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  • Oh, Astro Bot is everything, Nintendo all at once? Uh-oh.

  • Oh no.

  • Oh god.

  • Oh shit.

  • Guys. Guys, I...

  • Bro.

  • No.

  • Come on.

  • Kirby?

  • Wait.

  • Wait.

  • Guys.

  • They invented spinning blocks?

  • Listen.

  • It's crazy how Nintendo is.

  • Oh wow. Look at that.

  • Oh.

  • Guys.

  • This is pretty close.

  • It's Jover. I...

  • Somebody...

  • Private this video. Don't send this to Nintendo.

  • This is bad.

  • Feels like a stretch?

  • That's what I felt.

  • At the beginning.

  • Look at this.

  • Oh bro. A solar system? Look at that.

  • This is just like Nintendo.

  • Look at that. That's Mario.

  • With the saw blades.

  • Swimming around.

  • Yep.

  • Exact same thing.

  • Bro.

  • Oh my god.

  • Oh shit.

  • They're gonna patent fire?

  • This is bad guys.

  • Swimming? Yeah.

  • Exact same thing.

  • Look at that.

  • I...

  • I... I think it might be over for Sony.

  • And a patent pressing? Yeah.

  • Nintendo invented gaming?

  • I think that's what the patent says.

  • Look at this.

  • Oh come... I mean come on.

  • It's the same thing.

  • Look at this.

  • Man.

  • They patented giant robots?

  • Yeah.

  • Obviously.

  • Exact same thing guys.

  • This is 3DS world? Or 3D world?

  • Oh wow. Wow look at this.

  • Ooh.

  • There it is.

  • There's a snowman.

  • Man.

  • Ooh.

  • Look at that. Even Legend of Zelda.

  • Jabu...

  • Oh my god.

  • I haven't thought about that game in 20 years.

  • Look at this.

  • Breath of the Wild?

  • Wow.

  • Can we please get a Legend of Zelda game made by From Software?

  • I'm so sick of this femboy link bullshit.

  • I'm so sick of this limp dick weird bright

  • Like no bro.

  • Let's go back to the Link to the Past the Dark World

  • Dark Fantasy fucking like

  • Savage, like the Triforce the real shit man. What happened to that?

  • It's like the Legend of Zelda is being made for girls now.

  • Yeah I want Elden Link.

  • I want Dark Zelda. Let's go.

  • Fuck man.

  • It all started with Wind Waker.

  • That was the beginning of the end.

  • Majora's Mask you had the villain was the fucking moon.

  • The moon was going to crash into the earth and kill everyone. Why was it gonna do that?

  • Because fuck you that's why. It's gonna kill itself.

  • It's gonna kill everybody.

  • There's skeletons. People are dying. It's scary.

  • And now

  • Look at this

  • Just like Tears of the Kingdom

  • Both making the lava

  • Super Mario 64

  • Oh man

  • They're going all the way back into the 90s

  • Look at this. Oh wow

  • Yep

  • Oh

  • This. Oh my god

  • Shameless

  • Absolutely shameless

  • Sony. This is disgusting. And then he's gonna go to the star. Yeah and then it takes you up up to the star

  • This is disgusting

  • Oh no

  • No

  • What?

  • This

  • You gotta admit

  • It's pretty close

  • So long gay Bowser

  • Where's the patent for this?

  • We're gonna find out soon

  • Look at this

  • Uh-huh

  • Oh wow

  • Oh wow look at that

  • Zippers as well

  • Man

  • Geez

  • I'm gonna be honest guys

  • This is really making me think

  • This is really making me think

  • I need to play Astro Bot

  • I haven't played a Mario game in a long time

  • Seems like this is the same thing

  • Look at that

  • Oh I thought it was gonna show

  • Yoshi's Island. It's even the same colors of the balls

  • Did you play

  • Odyssey? Only a little bit

  • Just a little bit

  • Blunderjaw

  • Oh bro

  • Bro

  • Are you kidding

  • Dude

  • This is bad

  • Nintendo invented

  • Italians? No it invented

  • Italy 50 years ago when they made Nintendo

  • Yep

  • Man

  • The funny thing is a lot of this is a meme but let's just be honest for a couple of seconds here

  • Some of this is shamelessly ripped from Nintendo

  • Shamelessly ripped

  • I love it. It's funny

  • Right? It's still really funny

  • The Bowser

  • The Bowser boss fight took it over the edge for me

  • This is insane

  • Oh wait a minute guys

  • They were inspired

  • By the way

  • Yellow Yoshi used to never do that

  • Each of the different

  • Yoshis had different abilities they could do

  • Fire Yoshi could do fireballs

  • Blue Yoshi could fly

  • Yellow Yoshi could do more damage with his ground slam and Nintendo forgot their roots and they forgot the different reasons why different Yoshis can do different things and this is very fucking upsetting for me because I played

  • Super Mario World all the time

  • I remember fucking everything

  • Okay and that's how it used to be and they had Yoshi's story and they expanded the lore on the Yoshis and then there was additional

  • Yoshi lore about Yoshi Island and Super Mario RPG and that was like a whole different thing and then Yoshi's Island showed the different Yoshis

  • This is

  • It's disgusting. They don't even care

  • This is nuts

  • They woke Yoshi up?

  • You think so?

  • Oh wow

  • Look at that

  • Oh it's a gacha machine

  • Wow

  • App from Smash Brothers

  • I forgot all about that

  • Look at that

  • One for one

  • Oh yeah look at that guys

  • They invented slots now?

  • They did

  • Look at that potato

  • Oh wow

  • Volcano the exact same way

  • Oh look this is going to be Luigi's mansion

  • Yep there it is

  • See that guys?

  • The same exact thing

  • Astro Bot right here

  • Use the boost to get through

  • I will still never forget the meme

  • One of the first memes that I ever saw on the internet was a picture of Star Fox and it said do a barrel roll and it was Star Fox and this was in like 2005 or something like that on 4chan maybe 2000, probably 2006 and it was him flying at the Twin Towers

  • Do a barrel roll

  • Do a barrel roll

  • Oh man

  • Donkey Kong Country

  • Those were the days brother

  • Man

  • The exact same thing

  • Oh man

  • Wow

  • Oh no

  • Remnant 2 did a boss fight like this too

  • Game is actually sick

  • Man guys

  • Wow

  • Oh Metroid Prime

  • Yep

  • Uh huh

  • Yep same thing

  • Bro

  • Yep

  • Oh man

  • It's like 10 games in one I'm sold

  • Yeah I'm going to be honest guys

  • I'm uh

  • This is one of the best advertisements for

  • Oh even making the credits a game

  • Oh wow

  • Dude

  • Look at it

  • They both even get tired

  • This is

  • Okay

  • Okay we have to admit

  • That the timing on this

  • You have to

  • Look at this

  • Sit down at basically the same time

  • This is crazy

  • That's crazy

  • Wow

  • Astrobots credits

  • Nintendo Land

  • Metroid Prime 3

  • Star Fox, Super Mario Galaxy

  • WarioWare

  • This is a serious video

  • Somebody needs to send this to the Nintendo legal team immediately

  • Ooh

  • You

  • Oh wow

  • Woohoo

  • Woohoo

  • Yay

  • Man

  • Astrobots better than all those games

  • Oh

  • Wow

  • Thank you Mario

  • This is so fucking good

  • This is um

  • This is absolute fucking cinema

  • There's the video

  • Give it a like

  • This is amazing

  • Based Mario I guess so

  • Oh my fucking god

  • Must be a Sony pony you think so?

  • I guess you sold me on Astrobot

  • Yeah this is

  • Sell Astrobot

  • It's so fucking funny man

  • Oh my god

  • Same yeah I guess so

  • W Astrobot I guess

  • Playing on stream for sure

  • I do want to play Astrobot

  • I haven't had a chance to do it

  • I've been playing other games but I think I'm gonna play Astrobot kind of soon

  • It's no wonder it's so fun

  • They put the good parts and then put their spin on it

  • I don't even like

  • The spins

  • The Bowser thing?

  • Where's the Bowser thing?

  • Ah

  • Where is it?

  • This was crazy

  • This is

  • Unbelievable

  • Unbelievable man

  • Holy shit the same shit

  • It's not even close

  • Like it's just the exact same

  • I'll be right back

Oh, Astro Bot is everything, Nintendo all at once? Uh-oh.

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Sony Is F*cked..

  • 0 0
    Wilson Wang posted on 2024/09/30
Video vocabulary