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  • Welcome to Kids Pages.

  • Improve your vocabulary and learn new English words about feelings and emotions.

  • Happy This family is happy.

  • Sad The little girl is sad because she can't play outside.

  • Upset The girl is upset because she failed an exam.

  • Excited The boy feels excited because he won the competition.

  • Afraid The girl is afraid of the dog.

  • Brave The hero is brave.

  • Amused The little boy feels amused.

  • Angry The man is angry.

  • Furious The little girl is furious.

  • Ashamed The boy feels ashamed.

  • You should be ashamed of yourself.

  • What you did was very wrong.

  • Bored The boy feels bored.

  • Cold The man is cold.

  • Hot The woman is hot.

  • Confused The man feels confused.

  • Disappointed The boy feels disappointed because he lost the race.

  • Tired The woman is tired.

  • Exhausted The woman feels exhausted.

  • Hungry The boy is very hungry.

  • Thirsty He is thirsty.

  • Surprised She is surprised to see the present.

  • Nervous He feels so nervous.

  • Proud The boy feels proud because he won the race.

  • Puzzled The little girl feels puzzled.

  • Relaxed The people are relaxed.

  • They are on vacation.

  • Sick The boy feels sick.

  • Are you okay?

  • No, I feel sick.

  • Sleepy The girl is sleepy.

  • Thoughtful She is thoughtful.

  • Worried They feel worried.

  • Shy The boy is shy.

  • Kind The little girl is kind.

  • Malicious The little boy is malicious.

  • Jealous The little girl feels jealous.

  • Overwhelmed The woman feels overwhelmed.

  • Shocked The woman is shocked.

  • Oh my god!

  • Guilty The man feels guilty.

  • I'm so sorry, please forgive me.

  • Scared The girl is scared.

  • Content The little girl and her mother are content.

  • In love The girl and the boy are in love.

  • Astonished The girl is astonished.

  • Wow!

  • Embarrassed The boy feels embarrassed.

  • Happy Sad

  • Upset Excited

  • Afraid Brave

  • Amused Angry

  • Furious Ashamed

  • Bored Cold

  • Hot Confused

  • Disappointed Tired

  • Exhausted Hungry

  • Thirsty Surprised

  • Nervous Proud

  • Puzzled Relaxed

  • Sick Sleepy

  • Thoughtful Worried

  • Shy Kind

  • Malicious Jealous

  • Overwhelmed Shocked

  • Guilty Scared

  • Content In love

  • Astonished Embarrassed

  • Thanks for watching.

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Feelings and emotions vocabulary

  • 2 1
    王子瑜 posted on 2024/10/02
Video vocabulary