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  • Play a little game? Playing a little game is a trigger word for me. That's how I have four kids, so let's, yeah. Let's do it.

  • Sorry, yes, icebreaker, please. As an icebreaker, I would like to talk to you about cocaine. Okay.

  • I mean, no, seriously. Nose beers. We'll just say nose beers, because Kevin Feige's watching this.

  • Exactly. Can you tell me a little bit about this cocaine thing? I mean, how is that where you start and end to draw the line?

  • Wow.

  • It was entirely made up. Nobody said anything about cocaine. It was just, I actually wrote that as a marketing piece.

  • I wrote it for Blind Al and I, Leslie Uggams, who plays Blind Al, as a marketing piece, and then it just, I don't know.

  • We loved it, so we just put it in the movie.

  • Do you want to build a snowman?

  • Yeah.

  • So nobody said you're not supposed to joke about cocaine. You made that up.

  • I had a feeling working at Disney they might if I did. Sometimes the best defense is a good offense.

  • Yes.

  • So, yeah.

  • Sure.

  • Yeah.

  • Deadpool calls Wolverine a bunch of nicknames like honey butter or peanut. So I was wondering, since you're so close, you probably have nicknames for each other, right?

  • Nolzi.

  • I just got Nolzi.

  • Come again?

  • Ren Nolzi.

  • Ren Nolzi.

  • Nolzi.

  • In Australia, your nickname is on your birth certificate.

  • Yeah.

  • They don't screw around. Like, when a kid comes out of the chute, they're like, oh, yeah.

  • If you don't have a nickname, they hate you.

  • Yeah. There's their old knuckle chucker. There he is. Let's throw that down on the birth certificate. Yeah, we got it. Yeah.

  • Old Big Nose McGee. That's going to hurt his whole life to send him over there. Yeah, they love nicknames in Australia. And I love that I got Nolzi.

  • Nolzi.

  • What did you get again? You had Sticks when you were younger.

  • Sticks.

  • Yeah.

  • Worm.

  • Worm. I had Chip when I was younger.

  • Asshole.

  • And Casper.

  • Chip?

  • Asshole, yeah. Chip because I had buck teeth. So kids would pick on me and they'd call me Chip.

  • Yeah.

  • Suck it, kids.

  • Yeah, how you like me now?

  • Yeah.

  • Nick.

  • Yeah.

  • Wow.

  • Children are so mean.

  • Nick probably died in a gunfight or a messy stabbing death. One or the other. No in between. Yeah, Nick, we didn't have yet.

  • I got Casper when I was a kid because I would always, and I still do, and I just I'll go places and then just leave.

  • Like, I'll go to a party four minutes later. Where did he go?

  • Wolverine and Deadpool are fighting a lot before. I hope they work together.

  • So if you guys got in a fight in a, let's say arm wrestling, who would win?

  • Or if you could pick like the competition, it could be sports or anything.

  • These guns.

  • Oh, no, no, no.

  • These guns.

  • This man is not physically speaking. Are you insane? No, I'm not touching that.

  • But I suspected if we got in a real fight, you would win.

  • I mean, what's what's unknown about me? And I know this about me. I will cry. And I'll bet I'm also I've got a little switch.

  • It's a little nutty switch.

  • A little switch. It's a giant like fire alarm.

  • So as long as I'm not unconscious.

  • Yeah, I would not. He's one of those guys that like if there's a war or something like that, you just get right behind him.

  • And you tell him something motivating like I'm going to be behind you every step of the way.

  • And I just feel like a little backpack on him.

  • You know, koalas do that, right? A little koala bear on the back.

  • But he has that thing. But he also trains like nobody else.

  • I've never because we trained together in the morning on the movie.

  • And I train like all show, no go.

  • He's like all go and show.

  • Yeah, like greatest showman lives right up to that.

  • That that that moniker. Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • So we have to get to the play part.

  • It's a play date with Ryan Reynolds and Jackman.

  • I mean, what are we naked?

  • Yeah, you can get naked.

  • Sorry to get the kid off.

  • Yeah.

  • No, we are guessing we are guessing German or you are insults.

  • So I'm going to say German word and you're going to tell me what you think that might mean.

  • Yes. So the first one is Lappen.

  • Lappen.

  • Lappen.

  • Lappen.

  • How do you spell it?

  • L-A-P-P-E-N.

  • Wolf sperm.

  • Not even close.

  • A terrible lap dancer, like really bad at lap dancing.

  • No, I like the approach.

  • Lappen.

  • Talk too much.

  • Something to do with leprosy.

  • Okay.

  • What is it?

  • It means basically like rag or cloth.

  • And it means that somebody you can use to wipe the floor with.

  • He has no backbone.

  • He's not a fighter.

  • He's a loser.

  • Lappen.

  • I've heard that a lot.

  • It would be great if it was way more specific, like somebody who's bad at long division.

  • Next question.

  • Okay.

  • The next one is Gammelfleischpartybesucher.

  • Gammelfleischpartybesucher?

  • Oh my gosh, that was awesome.

  • I lost it at the end.

  • I put the besucher at the end.

  • It's really Gammelfleischparty.

  • So it's Gammelfleischparty, but the besucher is besucher, I assume.

  • Besucher is guest.

  • I'm going to give you that one.

  • It's a very different word in America.

  • And fleisch, maybe you know fleisch.

  • A guest that doesn't leave.

  • I was going to say that too.

  • My mother-in-law.

  • It's my mother-in-law.

  • She won't leave.

  • No matter what you do.

  • Someone always taking, not giving.

  • No.

  • I think it's impossible for you too.

  • This is really weird.

  • In Germany, we vote the youth word of the year every year.

  • And in 2008, it was Gammelfleischparty.

  • And it's really hurtful to me now.

  • Back then, it was okay.

  • Now, I'm like, what?

  • Because Gammelfleischparty refers to a party for people over 30.

  • And it means rotting meat party.

  • Oh!

  • Wow.

  • Yeah.

  • Wow, we really have lost the youth that way.

  • That's what the smell is.

  • That's the smell.

  • Right?

  • Everywhere I go.

  • God.

  • I can't believe.

  • Even just hitting.

  • I've hit numbers now at age that I was a kid.

  • I was like hoping I would just live to that age.

  • You still got a forum from yours.

  • Wait until you get to five.

  • Okay, the last word is really easy, I think.

  • It's the easiest one.

  • It's Kameradenschwein.

  • Okay, so pig.

  • Something Schwein?

  • Schwein.

  • I don't like Schwein.

  • Okay.

  • Schwein.

  • Kameradenschwein.

  • Schweizer.

  • Ah, Schwein.

  • Kamerschwein?

  • Kameradenschwein.

  • Kameradenschwein.

  • That kind of got up there, didn't it?

  • It's something that probably Wolverine won't turn out to be to Deadpool.

  • A friendly pig.

  • It has to do with pig.

  • Okay.

  • Oh.

  • Being a pig to someone, more or less.

  • Kameradenschwein.

  • Sexist pig?

  • Like friendly...

  • Kameraden would be friend, right?

  • Or like someone you work with.

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • Work pig?

  • No.

  • Oh, I love that, though.

  • Yes.

  • What's up, work pig?

  • Yeah.

  • If we do a movie together, that's going on the call sheet, too.

  • It's basically comrade pig, and it means somebody who leaves a friend hanging.

  • Somebody who, you know, a backstabber.

  • Ah.

  • So not what you guys are to each other.

  • Yeah, I picked the weirdest ones.

  • So way more than what we have in America.

  • And Canada, too.

  • I mean, in Canada, it's like they're all pretty nice.

  • Yeah.

  • So you remember all three?

  • Oh, God, no.

  • No.

  • Lappen, Gammelfleischpartybesucher, which is completely made up.

  • And Kameradenschwein.

  • Kameradenschwein.

  • Kameradenschwein.

  • All right.

  • I like Kameradenschwein.

  • You are not Kameradenschwein, and now I need to stop you.

  • Next time we see you, I'm going to leave with all of us.

  • I like an interview that we learn.

  • Thank you for teaching us stuff.

  • You're welcome.

  • Jetzt bin ich so richtig feucht.

  • Ah!

Play a little game? Playing a little game is a trigger word for me. That's how I have four kids, so let's, yeah. Let's do it.

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Beleidigungen & Koks – Ryan Reynolds & Hugh Jackman im Interview zu „Deadpool & Wolverine“

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    Wakanisi Tooru posted on 2024/10/06
Video vocabulary