sex trafficking, by definition, is you are bringing someone to somebody else for the means of sex against their will.

  • And it says that in the statutes.

  • So, are these people being against their will or by coercion?

  • Now, is somebody gonna say, wait a minute, she had to sleep with him to get a concert date or maybe to get a recording with some artist?

  • Well, that is life and that is business.

  • No, don't look at me like I'm the bad guy here.

  • Think of what I'm saying.

  • How many people dress up really, really nice to go get a corporate job and maybe the woman has a little bit of cleavage in her chest?

  • You don't think that's done on purpose?

  • Beautiful makeup, looking great.

  • What about you take two people, one really dressed up, looking hot, and one a slob?

  • Who are you hiring?

  • You're hiring the one who looks good.

  • Well, it's like anything else.

  • First of all, people are gonna do what they're gonna do.

  • You could take the Meek Mill situation.

  • You could take, I don't know what Meek Mill did and I don't care what Meek Mill did and he shouldn't care either.

  • How's that?

  • Why are we all fixated on another person's way of getting ahead without hurting people?

  • You know what I just said?

  • I'm not hearing any allegations that anybody was hurt, beaten, or taken their money from them, or humiliated.

  • Listen, they say they have sex tapes.

  • So what?

  • So what?

  • Unless somebody says that they didn't want that, maybe that's gonna come out.

  • But let's tell me, how many people out there have stuff on their phones or in wherever they have it?

  • I'll bet a lot of people do.

  • So in my mind, anything they found, and to throw in the lube, a thousand bottles of lube, big, hey, thank you.

  • I've been in situations when I needed lube.

  • I wish I never ran out.

  • This is crazy what we're trying to do to somebody right now.

  • Now, I have to address another part of this, but I wanna keep going on this for a second.

  • I don't get this.

  • Is all of this because they're against the LGBTQ now?

  • Are they positive?

  • Are they negative?

  • I thought the media was positive LGBTQ.

  • Why else would you bring up a thousand jars of lube?

  • And why would the federal government count the lube?

  • Are they counting the salt shakers in his house too?

  • Are they counting all the toys that were there?

  • I didn't see that, and I'd bet money there's toys there.

  • Did they count those?

  • Why didn't they put those in there?

  • What's the thousand bottles of lube got?

  • Is this just all to make fun of P.

  • Diddy and what's going on and all the people there?

  • Obviously, we have a security guard who taped them and ratted.

  • You have the producer who is suing saying this.

  • That's a civil suit, number one.

  • It's not a criminal suit.

  • These charges, even the producer did not say that anybody was forced to do anything.

  • And the producer claims that they were drugged.

  • These people were drugged and have a stand against their will or be accursed.

  • Why do you come back?

  • Why do you come back to a party that you say you were?

  • Is it really because you want that studio time with P.

  • Diddy or with Jay-Z or whoever is about to give it?

  • Or is it just like this?

  • People just like, I mean, I can understand that.

  • I just don't understand why someone would come back if they thought they would, because I know I wouldn't.

  • Here's one, freak offs.

  • I learned a new word.

  • I consider myself pretty worldly, pretty understanding of X and all this kind of stuff.

  • I never heard of a freak off.

  • What's a freak off?

  • Is it an orgy?

  • Listen, none of that is illegal.

  • An orgy is not illegal.

  • Threesomes, foursomes, two guys, three guys, I don't care.

  • I am not hearing anybody come forward and saying, I was taped and that's illegal and I don't wanna be taped.

  • And listen, you're at another person's house too.

  • Now, obviously if you're in a public place, you shouldn't be filmed in a bathroom, something like that.

  • But we are at a party, at this party.

  • Now, the Fed said that they noticed cameras in all the rooms, so they should have tapes.

  • When they keep talking about these tapes, you know what I say?

  • So what?

  • So what?

  • Let me ask you out there, how many people out there have a tape?

  • I'm sure a lot of you.

  • Another part of this case that really disturbs me, and it really is against our constitution for a reasonable bail, you know, that is in the constitution, people.

  • So why no bail?

  • I don't understand it.

  • There's only two reasons you don't get bail.

  • One is you're a flight risk and they can stop that.

  • They could take his passport.

  • They can make sure he is grounded, like he can't get on a plane.

  • They can make sure every airport doesn't let his planes go off the ground.

  • They can do a lot of things.

  • Also, the other reason is if you're a threat to the community.

  • Now, are they gonna say he's a threat to the community because of what he did to an old girlfriend?

  • Which, listen to me, it was wrong.

  • He dragged his girl in a hotel corridor.

  • It's on film, I watched it.

  • He was brutal against her.

  • Here's the difference.

  • That was a personal situation, number one.

  • Number two, what do you think he's gonna go out and do that to the FBI agents or somebody else that did that?

  • No.

  • Who's he gonna intimidate in this case?

  • I'm not seeing any witnesses that he's gonna intimidate right now, do you?

  • Who's the witness you intimidate?

  • All those people on the tapes?

  • That's what's gonna happen?

  • That is such a far stretch for giving a person no bond.

  • No bail is a very serious thing.

  • I had no bail because they said I was a threat to the community.

  • I had a lot of violence on my record.

  • I don't see the violence I had on my record on P.

  • Diddy's record.

  • I think P.

  • Diddy should get bond.

  • He should get it immediately.

  • And his restrictions shouldn't be what people think.

  • Why is everybody after P.

  • Diddy?

  • I'm not getting this yet.

  • P.

  • Diddy's girlfriend also says he made a carry gun, made a carry.

  • Listen, I watch a lot of stuff on TV and you hear a lot of that.

  • They accuse of this person of doing something.

  • Who knows why?

  • When you're talking about a personal situation, who knows?

  • Maybe he had bad that night and she's pissed.

  • Who knows?

  • We really don't know.

  • And it's been settled.

  • So I don't think they should be using any of this stuff.

  • I hope P.

  • Diddy has the right kind of lawyers.

  • I'm not jumping on any bandwagon about everybody I'm seeing on TV and on YouTube.

  • Everybody is vilifying P.

  • Diddy.

  • Why is everybody vilifying P.

  • Diddy?

  • Even before he has a chance to go to trial.

  • I'm not seeing any of these analysts on TV saying, oh, they're bringing federal prosecutors on.

  • They're bringing these people.

  • He's in trouble.

  • What?

  • Because he had lube?

  • Come on, a thousand things of lube?

  • No, we know it's what it's for.

  • They're saying stuff that I think they're trying to stretch.

  • And I think he's pushed the button.

  • I think P.

  • Diddy has just pushed the button and the boundaries.

  • That's what I think.

  • I think the powers that be are really pissed at P.

  • Diddy because he's doing things his own way.

  • Maybe he's having sex with guys.

  • Maybe he's not.

  • I don't know.

  • Maybe it's all about this.

  • This is really just a sensational case.

  • I have to end this video by saying this.

  • We are really off track in our country.

  • We are letting our government get into our houses and our bedrooms in cases I don't see.

  • Unless it's something blatant or something outward or somebody comes out and says I was tied up and they run out of that place in handcuffs and something like that, then we need to really go down on people.

  • Just because this guy's got money, uses influence, gets some ladies, has some great parties, now he's the villain.

  • Well, I hope he has good lawyers and I hope to see them in court.

  • And I can't wait to watch his defense.

  • Have a great day, everybody.

  • Stay safe.

  • If you like this video we just did, go check out my podcast channel.

  • We get in depth on this case.

  • It's The Real Deal with Larry Lawton on YouTube and on Spotify as well.

  • Check us out over there, please.

  • Like, subscribe there as well.

  • It helps us.

  • Have a great day, everybody.

Hey everybody, Larry Lawton here.

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Are Freak Offs Really Illegal

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    fbv38757 posted on 2024/09/28
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