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  • Hi everyone I'm David and I'm Heather and we're here to present a beginner's guide to navigating the brand new camera features of the iPhone 15 Pro Max.

    大家好,我是 David,我是 Heather,我們在這裡為大家介紹 iPhone 15 Pro Max 全新相機功能的新手指南。

  • Throughout this video we're going to walk you through the latest features, we're going to demonstrate how to use them and provide some pro insights to ensure you get the most from your flagship iPhone.

    在整個視頻中,我們將帶你瞭解最新功能,演示如何使用它們,並提供一些專業見解,確保你從旗艦 iPhone 中獲得最大收益。

  • First we want to show you a new shortcut that instantly launches the camera from anywhere without the screen even being on and that is the action button.


  • The action button replaces the mute switch on previous generations and you can program it in the settings.


  • Simply swipe over to the camera and choose which mode you want to launch in and if you prefer to use a third-party camera app then you can swipe over to shortcuts, go to open app and choose your choice of app from the list.


  • Now when you're walking along and you see an unmissable moment you can simply long press the camera ready even before you are.


  • Now let's jump into the camera itself but before you do any shooting head to camera settings, go into formats and choose whether you'd like to shoot the modern high format or the traditional jpeg.

    現在讓我們進入相機本身,但在進行任何拍攝之前,先進入相機設置,進入格式,選擇是要拍攝現代高像素格式還是傳統的 jpeg 格式。

  • You'll also see a new photo mode setting exclusive to the 15 Pro Max where you can choose between 24 and 12 megapixels.

    您還將看到 15 Pro Max 獨有的新照片模式設置,您可以在 2400 萬和 1200 萬像素之間進行選擇。

  • We'll call this your default format and this will change depending on which camera and lens you're using but more on that a bit later.


  • Next scroll down and turn on pro raw and resolution control.


  • This allows you to unlock your iPhone's full creative potential.

    這讓你可以充分釋放 iPhone 的創意潛能。

  • Now when you head back over to the camera app you'll see this raw max icon has appeared and if you long press it more resolutions and formats pop up.


  • These are your pro formats, you can quickly switch between them or tap to shoot in your default format instead.


  • Raw 12 is pro raw at 12 megapixels and max gives you maximum resolution which is...

    Raw 12 是 1200 萬像素的專業原始格式,而 max 則為您提供最大分辨率,即...

  • It depends what lens you're using and what format you're shooting in.


  • And because of this it's best that we show you each camera and lens one by one.


  • Apple advertises the 15 Pro Max as having the equivalent of seven camera lenses and the ultra wide makes up two of them.

    蘋果公司宣傳 15 Pro Max 擁有相當於 7 個相機鏡頭的功能,而超廣角就佔了其中的兩個。

  • There's the normal version of the lens and then there's the macro version which works automatically when you get close to something.


  • When you get close to something this macro icon will appear letting you know the iPhone has switched to the ultra wide camera's macro and it'll do this regardless of which camera you've chosen.

    當你接近某物時,這個微距圖標就會出現,讓你知道 iPhone 已切換到超廣角相機的微距功能,無論你選擇哪種相機,它都會這樣做。

  • For example here i'm using the main camera's one times lens but as i get close it switches to the ultra wide camera but it lets me keep my one times lens perspective by digitally punching in and if you don't want this to happen go back into the camera settings scroll right down to the bottom and turn off macro control.


  • Regardless of how you use it though the ultra wide's camera resolution is always 12 megapixels.

    無論如何使用,超廣角相機的分辨率始終為 1200 萬像素。

  • Hive max, raw max, raw 12 and your default capture setting will all produce a 12 megapixel image.

    Hive max、raw max、raw 12 和默認捕捉設置都能生成 1200 萬像素的影像。

  • However the main camera is a completely different story.


  • The one times lens is our third of seven lenses and here the pro formats make a huge difference because its maximum resolution is 48 megapixels just like it was on the 14 pro series but here thanks to an improved image processing pipeline the 15 pro max is able to offer improved shooting options.

    一倍鏡頭是我們七種鏡頭中的第三種,在這裡專業格式帶來了巨大的不同,因為它的最大分辨率是 4800 萬像素,就像 14 pro 系列一樣,但由於改進了圖像處理管道,15 pro max 能夠提供更好的拍攝選項。

  • The first improvement is that new 24 megapixel default capture that we saw in the photo mode setting.

    第一項改進是我們在照片模式設置中看到的新的 2400 萬像素默認捕捉功能。

  • It creates this new 24 megapixel result by taking a 48 megapixel frame and combining it with a 12 megapixel frame so you the best of both.

    它通過獲取 4800 萬像素的畫面並將其與 1200 萬像素的畫面相結合,創造出這種全新的 2400 萬像素效果,從而實現兩者的最佳效果。

  • You get a high resolution highly detailed image with a smaller file size.


  • The one times lens in raw max will output the highest resolution your 15 pro max is capable of and you should choose raw max when you want to push your files as far as they will go in terms of editing but only do so if you have a big storage plan because these files are ginormous.

    原始最大值中的一倍鏡頭將輸出 15 pro max 所能達到的最高分辨率,當您想在編輯方面將文件做到極致時,您應該選擇原始最大值,但前提是您有一個大的存儲計劃,因為這些文件非常大。

  • Some of them are even upwards of 100 megabytes and that's often too much. 48 megapixels just isn't appropriate for every single shot so we have raw 12.

    有些照片甚至高達 100 多兆字節,這往往太多了。4800 萬像素並不適合每張照片,是以我們有了 1200 萬像素的原始照片。

  • Raw 12 gives you pro raw files at 12 megapixels which are still big but they're significantly smaller than their 48 megapixel counterparts and you retain the editing flexibility.

    Raw 12 提供 1200 萬像素的專業原始文件,雖然仍然很大,但比 4800 萬像素的同類文件小得多,而且還保留了編輯的靈活性。

  • Finally there's hyphe max or jpeg depending on which one you've chosen.

    最後是 hyphe max 或 jpeg,取決於您選擇的是哪一種。

  • Mine's set to hyphe so as you might expect this will give me a hyphe file at the full 48 megapixel resolution.

    我的設置是 hyphe,所以正如你所想的那樣,這會給我一個 4800 萬像素分辨率的 hyphe 文件。

  • This is a great option if you want truly manageable 48 megapixel files because they're usually around a svelte 3 to 5 megabytes.

    如果您想要真正易於管理的 4800 萬像素文件,這是一個不錯的選擇,因為它們通常只有 3 到 5 兆字節。

  • But there's more to the main camera because it also offers 28 millimeter and 35 millimeter lenses.

    但主攝像頭的功能還不止這些,因為它還提供 28 毫米和 35 毫米鏡頭。

  • These are lens options four and five but they aren't physical lenses meaning you won't find them on the back of the phone.


  • These are fundamentally digital lenses.


  • Think of them as cropping into the main camera except they're cropping in before you take the photo instead of afterwards and yes since they're essentially cropping in that means if you choose a max format you won't get the main camera's full pixels.


  • The 28 millimeter lens also known as the 1.2 times outputs at 35 megapixels and the 35 millimeter lens known as the 1.5 times outputs at 24 megapixels.

    28 毫米鏡頭也稱為 1.2 倍鏡頭,輸出像素為 3500 萬,35 毫米鏡頭稱為 1.5 倍鏡頭,輸出像素為 2400 萬。

  • And while you can capture 12 megapixel raw with them if you set your default format to 12 megapixels they won't be available.

    如果將默認格式設置為 1200 萬像素,雖然可以使用它們拍攝 1200 萬像素的原始影像,但它們將無法使用。

  • The 2 times lens is lens number six and it too uses part of the main camera's sensor to produce its 2 times or 48 millimeter frame.

    2 倍鏡頭是 6 號鏡頭,它也使用主相機傳感器的一部分來產生 2 倍或 48 毫米的畫面。

  • And because of this it's limited to 12 megapixels regardless of which format you choose.

    正因為如此,無論您選擇哪種格式,它的像素都只能達到 1200 萬。

  • What do you think about this Frosted?

    你覺得這個 Frosted 如何?

  • Oh i don't think you liked it.


  • Walk away.


  • So tell me Heather, should you shoot with these lower resolution digital lenses or should you stay at the full 48 megapixel 1 times frame or does it not make a difference?

    那麼請告訴我,希瑟,你應該使用這些低分辨率的數碼鏡頭拍攝,還是繼續使用 4800 萬像素的 1 倍畫幅,還是說這並沒有什麼區別?

  • Well if you're cropping later you can always make adjustments to reframe or repurpose the image and you can always revert back to the original if you change your mind.


  • Plus because of the way the main camera sensor works sometimes believe it or not shooting at the full 48 megapixel resolution doesn't always produce the most detailed image.

    此外,由於主相機傳感器的工作方式,有時以 4800 萬像素的分辨率拍攝並不一定能獲得最細膩的影像。

  • In these examples you can see how the 2 times lens's 12 megapixel result has more fine detail than the 48 megapixel result.

    在這些示例中,您可以看到 2 倍鏡頭的 1200 萬像素照片比 4800 萬像素照片的細節更豐富。

  • But this won't always be the case so it's impossible to make a definitive statement on image quality.


  • Ultimately though we like using them don't we?


  • Particularly the 2 times because what we found when we've been out shooting is that it's given us an opportunity to visualize and capture a scene that we were about to pass up with just the 1 times lens because we couldn't visualize that crop later on.

    特別是 2 倍鏡頭,因為我們在外出拍攝時發現,它給了我們一個機會去想象和捕捉一個場景,而如果只用 1 倍鏡頭,我們可能會放棄這個機會,因為我們無法想象以後的裁剪效果。

  • Finally we have the 15 pro max's headline camera it's the 12 megapixel 5 times telephoto.

    最後是 15 pro max 的頭戴式攝像頭,它擁有 1200 萬像素的 5 倍遠攝功能。

  • This is the first of in any iphone and it lives up to the hype by allowing you to get significantly closer than ever before while providing excellent image quality and pleasing natural bokeh and you can create depth by shooting past things that are close to the camera.


  • Just something to be aware of though when you're shooting.


  • Watch this see if you can notice what's happening i'm in the 5 times lens here and you can already see it happening now can you see the frame jumping that is the iphone trying to do you a favor i've told it to be in the 5x lens and it's able to keep that frame but by using a different lens the iphone doesn't think that the 5x is best for this situation but it wants to keep that same frame so it's actually jumping to a different lens and punching in and you can see that when you look at the photos later you'll see it wasn't taken with the 5x telephoto it's actually taken with a different one so you can confirm this by actually putting your finger over the 5x telephoto and you can see it doesn't actually block the frame even though it should.

    看這個,看看你能不能注意到發生了什麼,我現在用的是 5 倍鏡頭,你已經可以看到發生了什麼,現在你能看到畫面跳動了嗎,這是 iPhone 在幫你的忙,我讓它用 5 倍鏡頭,它就能保持這個畫面。你可以看到,當你稍後查看照片時,你會發現照片並不是用 5 倍長焦拍攝的,而是用另一個鏡頭拍攝的,所以你可以通過將手指放在 5 倍長焦上來確認這一點,你可以看到它實際上並沒有擋住畫面,儘管它應該擋住畫面。

  • And speaking of bokeh this is a great opportunity to show you the 15 pro max's brand new portraits in photo mode feature previously portrait photos were limited to portrait mode at 12 megapixels but not anymore now when you're in your default capture format and your 15 pro max detects a human a dog or a cat a little f will appear in the bottom left corner and when you tap it you get a depth preview and you can change the amount of blur allowing you to at 24 megapixels not only that when you open the photo in the photos app there's a portrait toggle allowing you to revert it back to a normal photo so to wrap up we've we've thrown a lot of numbers at you in this video and i must admit as someone who upgraded from a 13 pro max to the 15 pro max i recognize the camera app instantly the interface is pretty much the same but the learning curve is definitely steeper for me kind of get my head around these these pro formats and what resolution is relates to what format and what megapixels is it and things like that so if you have struggled like don't worry about it i've been doing photography for almost 20 years and it took me a few minutes but i don't know about you i love the 15 pro max yeah the camera i think it's brilliant and my my favorite lens is definitely the five times telephoto because as a portrait photographer i just love that natural bokeh i love the background compression in that field of view how about yourself yeah i really like the portraits in photo mode yeah again same i really like the bokeh it's more realistic and something that my 13 didn't have it would you know take portraits in 12 megapixels whereas this one is 24 megapixel which is a game changer yeah i love how it like you say it's more realistic it gets all the individual has not every single time but most of the time it's like wow it looks and if you dial it in really nicely the f number it looks really really nice we want to know what's your favorite feature camera feature of the iphone 15 pro max and if you don't have one which one are you looking forward to trying the most and because there's a lot of information in this video if we have glossed over something that you'd like to know more about or if there's something new entirely that you want us to cover we are very very open to hearing what you have to say in the comments and we will try answer your questions and even make future videos based on what you want to know so thank you so much for watching and happy shooting

    說到虛化,這是向您展示 15 pro max 全新的照片模式人像功能的絕佳機會。以前,人像照片僅限於 1200 萬像素的人像模式,但現在不會了。左下角會出現一個小F,點擊它就能進行深度預覽,你還可以改變模糊的程度,讓你的照片達到2400萬像素。我必須承認,作為一個從 13 Pro max 升級到 15 Pro max 的人,我一眼就認出了相機應用,界面基本相同,但對我來說,學習曲線肯定要陡峭一些,我需要了解這些專業格式,以及分辨率與格式之間的關係。分辨率和格式有什麼關係,像素是多少,諸如此類的問題,所以如

Hi everyone I'm David and I'm Heather and we're here to present a beginner's guide to navigating the brand new camera features of the iPhone 15 Pro Max.

大家好,我是 David,我是 Heather,我們在這裡為大家介紹 iPhone 15 Pro Max 全新相機功能的新手指南。

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