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  • Your show takes place in the 80s.

  • And Reagan, I hear you didn't know what a Walkman was.

  • No, no I did not.

  • None of these kids were born in the 80s, so I'm gonna play this game with you guys.

  • I'm gonna show you some pictures of some things from the 80s.

  • And let's see if you can guess what they are.

  • I'm gonna hold them up one at a time.

  • This is the 80s pop quiz.

  • We got this.

  • We got this.

  • We got this.

  • We got this.

  • We got this.

  • We got this.

  • We got this.

  • We got this.

  • We got this.

  • Ah!

  • Ah!

  • Oh, oh.

  • Look at, huh?

  • Oh, oh, oh.

  • What is it?

  • A memory, like a thing you put in the camera to get the memory.

  • A memory chip.

  • Yeah, it's a memory chip.

  • A memory chip.

  • A memory chip.

  • It looks like something you put in a party.

  • It's almost the actual size, so.

  • This is a floppy disk.

  • Huh?

  • Huh?

  • Oh, wow.

  • It's about, it's about this size.

  • And you slide it into the computer and it does what a chip does.

  • It holds memory and information.

  • Cool.

  • But it's too big.

  • It's too big.

  • You didn't see the computer we had.

  • Oh, we, oh, yeah.

  • Buddy, let me tell you something.

  • This is the smallest thing on that computer.

  • All right, let's see if you know what this is.

  • Cabbage patch.

  • Cabbage patch.

  • Oh, I have one.

  • Cabbage patch.

  • Oh, you have one.

  • Yes, I have, I have three.

  • I have three and Missy has one on the show.

  • All right, you ready?

  • What is this?

  • Oh, oh, oh, wait, wait, wait.

  • Oh, the information thing is so you can look it up.

  • The information thing.

  • You can look up stuff.

  • Is it for recipes?

  • What is it?

  • Is it for recipes?

  • Recipes.

  • Index cards?

  • It's for like index cards.

  • Index cards.

  • Index cards.

  • Index cards.

  • A filer?

  • This is a roller disc.

  • You know your contacts in your phone?

  • I think I know what he's talking about.

  • I know what you're talking about.

  • Yeah.

  • He has a phone, we don't.

  • Yeah.

  • That's my dude down there.

  • What is this right here?

  • Oh, oh, cassette tape, cassette tape, cassette tape.

  • It's a cassette tape.

  • It's a cassette tape.

  • It's a Walkman.

  • A Walkman.

  • No.

  • It's a cassette tape.

  • No, wait, wait, I know, I think I know, I think I know.

  • Cassette tape.

  • It goes into the TV and that's how you play, that's how you play this stuff.

  • It's in, that's how you play movies.

  • Yeah, so what do they call this?

  • Cassette tape.

  • David did something.

  • Cassette tape got music on it.

  • What do you think it is, Montana?

  • DVD, something with DVD.

  • DVD.

  • I love you.

  • Can I tell you something?

  • You guys were an absolute pleasant guest to have on the show.

  • You are.

  • You're amazing.

  • I've enjoyed you guys.

  • He's a host.

  • You're amazing.

  • Love you.

  • You're an amazing host.

  • Yes, I am.

  • Question.

  • What question?

  • I've been wondering the whole time, what is in the boxes?

  • What's in the boxes?

  • I'm dying to know.

  • Dying to know.

  • Oh yeah.

  • We have a set director.

  • He's very, very touchy.

  • He's not a nice man.

  • He's a very angry set designer.

  • And every time I touch stuff and move it,

  • Mr. Harvey, I've set this stuff here and it's not to be moved.

  • So, you like the box?

  • Here, take that box.

  • Take that box with you.

  • There you go, open it.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you.

  • There's the other side, the front.

  • Put the dog.

  • I just got a box.

  • There's nothing in there.

  • There's nothing in there.

  • That's because all of this is TV.

  • This whole set is fake.

  • Uh oh.

  • And you know, the big problem with him, he doesn't have any children.

  • He's just an evil man.

  • He should get a Cabbage Patch doll.

  • Yes, he should.

  • Did you hear that, Kevin?

  • Get yourself a Cabbage Patch doll and calm down.

  • Hey folks, big hand for all of the kids.

Your show takes place in the 80s.

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