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  • Come on, get in, Bobo. We'll check her flat first.

  • What's Bobo?

  • It's the name of our car.

  • There's no room for me!

  • Oh, no, Bobo's full.

  • You'll have to stay here.

  • Oh, what?

  • This is the worst day of all my life.

  • Louie, you'll have to sit in the front seat.

  • What?

  • The front seat? Really? Is that allowed?

  • Queensland road rules say that if all the seats are taken, a child older than four can sit in the front seat.

  • Yep, it's allowed. Come on, get in.

  • This is the best day of all my life.

  • Well, I'm glad someone's having fun.

  • Whoo!

  • No, Frisky's not here, Chillie. Sorry.

  • No worries, Cookie. If she turns up, ring me straight away.

  • Will do. Good luck.

  • Frisky's not at her flat.

  • Where may the Cookie be?

  • I don't know.

  • What's it like in the front seat, Louie?

  • It's great. I've got a draw.

  • Ooh, what's in it?

  • Ooh, it's a book about Bobo.

  • Ooh!

  • Aah!

  • Oh, you got us!

  • You little prickles!

  • Aah!

  • Get in here!

  • Aah!

  • Ooh!

  • Do that again!

  • Yeah, yeah, on the way back.

  • Oh, how much farther to the river?

  • Not far. Come on, let's keep going.

  • But I can't keep going.

  • Well, how about we play chariots?

  • Yeah, chariots!

  • Hee-hee-hee!

  • Oh, come on. Hyah!

  • Hee-hee-hee!

  • Hee-hee-hee!

  • I'm going to beat you, chariot!

  • Oh, no! I'll help you, horsey!

  • Hee-hee-hee!

  • I win!

  • Ah, that's good exercise.

  • Can I just have a teensy little piggyback?

  • Nah, you'll miss out on too much fun stuff down on the ground.

  • Oh, like what fun stuff?

  • Dad, I'll race you to that bubbler.

  • Okay, Bingo, can you say, ready, set, go?

  • Yeah!

  • Ready, set, go!

  • Yeah!

  • Hey, I didn't say go, I said goat!

  • Oh, dear.

  • Oh, please, can I play computer games?

  • What's so fun about them?

  • Well, there's one where you have to make Chunky Chin jump over barrels.

  • You don't need computers to play jumping games.

  • Just use your fingers.

  • Whoop, whoop.

  • Boing, boing.

  • Boing.

  • But there's no barrels to jump.

  • Uh, yeah, but you can jump... cows!

  • Ah! Oh, yeah!

  • Whoop! One point!

  • Whoop! Two points!

  • Whoop! Three points!

  • Hey, you can't play, you're driving!

  • Not here!

  • Seven, eight, nine, ten, a hundred, a million, hundred, I win!

  • Hooray!

  • All right, this is not an actual stock family, so everyone just stay...

  • Nutties!

  • All right!

  • Those things!

  • There's nothing boring about this, is there, Bluey?

  • No.

  • Biscuits!

  • Time to go!

  • Come on!

  • What's going on?

  • It's not ready!

  • I did not!

  • I'll just sort her over here, then.

  • Well, Revan, um...

  • Um, I'll just get her ready for us, Quirty.

  • Um, go on.

  • You got nothing on me, Sharon.

  • He... he... he peed in the bowl!

  • It's addictive miscrime!

  • You're a two-pass big fish!

  • Yes!

  • You fail, you big grub!

  • Oh.

  • Margaret, I don't like dubbing on my family.

  • If Bevan fails big fish, then I want to fail, too.

  • Hi-ya!

  • I'm with Merependor!

  • Hi-ya!

  • Come on, sis!

  • What? Fine!

  • Thanks, Merependor.

  • You're welcome, Bevan.

  • Hi-ya!

  • Sharon!

  • Welcome back to Little Fish!

  • Aw!

  • I'm so proud of you all.

  • Why is the water warmer here?

  • Oh!

  • Blah!

  • Okay, that's okay.

  • So, Mereyard?

  • Yeah.

  • Is my name high?

  • Yeah.

  • I'll go.

  • Uh...

  • No, you can't!

  • No, you can't!

  • No, you can't!

  • No, you can't!

  • No, your tongue's out too far!

  • No, back, back.

  • There you go, not that much.

  • Oh, oh, oh!

  • Kids, what are you doing?

  • No, that's too much.

  • Tongue back in, tongue back in!

  • No, not too big.

  • No, back, back.

  • Oh, not too much!

  • Get out of it!

  • My ice cream!

  • It's melted!

  • Mine too!

  • Ah!

  • Enjoy Daddy Drop-off!

  • I don't want a Daddy Drop-off, I want a Mommy Drop-off!

  • I want a Mommy Drop-off!

  • I want a Mommy Drop-off!

  • I want a Mommy Drop-off!

  • I want a Mommy Drop-off!

  • Oh, don't worry.

  • Dad will make it extra fun, won't you, Dad?

  • Yep, yep, yep.

  • See you, Mum!

  • Hey, food and gobs, the clock's ticking.

  • Oh, Bingo, do you hear something?

  • Mm, no.

  • Bracky, come on!

  • Are you sure you don't hear something?

  • I'm sure.

  • It must be the wind.

  • It's me, your dad!

  • Can't you hear me?

  • Oh, lovely morning, isn't it?

  • Indeed.

  • Kids!

  • I wish Father were here to enjoy it.

  • I'm right here!

  • In the car, kids, come on!

  • Go, go, go, go, go!

  • Ah, forgot the keys!

  • Hey, Bluey, I found a wand!

  • Oh, use it on Dad!

  • OK.

  • Rack them and stack them, kids, we've got to...

  • ...go!

  • OK, that slow-mo set us back a bit, but we're still on time.

  • Wait, Bingo, did you remember your jumper?

  • I'm at my house.

  • It's 100 miles away from you.

  • Oh, OK.

  • Oh, look!

  • Oh, no!

  • Skip one, Bingo.

  • OK.

  • We go down a secret tunnel to our underground base.

  • Which also has hammocks.

  • Well, we go down the tunnel, too.

  • You can't. There's a manhole cover, which is locked.

  • Well, I get an axe and chop a hole in it.

  • It's made of metal.

  • Your axe breaks.

  • Hmm, what chops through metal?

  • Uh, diamond?

  • Brendan, don't help them!

  • Sorry!

  • Here's a diamond axe and chop through it.

  • No!

  • Oh, no!

  • Quick, time to bail!

  • We get in a car.

  • Yeah, but a cool car.

  • Let's go, let's go, let's go!

  • Louie, let's get in the Dreamhouse car.

  • Oh, yeah!

  • What?

  • The Dreamhouse car.

  • It's like a giant dreamhouse on wheels.

  • Yeah, it's got 11 burger shops and 20 bedrooms and 40 toilets and a spa on the balcony.

  • Who's driving it?

  • Butler's.

  • Butler's?

  • Oh, no! Punch it, Mum!

  • Punch it!

  • Let me introduce you to my family, Bartleby.

  • They're your family now, too.

  • Are you sure you know how to do the crackling?

  • Read the apron.

  • Uncle Shite, this is Bartleby.

  • G'day, Bartleby. Nice to meet you.

  • Hang on, Bartleby. I was just getting the line towards the pool.

  • So, what is it?

  • And this is my cousin, Socks.

  • Merry Christmas!

  • Don't worry. She does that to everyone.

  • Come on, Muffin. You're going to be late for work.

  • I have to eat breakfast.

  • This is my cousin, Muffin.

  • Hi, Bartleby. I'm sorry I'm late for work.

  • Mary's about to leave.

  • I'm late!

  • Bye, kids.

  • Let's step back through the door.

  • Attention, passengers. Mary's leaving.

  • Bye, kids.

  • Hooray! You made it!

  • Morning, Bandit. Hey, kids.

  • Oh, you're up early.

  • Gotta be done.

  • Hey, why have we stopped?

  • This isn't the monkey bars.

  • Tag. Come on.

  • Bluey, I'm talking.

  • I'll leave you guys to it. Bye, girls.

  • Oh, okay. See you, Rocco.

  • Bluey, if I'm talking to another grown-up, you don't interrupt like that, okay?

  • Dad, I've got a plan.

  • You're not allowed to stop the wagon and chat to your friends.

  • You have to take us straight to the monkey bars.

  • No stopping.

  • Hmm. Interesting plan.

  • I know. How about this plan?

  • I'll do what I want, and you don't tell me what to do.

  • No, I don't like that plan.

  • We'll stick with mine, thanks.

  • Okay. No problems.

  • Hmm. Hmm. Hmm.

  • Wait. No. Yeah.

  • We're going home again.

  • Okay. Your plan.

  • Good decision.

  • Eurgh!

  • Okay. How about this?

  • If I'm talking to a grown-up and you want me, you just come up and put your hand on my arm.

  • Rika, what if Bingo does the pedals and I drive the steering wheel?

  • Well, if a policeman caught you, you'd have to pay $100.

  • He would catch us. We'd drive away really fast.

  • Police cars can drive faster.

  • But we'd have more petrol.

  • We could drive longer and his car would stop.

  • Then he'd get in a helicopter.

  • Yeah, and we'd drive into the tunnel so he can see us.

  • Then he'd land and get on a motorbike.

  • They can go in tunnels.

  • But we'd get ten red cars that look exactly like ours, and they'd drive around us so he wouldn't know which one was us.

  • Who's driving all those other cars?

  • Butlers. Butlers?

  • Where are you gonna get ten butlers from?

  • The Queen. We'd steal hers.

  • Well, yeah, that'd probably do it.

  • Hooray!

  • So, can we drive the car?

  • What do you want to drive the car for?

  • Cos we like doing the sweaty thing.

  • Can you push it?

  • But the windscreen's not dirty.

  • Please?

  • Bingo, double police face.

  • Oh, all right.

  • Yeah!

Come on, get in, Bobo. We'll check her flat first.

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Time for a Family Trip with Bluey! ? ? | Bluey

  • 4 0
    Ya Yaya posted on 2024/10/04
Video vocabulary