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Today, I'm going to give you 11 really bizarre, wild vitamin D deficiency symptoms.
今天,我將為大家介紹 11 種非常奇特、瘋狂的維生素 D 缺乏症狀。
Now, of course, most people know the usual vitamin D symptoms, lower back pain, depression, high blood pressure, inflammation, autoimmune diseases, things like that.
當然,大多數人都知道常見的維生素 D 症狀,如腰痛、抑鬱、高血壓、發炎、自身免疫性疾病等。
But I will guarantee you do not know these.
Now, I'm going to break this up in two sections.
The first part of this video is for the person who wants just bare bones information.
They don't want anything too tactical.
And then the second part of the video, I'll go into those people who want the science behind it, the mechanism behind these symptoms, and the underlying reason why they develop in the first place.
You have about 25,000 genes in your body.
人體內大約有 25000 個基因。
And 10% of those genes are greatly influenced by vitamin D.
而其中 10%的基因受維生素 D 的影響很大。
Not to mention when you get your blood tests with vitamin D, they're only showing you the inactive vitamin D.
更不用說,當你用維生素 D 進行血液檢測時,它們只會顯示非活性維生素 D。
They're not showing you what's happening in the cells.
And so the blood levels of vitamin D do not correlate very well with the vitamin D that are in your cells.
是以,血液中的維生素 D 水準與細胞中的維生素 D 並沒有很好的相關性。
It's an active suppression of anything positive about vitamin D in the news, in medical research, because it directly competes with the top-selling drugs.
在新聞和醫學研究中,它積極壓制任何有關維生素 D 的正面報道,因為它與最暢銷的藥物直接競爭。
I got up and presented this data to, you know, these were the top vitamin D researchers in the world all assembled there.
我站起來,向世界上最頂尖的維生素 D 研究人員展示了這些數據。
It was vicious.
The attacks of how vitamin D doesn't do this.
維生素 D 的攻擊並沒有做到這一點。
How could you say this?
I said, I'm just presenting the data that we have assembled.
You're walking on guys' careers that have spent their whole career doing this stuff.
They never conceived that this could be true.
So let's dive in.
Number one, head sweating.
Now, typically you'll see this in infants, but you can also see it in teenagers, adults.
But if you notice like a child or yourself sweating just more in the head, suspect a vitamin D deficiency.
但如果你發現自己或孩子只是頭部出汗較多,則要懷疑是否缺乏維生素 D。
Number two, sweating more at night, even if your temperature is cool.
Now this can also show up with your pillow being moist in the morning.
So excess sweating, especially at night is a vitamin D deficiency.
是以,多汗,尤其是夜間多汗,就是缺乏維生素 D。
Number three, mood swings.
A person going from a condition or emotion of happiness down to feeling irritable, down to angry.
And then they get sad because vitamin D controls the regulation of your mood and it heavily influences emotions.
然後他們就會變得悲傷,因為維生素 D 控制著你的情緒調節,它在很大程度上影響著你的情緒。
And this has a lot to do with how vitamin D affects your brain.
這與維生素 D 如何影響大腦有很大關係。
But if you notice that yourself or a loved one is just like rollercoasting with these emotions, it could be a vitamin D deficiency.
但是,如果您發現自己或所愛的人就像雲霄飛車一樣,情緒起伏不定,那就可能是缺乏維生素 D。
Number four, procrastination, being backlogged, and you just don't feel productive.
I mean, it's pretty wild that someone's motivation is connected to a vitamin D deficiency.
我的意思是,一個人的動力與維生素 D 缺乏有關,這太瘋狂了。
All right.
Number five, panic attacks.
Now, in other videos, I talk about panic attacks being a vitamin B1 deficiency, and it can be, but you also have a vitamin D connection to this as well.
現在,在其他視頻中,我談到恐慌症是一種維生素 B1 缺乏症,它可能是,但也與維生素 D 有關。
A panic attack is a very severe fear or a very high anxiety condition.
And it definitely relates to certain hormones and neurotransmitters like serotonin.
But for those people out there that have panic attacks, resort to drugs, they might want to consider trying high doses of vitamin D3.
但是,對於那些恐慌症發作、求助於藥物的人來說,他們可能需要考慮嘗試大劑量的維生素 D3。
I've done videos on certain breathing techniques that a person can do as well, like breathing through your nose.
And I will put that link down below.
But don't forget vitamin D.
但不要忘記維生素 D。
Number six, achiness in your pelvis, in your lower back, in your hips, and your upper legs.
Vitamin D is intimately connected with the formation of bone.
維生素 D 與骨骼的形成密切相關。
And one symptom of that is literally pain, but not sharp pain, this achiness that's the inside of the bone, because that's where you're losing the bone, on the inside.
It's sad because it's so easy to fix, but you would have to take higher amounts, not lower amounts.
I'm talking like 10,000, 20,000, at least.
If you have any concern about 20,000 IUs of vitamin D3 being toxic, I just want to let you know that being out in the sun in the summer for 40 minutes will give you 20,000 IUs of vitamin D3.
如果你擔心 20,000 IU 的維生素 D3 會有毒,我只想告訴你,夏天在陽光下晒 40 分鐘就能攝入 20,000 IU 的維生素 D3。
Is that toxic?
No. 200,000 IUs of vitamin D3 taken over months, that's when you get into the toxic effect, not 20,000 IUs.
20 萬 IU 的維生素 D3 要服用數月,才會產生毒性作用,而不是 2 萬 IU。
So then we have number seven, which is loss of muscle strength.
Vitamin D has a direct effect on calcium itself.
維生素 D 對鈣本身有直接影響。
And without vitamin D, calcium is going to be deficient in the muscle.
沒有維生素 D,肌肉中就會缺鈣。
Calcium allows the muscle to contract, but not only contraction, it's also involved in the production of muscle itself.
So without vitamin D and calcium, you cannot create muscles.
是以,沒有維生素 D 和鈣,就無法生成肌肉。
And we also get this weakness within muscles that control power and strength, primarily your legs and your shoulders.
And on top of that, vitamin D also controls and regulates pain.
除此之外,維生素 D 還能控制和調節疼痛。
Number eight, stiffness.
And the stiffness usually occurs in the knees and in the fingers.
And of course, this definitely relates to inflammation, but it also has to do with what vitamin D does to your cartilage and your collagen.
當然,這肯定與發炎有關,但也與維生素 D 對軟骨和膠原蛋白的作用有關。
So you might find that when you stretch backwards and create tension on the cartilage in your breastbone, you might feel stiffness in that area as well.
And that can also affect breathing, things like that.
Number nine, chronic fatigue.
This has a lot to do with those little energy factories in your cell.
They're called mitochondria.
And how important vitamin D is to support that little factory.
而維生素 D 對支持這個小工廠又是多麼重要。
And if you don't have enough vitamin D, you just can't make energy.
如果維生素 D 不足,就無法產生能量。
Number 10, your ability to think quickly is diminished.
第 10 項,你的快速思考能力減弱。
Basically, you have too many applications open on your desktop computer, but related to your brain.
And number 11, it's just very difficult to be satisfied.
第 11 項,很難讓人滿意。
When you eat a meal, it could be that the food is just nutritionally empty and you keep eating to get these nutrients.
It can also be certain things in the food that cause you to be addicted.
But if you're low in vitamin D, you're just not going to feel satisfied.
但如果維生素 D 含量低,你就不會感到滿足。
You will definitely have a tendency to overeat.
So now that you know the general information, let me just kind of give you another layer of this data on each point, which is actually very interesting.
Okay, number one was head sweating.
There's something different about the head versus the rest of the body as far as certain sweat glands.
We have a lot more sweat glands in our head than other parts of our body.
It affects the autonomic nervous system, causing this excess sweating in the head.
Now, this also relates to number two when we talked about night sweats, but there's something else going on with night sweats.
Vitamin D suppresses an overactive immune system.
維生素 D 可抑制過度活躍的免疫系統。
And just think about the immune system of all the things that happen.
One would be like a fever, right?
That's a normal response.
And so when you're deficient in vitamin D and you have a slightly overreactive immune system, this whole mechanism of sweating is controlled by this little tiny computer chip in your brain called the hypothalamus.
And when you have a vitamin D deficiency in this overreactive immune system, it's going to trigger excess sweating to compensate for this immune imbalance situation.
當你的免疫系統過度活躍而缺乏維生素 D 時,就會引發過量出汗,以彌補這種免疫失衡的情況。
And one aspect of this is a fever.
Your body is generating more heat, and with that comes more sweat to compensate, all coming from a vitamin D deficiency.
你的身體會產生更多的熱量,隨之而來的是更多的汗水來補償,而這一切都源於維生素 D 的缺乏。
All right, number three is a mood swing, okay?
Now, when we kind of come up and down on this emotional roller coaster, you have your adrenals involved.
Now, the adrenal gland, starting with the hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal is on this HPA axis, this circuit thing going on.
從下丘腦、垂體和腎上腺開始,腎上腺就處於這個 HPA 軸上,這個迴路中。
But when you're vitamin D deficient, cortisol is going to go up.
但如果缺乏維生素 D,皮質醇就會升高。
Now, I don't know if this is just because it's trying to help you get rid of inflammation.
I don't know about that.
But with a vitamin D deficiency, you're going to have a dysregulation of this cortisol pattern.
但如果缺乏維生素 D,皮質醇模式就會失調。
And if you have too much cortisol, it's going to put you more in a different emotional state.
Let's go to number four, which is low motivation to do.
In the brain, there is this little center.
It's a tiny little nerve bundle.
It's quite fascinating.
It's called the nucleus accumbens.
這就是所謂的 "伏隔核"。
And this is the heart of a lot of things, including addictions.
It kind of runs on dopamine.
And yes, dopamine is involved in addictions, but it's also a neurotransmitter that's involved with motivation, reward, doing things, getting things done, that type of thing.
All right, number five, panic attacks, a high-level anxiety, a very strong fear.
Panic attacks from a physical standpoint in the body are related to that structure I talked about in the brain called the amygdala.
That's more like an adrenal in the brain.
It regulates fear.
That needs vitamin D.
這需要維生素 D。
We have several things going on.
We have serotonin, which is kind of like a happy hormone.
And so vitamin D is necessary to balance these two things.
是以,維生素 D 是平衡這兩方面所必需的。
All right, number six, achiness in the pelvis area, in the lower back, in the upper thigh muscle.
Now, this relates to a condition called osteomalacia.
Now, what is osteomalacia?
That's a severe vitamin D deficiency that's affecting the calcium in the bone.
這是一種嚴重的維生素 D 缺乏症,會影響骨骼中的鈣質。
Now, think about this.
Vitamin D deficiency is the number one cause of osteomalacia.
缺乏維生素 D 是導致骨軟化症的首要原因。
This is basically where the bones become very soft.
I think this is going on in a massive scale in society right now, but they have a subclinical version of osteomalacia.
I think I had it in high school because I was eating poorly, and I know I had a vitamin D deficiency, and I started getting fractures.
我想我在高中時就得了這種病,因為我吃得不好,我知道我缺乏維生素 D,於是我開始骨折。
But the bones are soft, certain proteins that are just not developing as well.
You have to realize that vitamin D controls calcium absorption by 20 times in the small intestine.
要知道,維生素 D 能將小腸對鈣的吸收控制 20 倍。
And in other videos, I talk about the two systems of vitamin D.
在其他視頻中,我談到了維生素 D 的兩個系統。
You have the one that controls calcium and the other system that is non-calcium.
Yes, you can check the vitamin D in the blood.
是的,您可以檢查血液中的維生素 D。
If you tested that, chances are that's going to be pretty low.
It's probably going to be 30 or less, in which case you just need to start taking vitamin D3.
可能是 30 或更少,在這種情況下,您只需開始服用維生素 D3。
And I would take a lot of it.
I would take at least 10,000 to 20,000 IUs per day until you can get your levels a little bit higher.
我會每天至少服用 10,000 到 20,000 IUs,直到你的水準能提高一點。
For this bone problem, you could probably get away with taking it sporadically like once a week if you want to do that, but I wouldn't do that if you had the problem.
So that's number six.
Let's go to number seven, loss of muscle strength.
Because vitamin D controls calcium, and calcium controls the contraction of the muscle.
因為維生素 D 能控制鈣,而鈣能控制肌肉的收縮。
If you're missing calcium because you don't have enough vitamin D and you can't contract, what's going to happen with that muscle?
如果因為維生素 D 不足而缺鈣,導致肌肉無法收縮,那麼肌肉會怎麼樣呢?
Pain that's kind of all over.
It's hard to pinpoint.
It's just achy.
All right, number eight is stiffness, mainly in the knees and the finger joints because the cartilage needs vitamin D and it's not getting vitamin D, so it's going to be more inflamed.
好了,第八項是僵硬,主要是膝關節和手指關節,因為軟骨需要維生素 D,而它得不到維生素 D,所以會更容易發炎。
And the weight-bearing joints on your knees could be the hips as well.
But also if you use the computer a lot or your fingers, you're going to notice it in the fingers.
This can definitely lead to osteoarthritis.
This is a lack of vitamin D.
這就是缺乏維生素 D。
Vitamin D is essential for maintaining this cartilage and maintaining the ligaments and the tendons.
維生素 D 對維持軟骨、韌帶和肌腱至關重要。
And think about this.
Your ribs attach to the sternum with cartilage, so you're going to notice it right through here too.
And so this is why stretching is so important to really keep this rib cage opened up because it'll tend to be contracted, inflamed, and pull you forward down here, so you end up having bad posture and kind of a hunchback.
And not just take vitamin D, but they need to do a lot of stretching to reverse that.
不僅僅是服用維生素 D,他們還需要做大量的伸展運動來扭轉這種情況。
All right, number nine, chronic fatigue syndrome.
There's two different reasons for chronic fatigue syndrome.
One is that your vitamin D controls the number of mitochondria that are produced, the mitochondria of the energy factory.
其一是維生素 D 能夠控制線粒體(能量工廠的線粒體)的生成數量。
So you're going to have less mitochondria, less energy.
So without vitamin D, you're going to have dysfunctional mitochondria.
是以,如果沒有維生素 D,線粒體就會出現功能障礙。
But the second reason for chronic fatigue syndrome is the immune connection.
If you are low in vitamin D, certain viruses will come out of remission and be active.
如果維生素 D 含量低,某些病毒就會從緩解期恢復活躍。
These viruses, especially the Epstein-Barr virus, will start to come out of remission and be active.
這些病毒,尤其是 Epstein-Barr 病毒,將開始從緩解期恢復並活躍起來。
One of the symptoms that they produce is fatigue.
So it's not like you have this full-blown infection.
Now you get certain aspects of that infection, like chronic fatigue.
Nearly 100% of the people that have this reactivation of this Epstein-Barr virus or chronic fatigue syndrome, it came after a severe loss, loss of a loved one or loss of a job or something like that.
幾乎 100%的人都是在遭受嚴重損失、失去親人、失去工作或類似情況後,重新感染了愛潑斯坦-巴氏病毒或患上慢性疲勞綜合徵。
But also it could be a vitamin D deficiency, which by the way, if you have vitamin D deficiency and you go through a loss, boy, that stress is going to hit you a lot harder.
但也有可能是缺乏維生素 D,順便說一下,如果你缺乏維生素 D,又經歷了一場失利,那麼壓力對你的打擊會更大。
You just need a lot of vitamin D.
你只是需要大量的維生素 D。
I would take 50,000.
I use a vitamin D3 every single day to pull yourself out of chronic fatigue syndrome.
我每天都服用維生素 D3,讓自己從慢性疲勞綜合症中解脫出來。
All right, number 10, mental sluggishness or slowness with decisions, thinking, focus is distracted.
好了,第 10 項,精神呆滯或決策、思考遲緩,注意力分散。
Vitamin D has a profound effect in the front part of the brain, which is kind of our relay system.
維生素 D 對大腦前部有著深遠的影響,它是我們的中繼系統。
And even communication between one neuron and the next needs vitamin D3.
甚至一個神經元與下一個神經元之間的交流也需要維生素 D3。
And then we get to the last one, feeling satisfied.
So leptin tells the brain that you're full.
If you don't have enough vitamin D, it's not going to work that well.
如果維生素 D 不足,效果就不會那麼好。
Vitamin D helps make leptin work better.
維生素 D 有助於讓瘦素更好地發揮作用。
Then we also have insulin.
If you don't have enough vitamin D, insulin doesn't work as well, and you're going to be hungry.
如果維生素 D 不足,胰島素就不能很好地發揮作用,你就會感到飢餓。
Insulin allows all the nutrition to go into the cells.
So if you have insulin resistance because you're low in vitamin D, you're not going to be satisfied.
是以,如果你因為維生素 D 含量低而出現胰島素抵抗,你就不會感到滿意。
So just by taking vitamin D, insulin becomes more sensitive and you start getting more fuel to the cells.
是以,只要服用維生素 D,胰島素就會變得更加敏感,細胞就能獲得更多燃料。
You get more nutrients to the cells.
I hope this helped you to understand these bizarre, unusual symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.
我希望這能幫助你理解這些奇怪的、不尋常的維生素 D 缺乏症狀。
Start taking vitamin D.
開始服用維生素 D。
Make sure you also take magnesium, vitamin K2, zinc, and B6 as the cofactors to prevent any issues and just to help it work better.
確保同時服用鎂、維生素 K2、鋅和 B6 作為輔助因子,以防止出現任何問題,並幫助它更好地發揮作用。
Thanks for watching, and I will see you in the next video.