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  • You know, we have these tendencies of telling each other how to act and how to feel.

  • I do not think it is my place as a black woman to dictate how the black man should feel or be.

  • It's not righteous.

  • We do not know what it's like to be a black woman.

  • And I do not know what it's like to be a black man.

  • So may I ask you, what's it like to be a black man in America?

  • Well, it depends on the perspective.

  • You see, being black is a gift.

  • Yes.

  • Being black is a superpower.

  • Being black as divinity is a blueprint.

  • To what?

  • To life.

  • And when you change the perspective of the black man?

  • Being black is living on nights.

  • Being black is demanding liberation.

  • Being black is an unwavering curse placed above our heads.

  • Being black is hoping I don't end up at the wrong place at the wrong time.

  • Do you think we are free?

  • You must understand that the system is placed against us.

  • People like you and me.

  • It's until we have our own educational systems, until we have our own media, our own currency, our own hospitals, our own banks, until we have our own everything, then we will be free.

  • Then we will be free.

  • Yes.

  • Copyright © 2020 Mooji Media Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  • No part of this recording may be reproduced without Mooji Media Ltd.'s express consent.

  • Satsang with Mooji

  • Video extract from Satsang DVD

  • Satsang with Mooji

  • Copyright © 2020 Mooji Media Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  • No part of this recording may be reproduced without Mooji Media Ltd.'s express consent.

  • As you all can see, I thoroughly edit my videos.

  • All in all, we're talking days of footage compressed into like 30, 40 minutes for you guys to be able to watch.

  • Now this is not an easy task, okay?

  • It used to take me about like three days to edit a video.

  • Now it takes me overnight, about like 12 hours and I can get it done.

  • But it isn't that easy.

  • To be able to pull this off,

  • I will need first this baby right here, which is my MacBook.

  • Second thing I will need is some fruit.

  • Right now I have a orange.

  • A comfortable environment to be able to work in.

  • And lastly, a strong VPN, which leads us to the sponsorship of today's video,

  • Surfshark.

  • With Surfshark, I can safely connect to a network and ensure that all of my data is encrypted.

  • I don't have to worry about any hackers, my data being messed with.

  • And this will ensure that my work and my information is private and secure, which is crucial for working on big projects like this.

  • Surfshark allows you to change your IP address to virtually place yourself anywhere in the world to be able to access blocked content and websites.

  • You can watch streams, movies, and with no ads, with their ad blocker.

  • That comes in handy for myself when I'm not paying for pay-per-view, so I go on to watch.

  • The ad blocker will come in clutch.

  • And if you use my discount code, Mario, you get an extra four months for free.

  • They also offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, so there's no risk to try it out, okay?

  • I'm also put the QR code on the screen, link will be in the description as well, too.

  • Let's get back to the video.

  • What is fashion?

  • Fashion isn't just clothes, nah.

  • It's deeper than that.

  • Fashion is a medium.

  • The ability to channel and become different variations of yourself whenever and however you want.

  • It's shit lit.

  • Alchemy, if you will.

  • See, it isn't about where you get your pieces from.

  • It's only you giving value.

  • That's what they don't realize.

  • A piece is only as good as you make it.

  • And I'm sure as hell good at that.

  • And that's why I thrift.

  • That's why I thrift.

  • What's going on, y'all?

  • Peace and prosperity, kings and queens.

  • We're gonna do a little bit of shopping now.

  • Before we shop, I know y'all are probably like,

  • Mario, where the hell you been?

  • Where the hell you been?

  • It's been four months.

  • Been here five, six, seven.

  • Some of y'all talking about something.

  • Nigga told me on Instagram.

  • Nigga said, you not Frank Ocean.

  • Drop a vid.

  • Y'all niggas gotta understand.

  • I'm not...

  • Okay, let me slow down.

  • Let me slow down.

  • Nigga about to give me all my element.

  • Y'all niggas gotta understand.

  • These creators, I don't see myself as a content creator because I'm not just producing content.

  • You fine.

  • I'm producing art.

  • You get what I'm saying?

  • You catch my drift.

  • That takes time.

  • It takes time.

  • It takes thought.

  • It takes experience.

  • As an artist, I cannot yet produce something real and authentic, something that you can fully feel and take in and impact without me experiencing that.

  • You get what I'm saying?

  • Within these four months, I just been grounding myself, especially in the society that we live in today.

  • It's important to have that balance, you know?

  • So I grounded myself, you know, less on social media, more in reality, being more in the present, but constantly evolving, constantly evolving in every shape, way, and form.

  • So yeah, that's really important, you know?

  • Finding interest in things that I usually don't find interest in and learning to sit in silence and learning all the more necessities there is, you know?

  • So you won't have too much attachments to social media or too much attachments to your phone.

  • Also, stop eating meat.

  • You know what I mean?

  • I stop eating meat.

  • We on our, like, what?

  • Fourth, fifth?

  • Yeah, fourth, fifth month.

  • Fourth, fifth month.

  • Now, let's start looking around.

  • We're going to be looking for some, like, calm pieces today, and I'm going to keep talking to y'all because I ain't going to just, you know, talk up y'all head.

  • First things first, before we get started.

  • How you doing, y'all?

  • How y'all been?

  • Hope y'all been well.

  • I've been well.

  • Thanks for asking.

  • If y'all can tell.

  • Nigga did not ask that.

  • I guess.

  • I have lost a bit of weight.

  • You know, a lot of people have been commenting and, you know, deeming me about my weight.

  • Yes, I've lost weight.

  • I just feel good, man.

  • I feel more free, feel more alive than I have been.

  • Like Amari said, stop eating meat, treating my body right, my temple, and treat my mind right, and just letting things come to me, letting the universe and my energy prevail, man.

  • So, it's been good.

  • Everything's just been in divine time, and, like, since I started, like, treating my body right, you know, we incorporate a lot of, like, fruit fast, you know, detoxing our body from its parasites and all the bad stuff.

  • Like, the reason why before, like, it was taking me a month or two months to drop was really because, and I didn't really realize this.

  • Peak game.

  • I didn't realize this.

  • Earlier in my YouTube career, like, I would post, right, and then I'd be like, I'd maybe come back and be like, yo, I was sick, right?

  • I wasn't feeling right.

  • I wasn't in my element.

  • I didn't feel like myself.

  • Reason being, you go watch all the old videos, all you see, after we through, what we gonna do?

  • Sushi, sushi, wings, wings.

  • You see all this crazy shit, right?

  • And I'm not telling y'all, y'all don't gotta eat that.

  • I'm not telling y'all what to eat, but I advise y'all to incorporate some type of fruit fast within your diet.

  • You don't have to cut off meat, but incorporate fruit fast, detox your body.

  • Man, let me keep talking.

  • I'ma keep talking.

  • I'ma be looking.

  • Long story short,

  • I'ma be looking for attire like this, undershirts, more slacks, more shoes.

  • You see the fit.

  • Let's do a fit check.

  • Something calm, something calm.

  • You got this right here.

  • Now, you know how, like, on some of your sleeves, like, you'll pull them up, and later on, now they just slide down and shit?

  • Peak game.

  • Under the sleeve, put a motherfucking band right there.

  • Put a band.

  • Put a band, and then fold it up.

  • You're gonna keep it right there.

  • You see the wrist.

  • You feel me?

  • A little antique.

  • You feel me?

  • A little watch.

  • A leather vest.

  • You got this belt.

  • I wish I found it.

  • I forgot I had it.

  • Cock.

  • Designs and everything like that, et cetera, et cetera.

  • You got a belt.

  • Suede brown belt.

  • Something calm.

  • You got these vintage johns, the pants with the flare at the bottom, and you got the cowboy boots.

  • Let's go check out the belt before anything.

  • Bingo.

  • Yellow belt.

  • We don't got a yellow belt.

  • I fell in love with different colored belts, too.

  • It's really important.

  • You see, like, with this.

  • Damn!

  • Would nobody want this shit?

  • What they locking this shit up for, man?

  • Nobody want this shit.

  • I'm lying.

  • I do want it.

  • See, it don't got a dot right here, but literally just get a knife, stab it, twist it, and then get you, like, a wrench.

  • That's the size of one of these holes.

  • Poke it through and just, like, go in and out.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • Let me get straight to it.

  • If y'all wondering, because I'm beating around the bush, so if y'all wondering, okay, what can I incorporate within my diet so that maybe I want to lose weight, you know, but keep my same...

  • It's too small.

  • Maybe I want to lose weight but keep my same, like, eating habits or whatever, whatever.

  • You can eat what you want to eat, but what this does is if you eating the same shit or, like, different shit or you eating out every single day, your body won't have enough time to process and break down those foods.

  • So this is when you start feeling like you get a lot of headaches or you getting bloated or it's clogging your arteries and your tissues.

  • You have a lot of build-up.

  • This is when you start seeing a lot of problems within the body.

  • You start getting sick, right?

  • You start...

  • Long story short, y'all, just add some fruit fast, right?

  • You can fast with watermelon.

  • Watermelon is a super fruit, okay?

  • 99% water.

  • You'll get hydrated.

  • You'll eat enough watermelon throughout the day.

  • You won't even be hungry off of watermelon.

  • I'm trying to tell you.

  • And watermelon, you get great protein from watermelon.

  • You get all your electrolytes from watermelon.

  • It's a super fruit.

  • And you can go on a watermelon fast too for two, two days, maybe even three, depending on your body.

  • But start off...

  • I encourage y'all to start off smaller.

  • So do one day first, but you'll burn weight quick.

  • So that's important.

  • When being an artist, period, is to be eating the right things.

  • People don't talk about that a lot, you know?

  • They'll be like, you know what?

  • Just stay consistent, you know?

  • Just post daily.

  • Make a lot of videos.

  • Post daily.

  • Okay, but that's like quick content.

  • To post real, authentic work and artwork, man, your diet is very important.

  • Okay, next.

  • Just got a little bit of good lymph on him.

  • And the waist length is good.

  • I mean, it's calm, but I ain't even gonna do it.

  • I need more red slacks, though.

  • I don't...

  • More, I don't even got a pair, actually.

  • I want these to be flare.

  • Like, they'll be a good...

  • I don't know.

  • I can try them out, though.

  • What you think?

  • Try them out.

  • Red slacks.

  • These are tough, though.

  • I'm not gonna lie.

  • And it'll be slim fit on my arms, too.

  • Both of these are tough.

  • I can style these accordingly.

  • I like the blue one.

  • This one is nice, too, but they'll feel, like, real short.

  • That's a tough pick.

  • I might go with the...

  • Might do that one, too.

  • I like more of this attire now.

  • Like, you know, the business or business casual attire, retro look.

  • You know, that's...

  • I like that.

  • I like looking, you know...

  • I like looking like myself, you know?

  • I can still switch it up here and there, but...

  • Interesting texture, I'm not gonna lie.

  • These are fire.

  • I don't even got a pants like this.

  • Well, not a pants.

  • Why did I say it like that?

  • I don't even got a pair of pants like this, though.

  • That'd be nice, wouldn't it?

  • That's tough.

  • These are fire.

  • And I just got some great ones the other day, though, but they wasn't, like, the shape of this.

  • These would fit more snug on the waist and at the bottom.

  • I don't know if I should take that risk.

  • Mine's just damn near like this, though.

  • Man, just glad they're, like...

  • I ain't even talking to y'all yet, so I want to talk to y'all in the comments.

  • I want to let me know what y'all think, you know, about everything.

  • Let me know what y'all think.

  • I miss y'all.

  • I miss y'all.

  • I miss y'all so much, so much.

  • And I just respect y'all so much.

  • I respect y'all so much not to give y'all bullshit.

  • You know what I'm saying?

  • I respect y'all so much not to give y'all bullshit, and I respect myself so much, how much work that I put into this.

  • And, yeah, man, so much people have been brought, like, backed up behind this project.

  • Man.

  • And you had the film in the beginning.

  • Y'all let me know your thoughts on that, man.

  • Let's talk about it.

  • We have a film that's coming out right now.

  • Y'all stay tuned, man.

  • Call me loud

  • I'll come

  • Your face it shines

  • Bright

  • Shadows

  • Seem

  • Seem for you

  • Call me loud

  • I'll come

  • Your perfect life

  • We leave

  • Alone

  • I'll seek

  • Seek for you

  • Please

  • Please

  • I need

  • Please

  • I

  • Call me loud

  • I'll come

  • Your tender fire

  • Light

  • Shadow

  • My love

  • Please

  • Please

  • Please

  • I

  • Please

  • Please

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I'm not rich, I just thrift pt. 18 | Fashion meets Cinema

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    chu592855 posted on 2024/10/04
Video vocabulary