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  • Ooh! Dude, there's a new Nom Nom video!

  • Isn't that the koala who threw you out of his limo?

  • That guy's a butt.

  • Well, yeah, I don't like him personally, but I still like his videos.

  • Just watch.

  • Mew!

  • Blub-blub-blub-blub-blub.

  • That's so cute, right?

  • Yeah, actually, that wasn't bad.

  • What's that one on the side there?

  • Um, hmm, I don't know. Let's see.

  • Epic blow-up.

  • Epic blow-up.

  • Good morning, Internet.

  • Have I got the scoop for you!

  • Internet superstar Nom Nom blows up at fans when a book signing gets a little out of hand.

  • Boom! Chapter's gone! You're welcome!

  • Oh, my gosh. Jeez.

  • Looks like our favorite koala isn't quite as cute as we thought he was.

  • Well, I don't even think I need to explain myself.

  • I was totally in the right, and...

  • Wait, who laughed? Who's laughing at me?

  • Are you laughing at me?!

  • Nom-nom, no one...

  • This response video went up on Nom Nom's channel just last night.

  • Well, I keep hearing the word diva thrown around, but that's just not true.

  • I've got responsibilities like everyone else.

  • Oh, looks like it's time to feed my pets.

  • Good doggie.

  • I think it's clear that our favorite marsupial's career...

  • Ah, go away!

  • all washed up.

  • That's it for today. Don't forget to like, comment, favorite...

  • Ugh, enough. This is terrible.

  • Poor guy. He just wanted to make great art.

  • Pitfalls of being a creative genius.

  • Oh, that's probably the thing I ordered.

  • It's this really cool RC helicopter, and it flies really high, and it has little blinky lights.

  • Hey, was it in my package?

  • Where is it?

  • It's rude to shut the door on the mailman, you know?

  • Uh, hey, friend?

  • Do you remember me?

  • Oh, my gosh. It's Nom Nom.

  • What's he doing here?

  • I was, uh, you know, just in the area, and I thought, hey, why not stop by and say hi since all my other friends are gone and my job and one minute he got it all.

  • What am I now?

Ooh! Dude, there's a new Nom Nom video!

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We Bare Bears - Nom Nom (Clip 1)

  • 2 0
    zack posted on 2024/09/30
Video vocabulary