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  • All right, everyone, get ready.

  • If you're all about uncovering hidden narratives, you're gonna love this.

  • We're diving into a script, and let me tell ya, this one's a doozy.

  • Oh, is that right?

  • Lay it on me.

  • So, it's entirely in Chinese, which is already exciting, but here's the kicker.

  • It's only in fragments.

  • Like, we're getting pieces of a puzzle, but not even the whole puzzle.

  • Sounds like a challenge.

  • Where do we even start with something like that?

  • Well, the document itself is called, get this, u.doxyx.pdf, which doesn't give us much, but the good news is, we also have a series of images alongside the text, almost like visual aids to the mystery.

  • Okay, I'm intrigued.

  • So, what's the story?

  • Spill the tea.

  • Picture this.

  • Scene one opens with our main character, who the translations affectionately call Little Guy, holding this tattered scroll, standing under not one, but two suns.

  • Two suns, okay, now that's just showing off.

  • Right.

  • Talk about setting the scene, and it's not just there for the visuals.

  • What does that screen to you, symbolically speaking?

  • Well, in Chinese mythology, multiple suns, especially two, usually mean things are about to get messy.

  • You know, disruption of the natural order, a big challenge coming, that sort of thing.

  • Foreshadowing much.

  • It definitely makes you wonder what this little guy is up against.

  • And what about this fruit of power you mentioned?

  • Oh, yes, that's what he's after, this fruit of power.

  • I mean, talk about a loaded name, right?

  • Not exactly subtle, but hey, it definitely grabs your attention.

  • No kidding, and as if two suns and a magic fruit weren't enough, does anything else interesting pop up in this fragmentary masterpiece?

  • Oh, you bet.

  • We're barely a couple of lines in when, bam, another character appears.

  • This mysterious older woman is watching Little Guy from afar.

  • What's your take on that?

  • Classic mentor figure, perhaps.

  • Absolutely, the wise guy popping up at just the right moment to nudge our hero in the right direction, though the fact that she's observing from afar adds a nice touch.

  • Right, it's like she's there to guide, but not interfere directly.

  • Very hands-off, or should I say invisible, hand-off mentoring.

  • I see what you did there.

  • Okay, so we've got our hero, a quest for power, a mysterious mentor.

  • What about the setting?

  • Where's all this going down?

  • Starts off pretty idyllic, actually, all rolling hills and peaceful rice paddies, classic countryside vibes.

  • Sounds serene, a little too serene, perhaps.

  • Exactly, because by scene three, bam, we're in the heart of a bustling city.

  • Street vendors, paper lanterns, the works.

  • Talk about a change of pace.

  • Classic storytelling trope, right?

  • City as a place of temptation, of being completely overwhelmed, a stark contrast to the simplicity of the countryside.

  • Makes you think about the challenges Little Guy might face as he gets closer to his goal.

  • And it's in the city that things get really juicy.

  • Remember those images I mentioned?

  • Well, one of them shows this massive hand reeking down from the sky towards this tiny figure.

  • Almost ominous, wouldn't you say?

  • Oh, absolutely.

  • And talk about emphasizing a power dynamic.

  • I mean, you've got this almost godlike hand compared to this tiny figure below.

  • You know, makes you wonder if the help offered comes with strings attached.

  • Ooh, chills.

  • And as if things weren't dramatic enough, this is where the script describes a volcanic eruption that basically throws everything into chaos.

  • And you know what they say about volcanoes in stories.

  • They're rarely just about the environment.

  • Upheaval, transformation, rebirth.

  • Looks like Little Guy's in for quite the ride.

  • No kidding.

  • It's like everything's about to change.

  • It's like that volcano really shook things up, both literally in the story and kind of for us trying to figure all this out.

  • Because right after that eruption, we see this number popping up, 25.

  • And not just like in passing, it's everywhere.

  • What do you make of that?

  • Yeah.

  • Numbers can be a big deal in stories, can't they?

  • Like, they carry this extra weight.

  • I'm thinking about certain cultures where 25 is all about big transitions, you know, coming of age, that sort of thing.

  • Which, when you think about it, adds another layer to this whole fruit of power thing, doesn't it?

  • Yeah.

  • Maybe it's not about, like, physical strength or even magic powers.

  • Maybe it's more about wisdom.

  • You know, that kind of inner strength you get from experience.

  • Exactly.

  • And speaking of the fruit of power, we finally get a description in this part.

  • Ready for this.

  • It's silver, grows on a tree where the roots reach for the sky.

  • And apparently, it smells like cinnamon.

  • Hold on.

  • Silver fruit on an upside-down tree?

  • That smells like cinnamon.

  • Okay.

  • My brain's working overtime now.

  • Lots to unpack there, that's for sure.

  • Let's start with that tree.

  • Usually, trees are all about growth, being grounded, you know, the natural way of things.

  • But this, this feels like the opposite, like the world's been flipped on its head.

  • And the silver fruit.

  • What do you make of that?

  • Hmm.

  • Silver's often about purity, right?

  • Clarity, reflection.

  • It's also a moon metal, and the moon, in a lot of myths, it represents intuition.

  • What's inside of you, not out there.

  • So maybe this fruit of power isn't something you find on a map.

  • Maybe it's about looking inward.

  • Okay, now that is interesting.

  • But then you've got the cinnamon.

  • It's so specific.

  • Why cinnamon?

  • It's like dot homey, you know.

  • Warm, comforting.

  • Maybe this fruit of power.

  • It's not some scary alien thing.

  • Maybe it's something familiar, but not in the way little guy expects.

  • Comfort can be deceiving sometimes.

  • Okay, see, this is why I love these deep dives.

  • It's like peeling back layers of a mystery.

  • And this is where those images really start to make you think.

  • Especially the one where a character's trapped inside what looks like a bubble.

  • Yeah.

  • Bubbles.

  • Fragile.

  • Isolated.

  • Maybe even a warped sense of what's real and what's not.

  • Makes you wonder, is little guy literally stuck in a bubble?

  • Or is that about his own headspace, you know, his own struggles?

  • Maybe he's trapped by what he thinks the fruit of power will do for him.

  • Now, there you go.

  • Could be the journey isn't about finding the fruit at all.

  • Maybe it's about breaking free from whatever's holding him back.

  • That metaphorical bubble.

  • All right, so we've got volcanoes, mysterious fruit, a giant hand from the sky, and now a bubble of isolation.

  • It's like this script's throwing everything at us.

  • But even with all that symbolism, the story keeps going.

  • We're back in that volcanic aftermath.

  • Everything's covered in ash.

  • And guess what?

  • Little guy's precious scroll, the one that's supposed to lead him to the fruit of power, it's toast, burned to a crisp.

  • Losing your guidebook, classic storytelling move.

  • It's like a wake-up call for the hero.

  • No more relying on someone else.

  • Time to figure things out yourself.

  • So there he is, no map, this desolate landscape.

  • But he's not totally alone.

  • This is where the older woman comes back, but not in person.

  • It's her voice now.

  • Like, what do you call it?

  • A spirit guide.

  • Adds a whole other level to the mentor thing, doesn't it?

  • It's not about a physical path anymore.

  • It's about listening to that inner voice, maybe his gut or his conscience, something like that.

  • And that voice, it tells him the way to the fruit of power.

  • It's not on a map.

  • It's about facing his fears, the stuff messing him up inside.

  • It's like the whole quest just went from zero to 60 on the existential scale.

  • Totally.

  • It's not an adventure anymore.

  • It's self-discovery.

  • This fruit of power, it's earned, not found.

  • And he gets it.

  • You can tell.

  • Because in the next scene, he's literally arguing with his reflection.

  • Intense doesn't even cover it, though the translations get a little choppy here.

  • Not sure what exactly they're fighting about.

  • You know what's interesting about that?

  • It's like the script saying, hey, you fill in the blank.

  • We have to put our own fears onto little guy's meltdown.

  • Makes it personal.

  • You find yourself thinking, what would my biggest fear be in all this?

  • Yeah.

  • What would be holding me back?

  • And just when it seems like little guy's about to have this breakthrough, like he's gonna overcome whatever it is, bam, the script ends.

  • Talk about a cliffhanger.

  • Seriously.

  • They just cut us off right there.

  • I mean, talk about leaving us in suspense.

  • What happens to little guy?

  • Does he get that fruit of power?

  • Does he even need it after all that soul searching?

  • So many questions.

  • That's the thing about these open endings, isn't it?

  • It's like, we don't get a nice little bow on top, everything tied up neatly, but maybe what we get is, well, maybe it's more interesting.

  • You think.

  • I mean, it's a little frustrating.

  • Sure, but we've got all these pieces, right?

  • These symbols, these characters, a story that's like, here's a mystery, you figure it out, and that's where it gets good.

  • So instead of giving us answers, it's giving us a puzzle to solve.

  • I like that.

  • I mean, it makes it more interactive, doesn't it?

  • What do you think, listening out there, what really stood out to you in all of this?

  • There's so much to dig into.

  • That number 25 popping up everywhere, that upside down tree with the silver fruit, the city being this total opposite of the countryside where we started, and that image, that hand coming out of the sky.

  • I mean, talk about help that could crush you as easily as it helps you.

  • So much to think about.

  • And that's what makes this deep dive so cool.

  • It's not just a story, it's like this invitation.

  • We're digging into Chinese mythology, we're talking about these classic story elements, and we're trying to make sense of some seriously intense visuals.

  • It's like we went on this whole journey and it reminds you how powerful a story can be.

  • Sometimes the best ones are the ones that leave you with more questions, you know?

  • It makes you wanna keep thinking about it long after it's over.

  • Absolutely.

  • So, we leave little guy on the edge of figuring himself out.

  • But I think we have our own homework now.

  • What do we take away from all of this?

  • What meaning do we find in the parts of the story we don't have?

  • Something to keep those brain cells firing long after this episode is over.

All right, everyone, get ready.

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    Winnie posted on 2024/10/02
Video vocabulary