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  • I'm just about to reveal how I've generated a little bit over $5,700 with the affiliate program inside Android Taste community and how you can easily do that too.

  • So let's get started.

  • In case you haven't got the update, Passage University has just rebranded.

  • They are called The Real World now and it is operating on independent servers, which is a major update.

  • But at the end of the day, their structure is still the same and they also have the same goal in mind for their students.

  • Their members get to learn to make money while making money and that is how they are standing out from the crowd.

  • Because this is not the only e-learning community out there.

  • There are countless communities that promise to help you learn a new skill.

  • But when it comes to Hastur's University, their teaching philosophy is what really stands out.

  • But let's just leave that aside for now and not get sidetracked because there's something even more interesting and that is their affiliate program.

  • And to be honest, that affiliate program might be the only reason why you know who Android Taste is.

  • So let me explain.

  • Back in the day, Hastur's University used to have an affiliate program that would give anyone a 50% commission.

  • If I were to just grab my affiliate link and share it with you guys and you ended up actually joining the platform, I would get a 50% commission, which would amount to about $24 or $25 at the time.

  • And here's what people did.

  • They took full advantage of that.

  • In order to make sure that their strategy was efficient, Hastur's University used to teach people how to take advantage of the affiliate program as well.

  • They would basically teach people how to recreate all of these short videos that people are cutting from long-form content and post them all over social media.

  • That is how Android Taste became famous.

  • It is thanks to the short, attention-grabbing TikToks, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts that you probably know about Android Taste in the first place.

  • But here's the interesting part.

  • Needless to say, this strategy worked, right?

  • And all of these affiliates started making money, or at least most of them.

  • What you're going to notice is that most of these profiles have a link in their bio.

  • If you click on that, needless to say, you can join the community and they will receive a 50% commission of whatever you pay.

  • All they have to do is just post videos.

  • And this is not an insanely difficult job.

  • I mean, it's just a question of cutting some engaging bits from long-form content such as podcasts that Android Taste has invited you to, or back in the day, you could also repurpose some of his YouTube videos or Rumble videos.

  • And that's all it takes to get 2.9 million views.

  • I mean, this is not rocket science and people have been making a bunch of cash.

  • Now, just to prove that I'm not just talking nonsense here, take a look at this panel.

  • I have referred about 240 people to the platform so far.

  • I know that I'm going to receive a lot of hateful comments down there.

  • So you've referred 240 people and you only made $1,000.

  • That is not true.

  • That's not how this panel works.

  • These are the unpaid earnings, meaning that I haven't received this amount yet.

  • In order to see the total payouts, you can head over to the payouts and add these up.

  • I'm not going to do the math here, but I'm pretty sure that's a little bit over $5,000.

  • But here's the thing.

  • I didn't use short videos in order to make that cash.

  • And that is for an obvious reason, isn't it?

  • I already had a YouTube channel.

  • I was already recording these videos day in and day out.

  • So instead of posting short format clips, I simply recorded the few Hastings University reviews.

  • Again, it would have been foolish for me not to do it, not to take advantage of the opportunity.

  • And a few of them absolutely skyrocketed.

  • This one has got a little bit over 88,000 views as we speak, and it has probably generated the most commissions because it also has an affiliate link in the description.

  • So if people wanted to join the community, they could easily do it through my affiliate link.

  • But I do understand the fact that most of you probably don't have a YouTube channel, and that's not going to be a problem.

  • Most of these guys posting short clips on TikTok, YouTube, or Instagram are making a lot more than I did.

  • I'm pretty sure there are people out there making multiple five figures with the affiliate program, not because they have a huge subscriber base and a huge following on social media, but because they are doing this right.

  • The way Hastings University taught them to.

  • But now here's the update.

  • Here's the great news.

  • Once again, Hastings University has rebranded to the real world, and with that change has also come a change in price, meaning that if you want to join right now, if you click on this button that says join the real world, you would actually have to pay a little bit more than you used to in order to secure your payment of $50 a month, which is the old price.

  • You have to make a first payment of $147.

  • Now that's a significant difference.

  • In other words, you're literally paying three times as much in order to access the community.

  • It's not the same community anymore because they've added a bunch of cool features, but that just goes to show that people have been getting results.

  • If they were able to increase the price and they are still getting new students, that's pretty good news for me.

  • But here's why this is even better news for you if you're considering involving yourself in the affiliate program.

  • Here's what's changed.

  • You see, back in the day, we used to get $24 commissions, right?

  • Whenever somebody would join the community, you would just get a flat fee of $24 over and over and over again, right?

  • Up next for a short time, as soon as they rebranded to the real world, they decreased their price to $25.

  • So instead of getting $24 in commission, I was getting about $13, which didn't really sound like great news, but that was for one week or so, just to make sure that some of the more perspicacious students could secure their place inside the community for a low price, right?

  • But this was last week.

  • In the meantime, the price has changed.

  • It has increased significantly, and for affiliate marketers, that is great news because you're getting 50% of whatever that first month subscription is.

  • In this case, we are getting $70 commissions instead of $24 or $12.

  • We're actually getting $70 commissions over and over again.

  • And let me tell you something, it's significantly easier to make decent amounts of money with $70 commissions.

  • It only took a few of them to get to over $1,000 in the last week.

  • And I'm not saying this to brag.

  • I'm just emphasizing that the earning potential has just increased.

  • But now guys, let's just get back to the real world for a second.

  • I'm just going to log into my account inside the community and show you a glimpse of what this new server looks like.

  • I'm going to keep things very simple and straight to the point.

  • We can basically break it down to two different sections.

  • You have the main server with topics such as personal finance, sales, seduction and social skills and things of that kind that will help you develop your character, your personality so that you can use all of those traits of personality to make money.

  • And then you get to choose your own money-making adventure by choosing a skill that you want to master or a business model that you want to implement depending on the level you are at.

  • I hope that makes sense.

  • I'm talking about stocks, Amazon FBA, freelancing, e-commerce, copywriting, crypto, and you guessed it, affiliate marketing.

  • But here's a new one.

  • Here's the marketing bootcamp and here's what that means.

  • As you can see, this is still under construction, which means it's not ready yet, but it will be very, very soon.

  • This will be the place where you can learn new strategies for affiliate marketing.

  • Now, there is a dedicated section for affiliate marketing right now, but as you can see, they only have a few members.

  • This is for the elites.

  • In other words, the people who have already generated commissions.

  • Once you get past a certain threshold in terms of the sales you have generated, you will get added to the elite server as well.

  • But the marketing bootcamp is for anyone, even complete beginners.

  • If you're starting from scratch and you're considering getting into affiliate marketing, then this is the place you want to connect to.

  • And hear me out.

  • This didn't used to be a thing a week ago.

  • It's just been added for a couple of days or so, which means that the real world is planning on reintroducing the affiliate program.

  • And you know what that means. $70 commissions over and over again with the new affiliate program with a new price and the new platform running on independent servers that you can leverage.

  • And in case you're wondering, guys, this is huge.

  • The real world has got over 143,000 members right now.

  • So if you've been considering joining the real world, but you don't really know whether or not it's worth it, then here's my answer to that.

  • It depends on what you want.

  • If you're looking to get rich quick, if you're looking to make $1,000 overnight, it is not possible.

  • The real world is not really going to enable you to do that, and neither is any community on earth.

  • However, if you're looking to build up a skill that can eventually get you paid, then you can join the community and either take up the freelancing course or the copywriting one.

  • In my opinion, these are the best two skills that you can learn inside the community.

  • However, if you're not really interested in learning a new skill, but instead you want to make money a little bit faster, then you want to consider affiliate marketing.

  • In my opinion, it might be the easiest opportunity to leverage right now.

  • Copywriting is a more valuable skill.

  • It's a better opportunity for the long run, but if you're looking to make money a little bit faster, then I would suggest you look into the marketing bootcamp, take a close look at each and every single one of the strategies that your professors will teach, and then try to implement those as fast as possible.

  • Because speed is what really makes the difference here.

  • And then it is just a question of posting as much content as possible and staying consistent with it.

  • Not each video is going to rank up.

  • I mean, take a look at this, 9,000 views.

  • That is not that impressive, is it?

  • But the video right next to it has got a little bit over 500,000.

  • So that just goes to show that consistency is key.

  • One video may not be enough, but the second one might actually make the whole difference.

  • So guys, the affiliate marketing program is more profitable than ever.

  • The community is just as popular as it was before the cancellation, and they're working on putting together new strategies for you guys to use.

  • So there's never been a better time to join, but I'm going to leave that up to you.

  • At the end of the day, you call the shots.

  • So that's it for now.

  • And thanks for watching.

I'm just about to reveal how I've generated a little bit over $5,700 with the affiliate program inside Android Taste community and how you can easily do that too.

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How I Made $5,700+ With Affiliate Marketing Inside The Real World (Hustlers University)

  • 1 0
    tonytang0429 posted on 2024/09/30
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