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  • Hey, I'm Jazzy.

  • I'm a filmmaker based in Hong Kong.

  • Today, I'll be showing you how to capture the beauty of Hong Kong.

  • We are currently here on one of the oldest streets in Central, Pottinger Street, also known as Stone Slab Street.

  • This is one of the best places to take photos.

  • Welcome to Tai Kwan, used to be a central police station back in the days.

  • Now it's a cultural and heritage site in the heart of Hong Kong.

  • The best way to capture this beautiful architecture with a friend is to ask her to walk along the corridors behind these beautiful pillars.

  • She can do different poses like smiling, turning around, looking out the window, and jumping.

  • It's quick and fun.

  • One of the newest spots here in Hong Kong is the M+.

  • Here you can find amazing artworks and architecture with a stunning view of Hong Kong coastline.

  • Slow down a bit, like this, and then look around.

  • So I tried using an ultra-wide-angle lens to capture the full architecture of the place.

  • And now, we can capture the details of the architecture by using the telephoto lens.

  • If you ever visit M+, make sure to stay long enough so you can watch the beautiful sunset.

  • We're here in Asia Society, which is a former British military building, now turned into architectural art space.

  • It's like a city oasis in the central business district.

  • So what we're going to do here is called dolly zoom effect.

  • So what we're going to do is to zoom in while we're walking back.

  • So you press and hold the record button while you swipe up, and then you walk backwards.

  • Blue House used to be a hospital providing Chinese medical services to the locals.

  • You can actually say that Tong Laus give color to Hong Kong because the skyscrapers are kind of like grayish, silverish.

  • You can think of Tong Laus like rainbows hiding beneath the clouds.

  • Zoom in, and then pan from different directions, from If you ever feel like watching a movie on a vintage movie house, definitely try Locks Theatre.

  • It's a different experience from those modern cinema houses.

  • When capturing places like this, I usually look for elements that tell a story, like the movie posters, the colors, and the characters.

  • I'm here in Yau Ma Tei Kuo Lan, or what we call fruit market.

  • I love the street markets in particular in Hong Kong because it feels like you're more connected to the locals.

  • There's a lot actually you can do.

  • I always spend my time walking just around the market and filming, taking videos, taking photos.

  • Actually, they're very busy all the time.

  • It's like you have to make sure that you are not on their way.

  • So, are you guys ready to discover and experience these amazing places in Hong Kong?

  • Well, check out Discover Hong Kong for more ideas.

Hey, I'm Jazzy.

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