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  • The province of China

  • Really?

  • Yeah, of course

  • No country, no country

  • Really?

  • China

  • Said you

  • Can you say Taiwan number one?

  • Taiwan number one!

  • It's Taiwan's flag

  • Taiwan is also China's

  • Really?

  • So your opinion...

  • I have a goal

  • Your opinion is...

  • Don't use this flag again

  • Sorry? Say that again?

  • Say don't use this flag again

  • Hey!

  • OK, cool

  • Cheers guys

  • Taiwan Damien!

  • The province of China

  • October

  • Hey there guys

  • Welcome to today's video

  • I am in the beautiful city of Cambridge

  • Have a look

  • Look over there

  • Look at all of these people

  • It is a beautiful sunny October's day

  • There's loads of people around

  • And we're here to do the usual little thing

  • That we do on this channel

  • I have...

  • This flag

  • I don't know if you guys know which country's flag it is

  • But I have absolutely no idea

  • I've never seen this before

  • So what I'm going to do is

  • I'm going to ask some people around here

  • If they can tell me which country's flag it is

  • Because I'm a little bit confused

  • Anyway guys

  • Let's hit the streets of Cambridge

  • And find out if people know which country's flag this is

  • And hopefully I'll learn a thing or two

  • Let's go

  • Hey there, do you know which country's flag this is?

  • By any chance?

  • Oh, no

  • No?

  • Do you want to take a guess?

  • Take a guess for me

  • No?

  • No idea?

  • No idea

  • What country is it?

  • Okay, it begins with the letter T

  • And it's in Asia

  • Taiwan?

  • Yeah, you got it

  • Do I get a prize?

  • Oh my god, I'll give you a fist bump

  • Okay

  • There's your prize

  • Thank you

  • Next time I expect a bigger prize

  • Awesome, thank you

  • See you later

  • Taiwan

  • Okay

  • Can you say Taiwan number one?

  • Number one

  • Yeah

  • Taiwan is number one

  • Taiwan is number one

  • Taiwan is number one

  • Taiwan is number one

  • Number one

  • Okay, thank you guys

  • Number one

  • Awesome

  • Have a good day

  • Okay

  • So that was a really interesting interaction, wasn't it?

  • But now we're going to walk down the street with the flag in hand

  • And see what kind of reactions we're going to get

  • Okay, let's go

  • It's a cool flag, isn't it?

  • I really do love this flag

  • It looks awesome

  • Do you know which country's flag this is?

  • I have no idea, I'm trying to find out

  • Does anybody know?

  • Is it Taiwan?

  • I don't know, is it?

  • I don't know, I'm trying to find out

  • So yeah

  • Yeah, it is Taiwan

  • Yeah, well done

  • Congratulations

  • Yeah

  • Okay, so we just found out which country's flag it is

  • I guess that's the end of the video

  • By the way, we've got Toby, the cameraman today

  • Doing a fantastic job as you can see

  • Toby, the cameraman today, doing a fantastic job as usual

  • Show them your beautiful face, Toby

  • Don't be shy

  • There he is

  • He's...

  • I think last time he was a bit self-conscious

  • So he's made himself look a lot cooler today

  • He's got the sunglasses and the hat on

  • He's looking pretty dapper

  • Do you know which country's flag this is, guys?

  • No?

  • Hey guys, do you have any idea which country's flag this is?

  • No, sir

  • No idea?

  • Damn

  • Okay, let's go down this way

  • Look at this church, I guess

  • Is it a church?

  • Yeah, it's St. Mary's Church

  • Looks pretty nice

  • Hey guys, do you have any idea which country's flag this is?

  • No

  • No idea?

  • No idea

  • Okay, this is the flag of Taiwan

  • Yeah, yeah, so you learnt something new today

  • Yeah

  • Okay, have a good day

  • Thanks

  • So a lot of people, they quite often ask me

  • What is the reason why I'm making these videos

  • And first of all, it's hella fun

  • I mean, did you see the reaction we got earlier?

  • That was amazing

  • That was just worth it, right?

  • But also, I really get fed up with the propaganda from the CCP

  • Especially the propaganda focusing on us people here in the UK

  • Where they do it all in the English language

  • I couldn't give a crap what they say to their own people in their own country

  • That's completely up to them

  • Even though I disagree with it

  • But I'm just sick of the propaganda

  • Especially, you know, when they're talking about Taiwan is a part of our territory

  • Do you guys know which country's flag this is?

  • No idea?

  • Can't even take a guess?

  • Not even an educated Cambridge University guess?

  • Fair enough

  • Hey sir, do you know which country's flag this is?

  • Didn't even smile

  • Man

  • What a misery guts

  • Hey there, do you know which country's flag this is by any chance?

  • Aw man

  • Hey, do you know which country's flag this is?

  • Aw man

  • That was pretty dumb

  • That's me, that's me

  • I'm Lewis, the dumb YouTube guy

  • You know

  • Hey guys, do you know which country's flag this is by any chance?

  • Don't even recognise it?

  • Hey there madam, do you know which country's flag this is?

  • No idea?

  • I think people in Cambridge have lost the ability to speak

  • It really seems like that

  • Hey guys, do you have any idea which country's flag this is?

  • No

  • No, do you want to know?

  • Go on then

  • It's Taiwan

  • Oh, okay

  • Yeah, you've never seen it before?

  • Never seen it before

  • Okay, well you've learned something new then

  • Yeah

  • Awesome, have a good day

  • Okay, there we go

  • You see, some people actually stop and talk, which is nice, you know

  • I appreciate that

  • Do you guys know which country's flag this is?

  • No, we don't

  • Oh, it's Taiwan

  • Yeah, okay

  • I don't even know which country's flag this is

  • I don't know why I'm holding it

  • It's just a random flag that I found

  • Can anyone help me?

  • Does anybody know which country's flag this is?

  • Oh, is it Taiwan?

  • It's not a country?

  • Oh, I thought Taiwan was a country

  • Really?

  • Really, oh

  • For some reason I thought Taiwan was a country, you know

  • Because they have their own government

  • They have their own military

  • They have their own passport, their own currency

  • They're essentially a country

  • So, yeah

  • Oh, so this is Taiwan's flag

  • The beautiful democratic country of Taiwan

  • Awesome

  • Not country, not country

  • Really?

  • I don't know

  • Said you

  • Taiwan is a country

  • Okay?

  • There you go, you see

  • He says, it's a province

  • Yeah, okay, well

  • Why do they have their own military?

  • Their own currency, their own passport

  • I'd love to see Xi Jinping go to Taiwan

  • Yeah, because if it is a province of China

  • Surely the ruler of China can go over there, right?

  • Definitely not

  • So, we got another interesting looking building

  • I don't even know what it is

  • But it looks even better than the other one

  • With the Taiwan flag next to it

  • Oh, yeah

  • Hey guys, do you know which country's flag this is?

  • Sorry

  • No idea?

  • I have no idea

  • Oh, it's Taiwan

  • Taiwan, okay

  • Yeah, okay, there you go

  • It's Taiwan, okay

  • Yeah, yeah, awesome

  • Okay

  • You've got a flag, I've got a flag

  • I'm just saying

  • My flag's bigger than yours

  • It's a shame, isn't it?

  • Okay, hey guys, do you know which country's flag this is?

  • No

  • No idea?

  • I'm going to be on YouTube

  • You're going to be on YouTube

  • You're going to be famous

  • I'm going to make you famous

  • This...

  • I want to say

  • So, can you take a guess?

  • Something Eastern European?

  • Oh, no

  • It's in Asia

  • Is it Taiwan?

  • Taiwan

  • Yeah

  • I thought so, nice

  • Awesome, man

  • You know your flags

  • Well done

  • Just this one

  • Oh, only this one?

  • So, this is the only flag in your life?

  • Pretty much

  • Well, thank you very much

  • Yeah, I'm just basically going around

  • Seeing if people recognize this flag

  • Oh, yeah

  • Because I think this flag doesn't get enough publicity, so

  • I agree

  • Yeah, awesome

  • And do you think Taiwan is a democratic country?

  • Free democratic country?

  • Or is it part of CCP-controlled China?

  • I would definitely not say that it's part of CCP

  • Excellent

  • You're a man after my own heart

  • Yeah

  • Absolutely

  • To be honest, I don't know enough to really have a solid opinion on it

  • But I feel that

  • The majority of Taiwanese people want to be free from CCP control

  • And 100% I agree with that

  • Hey guys, do you know which country's flag this is?

  • I just found it

  • It's like a random flag

  • Any idea?

  • Can you help me out?

  • Let's do a Pai Ocean

  • No problem

  • Problem, we don't know what the flag is

  • Information, we can go on Google

  • Options

  • I don't want to be on social media

  • Dude, it looks like some stupid guy

  • Do we think it's Asia or do we think it's Asia?

  • No, I know it's like America, south of America

  • No, no, no

  • Okay

  • It's like Malaysia

  • I think it's in Asia somewhere

  • Yeah, Malaysia

  • Yeah

  • Like Philippines stuff

  • Kind of like Philippines, yeah?

  • Philippines

  • Okay

  • Not exactly Philippines, I know the Philippines is not this one

  • I think it begins with the letter T

  • Taiwan, Taiwan

  • No, no, no

  • Yeah, no, you got it

  • It's Taiwan

  • Yeah, it's Taiwan's flag

  • Have you never seen this flag before, guys?

  • No, no, no

  • Oh, really? Okay

  • I mean, you don't really get to see a lot of it, I guess, because of like the Chinese Communist Party and that kind of thing

  • Maybe, they haven't restricted, right?

  • They don't want people to see it, right?

  • So, yeah, this is the Taiwan flag

  • Okay

  • Yeah

  • All right, guys, well, anyway, have a good day

  • Can you clip it so it sounds like I gave the right answer?

  • Okay, yeah, I'll basically cut it

  • Sounds smart

  • It's Taiwan

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • They got it

  • Okay, cool

  • Cheers, guys

  • All right, have a good day, guys

  • Yeah, thank you

  • Man, I have no idea

  • Like, I found this flag

  • I don't know which country it is

  • Does anybody know which country this is?

  • It's...

  • Taiwan

  • Yeah

  • It looks like Taiwan's, doesn't it?

  • Yeah, okay

  • Oh, right

  • It's the free and democratic country of Taiwan's flag

  • Awesome

  • Hey, my man

  • Do you know which country's flag this is?

  • I think it's...

  • Oh, f**k

  • It's...

  • Is it Taiwan?

  • Yeah

  • How did you know?

  • Well, because I'm not American

  • So I...

  • That's a good answer

  • I have an eye on reality and key parts of it

  • Yes

  • Yeah, I almost said Tibet

  • Because my brain went f**k

  • It begins with the letter T

  • Yeah, that's the other place that's like...

  • Tibet's already been f**ked by China

  • And this is...

  • Might be f**ked by China

  • Absolutely

  • That's how the brain works, isn't it?

  • Absolutely, okay

  • Any other questions?

  • No, just like...

  • What are you doing today?

  • You're looking pretty dapper

  • Oh yeah, I dissect people's heads

  • I ask anyone who's introspective enough, courageous enough

  • To put 21 colours in their preferred order

  • If they'd like to do that

  • And should they be foolish enough, courageous enough to do that

  • I reveal the inner workings of their minds

  • Profound depths of their soul

  • Their present psychological condition

  • It's very, very...

  • So are you like a psychic?

  • No, everyone mistakes me for psychic

  • They either think I'm a psychic

  • Or I've been living in their wardrobe for two years

  • Spying on them or under the bed

  • Because I was just wondering if you read my mind

  • When I was showing you this flag

  • No, no, no, no, no

  • It was purely that that's a very interesting flag

  • Because it is aesthetically pleasing

  • And it sort of affects that part of the geopolitics

  • Which people forget about

  • Where are you from?

  • China

  • China?

  • This isn't China

  • Then what is it?

  • This is Taiwan

  • Oh, Taiwan

  • Taiwan is China?

  • Yes, it's Taiwan's country

  • Taiwan is also China's

  • Really?

  • Yes, Taiwan belongs to China

  • What?

  • Yeah, Taiwan is not a country

  • What kind of movie?

  • Just a movie

  • Just a video for YouTube

  • Yeah

  • Just asking people which flag this is

  • All the Chinese face

  • Taiwan belongs to China

  • Taiwan is part of China

  • Taiwan is a small island

  • What about the Taiwanese people?

  • You ask the Taiwanese people

  • Most of them can answer so

  • But if a little people, a minority

  • Most of them will say Taiwan belongs to China?

  • The minority cannot represent the Republic of China

  • So you're saying most Taiwanese people will say

  • That Taiwan belongs to China

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah, go to them

  • But the Republic of China

  • Even some of them say no

  • You know, you wash the brain

  • By the governors right now

  • So your opinion

  • I have to go

  • Your opinion is

  • Don't use this flag again

  • Sorry, say that again

  • Say don't use this flag again

  • No, I'll use this flag wherever I want

  • Because this is England, not China

  • Do you understand?

  • It's not approved by the United Nations

  • And yes, although he is correct

  • That Taiwan unfortunately isn't a member of the United Nations

  • I still wanted to ask him

  • How does that mean that Taiwan is a part of communist China?

  • But alas, he walked away

  • And didn't give me a chance to respond

  • What a douche

  • Oh my god

  • The absolute balls on that guy from China

  • Just how brazen he was to come up to me

  • And tell me that I can't have that flag in the UK

  • Which is a free and democratic country

  • Where we're allowed to fly any flag that we want

  • Walking down the street

  • The absolute nerve of that guy

  • Just imagine that I went to his country, China

  • And I started telling them my political beliefs

  • I would be locked up

  • Thrown into a re-education camp

  • Or whatever they call them

  • And you wouldn't see good old Louis ever again

  • But he can come here

  • And he can start talking about his brainwashed

  • Weirdo political beliefs

  • His stupid ass propaganda

  • And there's absolutely zero repercussions

  • Okay guys, so we walked around Cambridge

  • We had some really really interesting interactions

  • As usual

  • This flag always encourages some positivity

  • We had a couple of funny incidents

  • Especially with that Chinese dude who was saying

  • It's a province

  • Sorry mate

  • No matter how much you think

  • Taiwan is not a part of communist China

  • And it never will be, mate

  • Alright guys, anyway

  • That's it for another video

  • Don't forget to like, comment, subscribe

  • Check out my Patreon

  • Check out the channel memberships

  • And also, the Free China channel has an Instagram

  • So please go and follow me on Instagram

  • And as always

  • Taiwan, number one

  • See you in the next one guys

  • The light is young when we begin

  • One breath, the air is unmasked

  • We must unfold with young and old

  • Cause life is on our side

  • Our pain and lies remain

  • Blue moon

  • You saw me standing alone

  • Without a dream in my heart

  • Without a love of my own

The province of China

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Cambridge Belongs to China - Taiwan's Flag Destroys Little Pinks! 劍橋是中國的-台灣國旗惹小粉紅生氣!

  • 2 0
    VoiceTube posted on 2024/10/09
Video vocabulary