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  • You may never eat bread again after watching this video.

  • I'm talking about certain types of bread.

  • There's actually two types of bread, the good and the bad.

  • A lot of people have a confusion on which is which.

  • Now, you can eat certain types of bread and I'm gonna show you which ones I'm gonna recommend.

  • But humans have been consuming bread for a very long time.

  • I mean, it's recommended in the Bible.

  • Many health organizations recommend eating bread.

  • Even the food pyramid recommends that you should eat bread.

  • But all bread is not created equal.

  • There's a huge difference between this bread and this over here.

  • Of course, this entire topic revolves around this idea of whole grains being healthy.

  • So of course, they put it in cereals and they call it heart healthy.

  • This was the cereal that I consumed growing up as a child.

  • Here's another one, but what are the other ingredients they're putting in it?

  • I mean, right here it says, contains bioengineered food ingredients.

  • That's another word for GMOs.

  • Well, apparently even instant oatmeal is heart healthy because it has the whole grains.

  • Of course, they kind of downplayed the massive amounts of sugar and additional ingredients.

  • Here's more instant oatmeal.

  • And then they have the 100% whole grain certification right here.

  • They recommend to eat at least three ounces or equivalents, three serving size of whole grains every single day for fiber.

  • By the way, there's not a lot of fiber in whole grains compared to vegetables.

  • And of course, we even have snacks for babies here.

  • Grain and grow.

  • Here we go.

  • Whole grain goodness.

  • Of course, with added sugar and starches.

  • Okay, really simply, we have the bad bread and the good bread.

  • You're never gonna get people off bread.

  • There's things that you can buy that are healthier.

  • And I'm about to tell you why you don't wanna eat this version right here, because this is gonna create a lot of inflammation in your gut.

  • It's gonna create weight gain.

  • It's gonna create blood sugar issues.

  • But the reason people love bread so much is really wrapped around this one protein called gluten.

  • Now, what's so special about gluten?

  • First of all, it's the only protein that humans can't digest.

  • Yet we eat a lot of it.

  • But what's unique about this protein in grains is that it has a certain mouthfeel.

  • So a lot of people are addicted to bread because of that pleasure feeling that they get.

  • Opioids get rid of pain.

  • They actually get rid of stress.

  • But the problem is once you start stimulating those receptors in the brain, you start becoming more addicted.

  • American bread especially has, in the last 50 years, we've been increasing the amount of gluten in bread.

  • And so now if we compare now to back 50 years ago, we have five times as much gluten.

  • So what's the problem with gluten?

  • It creates inflammation in your gut.

  • It creates diseases like what's called celiac, which destroys the inside of your gut.

  • A lot of people have allergies to this as well.

  • In fact, certain autoimmune diseases, especially Hashimoto's can be triggered by this whole gluten interaction with the gut.

  • And then it goes across the immune barrier and then your body starts to misidentify these proteins as being foreign.

  • And then now you have these antibodies against it.

  • And sometimes that can cross over into our own tissues.

  • And now we start having antibodies against our own tissues.

  • Autoimmune diseases are the number one type of disease that actually surpassed heart disease and cancer.

  • And out of all the autoimmune diseases, we have Hashimoto's is at the top of the list.

  • And that is the thyroid autoimmune disease.

  • And so what's the alternative?

  • I like several types of alternatives.

  • Now, what is einkorn flour?

  • Well, that's an ancient grain that hasn't been altered in a long, long time.

  • So we've made this bread last night with einkorn flour.

  • The einkorn gluten is less elastic.

  • It's good for flatbreads.

  • It doesn't necessarily create as much of these sensations as well, but it's pretty darn close.

  • But on the flip side, very few people have gut reactions to this.

  • And the type of starch that's in this bread creates a less of a spike versus regular American bread.

  • You have a different starch that will just really create this high spike in your blood sugars.

  • The actual genetics of this grain, even though it's a wheat flour, is very different than the genetics that they're using right here.

  • So it's very, very different.

  • And then we have this other thing called the phytic acid.

  • Phytic acid binds with minerals, okay?

  • It connects with minerals, especially zinc, iron, magnesium, manganese, calcium, and copper.

  • So when you consume foods high in phytic acid, it locks up these minerals and it goes through the small intestine.

  • Phytic acid cannot be absorbed in the small intestine.

  • So guess what?

  • Those minerals are stuck to it.

  • And now these minerals are gonna be lost through the digestion.

  • So when you consume foods high in phytic acid, it actually depletes you of certain minerals.

  • Now, is this gonna really be a problem with nutritional levels?

  • Maybe not.

  • It depends how much you consume bread.

  • Certain cultures who eat a lot of grains, a lot of bread, have zinc deficiencies, iron deficiencies because of this phytic acid.

  • Now, how do you get rid of phytic acid?

  • Well, you can refine it.

  • You can just use regular flour.

  • So in this wonderful bread right here, it doesn't have much phytic acid, but of course it has a lot of other things.

  • But you can also ferment it, like sourdough bread, or even sprout it.

  • And by the way, this bread is fermented.

  • But sprouted bread, as in Ezekiel bread, has low amounts of phytic acid.

  • The cool thing about this bread is that it won't create this spike in blood sugars like these other breads.

  • Also, I do notice when you consume bread in Europe, especially France or even Italy, and you buy bread from a bakery, it's a whole different experience.

  • And that's simply because of the quality and they ferment the bread longer and they have different types of wheat that's not so high in gluten.

  • I mean, think about this.

  • France is a lot smaller than the US, yet they have 30,000 bakeries and the US has 3,000.

  • So you don't normally find bread in a bakery in the US.

  • You go to the grocery store and it's been sitting on the shelf for quite some time.

  • And that's the type of bread that people consume.

  • And I guess I should probably just quickly mention some of the dough conditioners are banned in Europe, but they're allowed in America.

  • So BVO or ADA, which is a whitener or potassium bromate, these chemicals are banned in Europe, but we allow them, of course, in our wonderful bread.

  • I'll put a few of those recipes down below and I think you're gonna like them.

  • But we're always experimenting with different flours.

  • We've got almond flour, coconut flour, and of course, einkorn flour as well.

  • A few more points that you need to know about with American bread.

  • The way they dry the wheat out in America is they use glyphosate.

  • That's the stuff in Roundup, okay?

  • They spray it to dry out the wheat.

  • Now, other things that are exposed to glyphosate, if it's genetically modified, but wheat typically is not genetically modified, but the point is that it has glyphosate.

  • You don't wanna have your body exposed to this.

  • Sometimes they use bleach.

  • And when you heat or you toast this and you kind of burn it and you eat it, you get a nice dose of what's called acrylamide.

  • Acrylamide is known to cause cancer.

  • So that's just one more negative on this list right here.

  • Now, I hope I convinced you to avoid certain types of bread, okay?

  • And if you're still not convinced, you might wanna watch this video right here and also click down below with some of these recipes that I just talked about, including this one right here.

  • I think you'll really enjoy it.

  • You can cut this up, put it in the toaster.

  • I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how delicious it is.

  • Before you go real quick, I have a course entitled How to Bulletproof Your Immune System.

  • It's a free course.

  • I want you to take it.

  • And here's why.

  • Here's you.

  • Here is your environment.

  • Everyone is focused on this over here, avoiding your environment.

  • But what about here?

  • What about strengthening your immune system?

  • That's what's missing.

  • This course will show you how to bulletproof yourself.

  • And so you can tolerate and resist your environment much better by strengthening your own immune system.

  • I put a link down in the description right down below.

  • Check it out and get signed up today.

  • Hey, before.

You may never eat bread again after watching this video.

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再不吃麵包, 推薦好麵包與古老麵粉, 柏格醫生 Dr Berg,柏格醫生 Dr Berg

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    陳Nichole posted on 2024/09/30
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