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  • Hi everyone, I'm Anna, your cinephile host.

  • Today let's take a look at the movie The Bucket List.

  • The film was released in 2007 and features two Hollywood giantsMorgan Freeman and

  • Jack Nicholson.

  • It's a sentimental and touching story about two old men facing the end of two very different lives.

  • It guarantees you both laughter and tears and reminds you to make the most of your life, especially when your time becomes limited.

  • So let's watch the movie The Bucket List and see how this tale of two strangers building a friendship and exploring the world unfolds.

  • Two men, mechanic Carter Chambers and billionaire healthcare executive Edward Cole, meet for the first time in a hospital after both have been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer.

  • Their personalities and backgrounds couldn't be any more different.

  • Carter is friendly and warm with a loving family and very knowledgeable in history.

  • Edward is grumpy, arrogant, estranged from his family and very rich.

  • In fact, he owns the hospital.

  • He likes drinking Kopi Luwak, one of the most expensive coffees in the world.

  • During their time in the hospital, Carter and Cole manage to find common ground and what starts out as an odd pairing becomes a case of a special friendship.

  • For fun, Carter earlier had begun writing a bucket list – a list of activities to do before he kicks the bucket.

  • After hearing he has less than a year to live, Carter throws the list away.

  • Cole finds it the next morning and urges Carter to do everything on the list while also offering to pay for the entire trip for both of them.

  • Carter agrees and, despite the protests of his wife, Virginia, the two men begin their last vacation.

  • They go off and do the things that they have always wanted to do.

  • They go skydiving, get tattoos, drive a Shelby Mustang, go on safari in Tanzania, see the pyramids in Egypt.

  • Fly in a private plane to France.

  • They both learn of each other's baggage as well as talk about the meaning of life.

  • Atop the Great Pyramid, they confide mutually about faith and family.

  • Carter reveals that he has long been feeling less in love with his wife.

  • Cole discloses that he is deeply hurt by his estrangement from his only daughter, who disowned him after he drove away her abusive husband.

  • What were they?

  • Have you found joy in your life?

  • Uh huh.

  • Answer the question.

  • Me?

  • Yeah.

  • You.

  • Answer the question.

  • Have I found joy in my life?

  • Yes.

  • Yes.

  • Has your life brought joy to others?

  • Let's take a question, eh?

  • Later, while in Hong Kong, Coyle hires a prostitute to approach Carter, who has never been with any woman but his wife.

  • Carter declines and realizes Cole was behind the woman's attention, whereupon he insists they stop the bucket project and go home.

  • He realizes what's really important to him is the love of his wife and family.

  • During the return journey, Carter tries to reunite Cole with Cole's estranged daughter.

  • Considering this a breach of trust, Cole angrily storms off.

  • Carter returns home to his own family for a festive holiday dinner, while Cole, feeling alone, breaks down weeping in his luxury high-rise suite.

  • Carter's family reunion turns out to be short-lived.

  • He collapses and is rushed to the hospital.

  • The cancer has spread to his brain.

  • Cole, who is now in a remarkable remission, visits him and they share a few moments.

  • Carter, always a Jeopardy fan, knowledgeable about trivia, reveals how Cole's special

  • Sumatran-grown Kopi Luwak coffee is fed to and defecated by a jungle cat before being harvested.

  • Cole was unaware that the unique aroma present after this defecation gave the coffee variety its distinctive flavor.

  • They laugh together.

  • Carter then crosses off Laugh Till I Cry from his bucket list and implores Cole to finish the list without him.

  • Carter undergoes surgery but dies on the operating table.

  • Carter's death forces Edward to think about his life and ultimately, he decides to reconcile with his daughter.

  • Edward thoughtfully crosses Kiss the Most Beautiful Girl in the World off his bucket list.

  • Soon after, Cole delivers a eulogy at Carter's funeral, during which he explains that the last three months of Carter's life were, thanks to Carter, the best three months of

  • Cole's own life.

  • Cole crosses Help a Complete Stranger for the Good off the list.

  • At the end, we find out that Cole lived to age 81 and his ashes were then taken to a peak in the Himalayas by his assistant, Matthew.

  • As Matthew places a coffee can alongside another can, he crosses off the last item on the bucket list, witness something truly majestic, and tucks the completed list between the cans.

  • And that was against the law.

  • Answer the question.

  • Me?

  • Yeah.

  • You.

  • Answer the question.

  • Have I found joy in my life?

  • Yes.

  • Yes.

  • Has your life brought joy to others?

  • Oh, this type of question.

  • Our lives are streams flowing into the same river towards whatever heaven lies in the mist beyond the falls.

  • Hello, sweetie.

  • Hi.

  • Find the joy in your life, Edward.

  • The bucket list deals with the issue of death, but not in the horrible, dark, gloomy way that you would expect, but with a smile on its face and a song in its heart.

  • At times hilarious, at times sad, the movie is a testament to the human spirit.

  • Whether old or young, death often comes when you least expect it.

  • You really never know what can happen and when your time on this planet will be up.

  • That's why you need to be grateful for every day you wake up and find joy in your life.

  • I'm your host, Anna, and I hope you enjoyed this episode.

  • You can find more on Funday website.

  • Stay tuned.

  • So, what do you believe?

  • I resist all evils.

  • No big bang?

  • Random universe?

  • We live, we die, and the wheels on the bus go round and round.

  • What if you're wrong?

  • I'd love to be wrong.

  • If I'm wrong, I win.

  • I'm not sure it works that way.

  • Well, you're not claiming you know something I don't.

  • I just have faith.

  • Hallelujah, brother.

  • And pass the mustard.

Hi everyone, I'm Anna, your cinephile host.

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Cinephile 電影迷 | 一路玩到掛 The Bucket List

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    Nat Y posted on 2024/10/07
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