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Okay, next ingredient is a fragment of a broken dream.
Man, it was hard enough milking all those wolves.
You only had to milk one, but the others look so left out.
Now how are we going to get a fragment of a broken dream?
Dad's Elmore Gym membership card.
Very good.
Now for the last ingredient: a head of rosemary flower.
Wait, did you say a head of rosemary flower or the head of rosemary flowers?
A head of rosemary flower.
Probably should have asked before I started digging.
That was a lot easier.
What now?
We should try it on something to make sure it works.
Aim for that bee!
It works!
Come on, man, drink it.
We used all the best ingredients: swine gums, withered monkey hands, frog spawn.
Sounds tasty, but isn't it dangerous?
Okay, the side effects may include total annihilation, a fate worse than total annihilation, and a fate worse than a fate worse than total annihilation.
But what if you actually survive it?
You make it sound so tempting.
But what about what my mom said about growing into myself and stuff?
You would still be growing, but into a smaller self.
You'd be obeying her technically, but not actually.
I don't know if my mom will buy that.
Well, then just do what everyone else does and blame it on rap music.
What's rap music got to do with the shrinking potion?
I don't know.
They're all called Lil' Something.
Okay, I'm in.
I kind of expected something a little more dignified.
What was that now?
Oh, sorry, I'm not usually allowed to use my voice at full volume.
Now I'm normal!
I can do anything!
I can run!
But not very far, because I've never had to take more than two steps to get anywhere.
But I can cycle!
Wait, no, I can't.
I never learned!
I can play football!
I can fit on a stretcher!
I can kiss girls!
I can get knocked out by girls.
And have boyfriends!
I can see what people look like up close!
And I don't like hair!
I can finally use public transport!
I can taste people's smell!
I can be like everyone else!
And I can make up for not being able to do this for five years!
I can be like everyone else!