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  • Oh...

  • Oh...

  • SpongeBob to Sandy. SpongeBob to Sandy.

  • Come in, Sandy.

  • Sandy to SpongeBob. I got my ox in a ditch here.

  • Hut! My way off course.

  • Hoo-la! Scallops are eating the balloon.

  • Hoo-la! They're everywhere.

  • Oh.

  • Aw, phew!

  • We're going down, SpongeBob. Which plan B?

  • No, no B, Sandy. No B. No!

  • Oh...

  • Uh, Patrick, you know how sometimes you plan something special and things just don't work out?

  • No. No.

  • Oh, holy mackerel!

  • Is it hot up here or what?

  • No! No!

  • No! No, Patrick! No, Patrick!

  • No! No, Patrick!

  • Patrick! Patrick, no!

  • No, Patrick!

  • No! No, Patrick!

  • Patrick! Here it is!

  • What's that?

  • A handshake. A friendly handshake.

  • A handshake?

  • That's the big gift?

  • You got me a handshake?

  • A friendly handshake.

  • Happy Valentine's Day.

  • Ah!

  • Wiki-Weki Wiki-Weki Wiki-Weki Wiki-Weki

  • Wiki-Weki Wiki-Weki Wiki-WekiNOUNCER 었는데

  • I've been thinking.

  • At first, a handshake doesn't seem like much.

  •'s the thought that counts.

  • SpongeBob. I wanted to thank you for this box of chocolates...

  • No problem, friend.

  • Even though I was expecting more...

  • Thanks for the roses, SpongeBob. Happy Valentine's Day.

  • You too, Dave.

  • And not that it matters that we've been friends for so long.

  • Hey, SpongeBob. Thanks for the bike.

  • Can you believe this guy? I just met him this morning.

  • So, as I was saying...

  • Uh, excuse me. Do you guys have a time?

  • Ah! Patrick needs love, too!

  • Ooh!

  • Ah!

  • Ah!

  • Ah!

  • Ah!

  • I defy you, heart man!

  • Ah!

  • Attention, everyone.

  • There's a chubby pink starfish on the loose.

  • Ah!

  • Ah!

  • Heart on stick! Must die!

  • Ah!

  • Ah!

  • Ah!

  • Ah!

  • Heart on stick! Must die!

  • Ah!

  • Ah!

  • Patrick!

  • Ah!

  • Ah!

  • Ah!

  • Ah!

  • Ah!

  • Ah!

  • Give me SpongeBob!

  • Ah!

  • You broke my heart.

  • Now I'm gonna break something of yours!

  • Okay, Patrick. I know I deserve this.

  • But do they?

  • They didn't give me anything either.

  • Nope. It's too late for that now.

  • For all of you.

  • Ah!

  • Ah!

  • Ah!

  • Yee-haw!

  • Get along, little shellfish!

  • Get him, you scallops!

  • Yeah! Sandy's here!

  • Whoo! Look, Patrick, it's here!

  • It's here!

  • The best valentine in the whole wide world is right behind you!

  • Sure it is.

  • I'm telling you, it's right there!

  • Turn around!

  • Uh-uh.

  • Patrick, just turn around.

  • Turn around!

  • A nincompoop behind you!

  • You must think I'm pretty dumb, huh?

  • Yes!

  • Turn around!

  • No!

  • Turn around! Turn around!

  • Nuh-uh! I'm gonna say this once, and I'm not gonna say it again.

  • So pay attention!

  • I am not, I repeat, not going to turn around for any reason ever!

  • Howdy, Patrick!

  • Hi, Sandy!

  • Huh?

  • My neck!

  • Happy Valentine's Day, Patrick!

  • Yay!

  • Yay!

  • My valentine!

  • Hey, is this solid chocolate?

  • Patrick, no!

  • Oh, SpongeBob.

  • You didn't have to give me anything.


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SpongeBob Plans a Special Surpise for Patrick ? | "Valentine's Day" Full Scene | SpongeBob

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    VoiceTube posted on 2024/10/09
Video vocabulary